Обсуждение работы USE OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS - Студенческий научный форум

X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Аванесян Н.Л. 1, Ермолаева Л.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
  • Якунина Екатерина Михайловна 19.02.18 в 09:32 #
    very interesting and informative article, thank to the author!
  • Саркисян Ася Стеановна 19.02.18 в 09:36 #
    The article is very interesting. Thank to the author)
  • привезенцева дарья алексеевна 19.02.18 в 09:38 #
    this is very interesting article for reading. here is a lot of useful information.
  • I would like to read more information on this topic. I really liked it. Great article!
  • Баклаков Роман Михайлович 19.02.18 в 09:39 #
    That was interesting to read about use of geographic information systems. Thank you!
  • Бабицкая Александра Станиславовна 19.02.18 в 09:39 #
    This article is interesting and there is much new in it. Thanks to the author!
  • Алышева Дарья Денисовна 19.02.18 в 09:39 #
    The article is very informative and useful for reading. A lot of advantages of IT are described! Thank to the author.
  • Матвеев Дмитрий Денисович 19.02.18 в 09:42 #
    This article is actually good. A lot of information about GIS.
  • Дудкин Денис 19.02.18 в 09:43 #
    Thank you for this article. It was interesting to read
  • Измайлов Роман Артемович 02.03.18 в 09:29 #
    Very informative article. The authors have done their best.

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