X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Аванесян Н.Л. 1, Ермолаева Л.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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In the modern world, information technology is one of the methods for reducing costs, increasing productivity, mobility, and prompt decision making in business. The main opportunity to reduce costs is the effective organization of logistics supply and marketing, which can reduce costs by 30-40%. The geoinformation systems (GIS) are capable to reach such costs reduction. Every year the interest of entrepreneurs in this technology is increasing, and conferences and exhibitions devoted to GIS are regularly held.

GIS refers to a set of software and hardware that is responsible for the accumulation, storage and visualization on the maps of any spatial information available to the enterprise, the identification of relationships between objects, and the modeling of evolving processes and phenomena [1].

This technology combines traditional operations with databases (DB), such as query and statistical analysis, with the benefits of full visualization and geographical (spatial) analysis, which provided by the map [2].

The advantages of this technology are [3]:

• availability of a set of tools for creating and merging databases;

• provision of geographical analysis and visualization of the database in the form of various maps, graphs, diagrams;

• possibility of direct binding to each other in the Hot Link mode of all attributive and graphic data.

GIS also has some disadvantages:

• greater dependence of the work of GIS on the initial geographic data;

• dependence of the final result on the accuracy and clarity of data transferred to the GIS;

• some complexity of object analysis, but this problem can be solved with the help of plug-ins, or by configuring the system to solve specific problems.

However, the purchase, introduction and further usage of GIS will only yield a positive result by solving many problems.

It is necessary to say that the scope of application of GIS in business covers different areas such as [3]:

• analysis and monitoring of the current state and trends of the market;

• business activities planning;

• optimal choice of the location for new branches of the firm or bank, retail outlets, warehouses, production facilities;

• support for decision-making;

• selection of the shortest or safest routes of transportation and ways of distribution of products;

• analysis of the material investment risk and settlement of disagreements;

• demographic studies conducted to determine the demand for products;

• geo-referencing of databases on land and home ownership.

The scheme of applying GIS in business is quite primitive. For example, there is a need for optimal management of some commercial organizations, traffic flows, communications networks, etc. when planning the development of economic management centers. First, an integrated information basis is created, then the geocoded information about the objects is loaded into the GIS database, which is already loaded with cartographic information on the required scales. Using the methods of theoretical and numerical analysis, linear programming, optimization problems are solved. As a result, the selection of the optimal location of commercial centers, selection of areas influenced by these centers, optimization of traffic flows, optimization of information support are implemented [4].

Today GIS is a huge industry in which hundreds of thousands of people around the world are involved. According to statistics, the leaders of the GIS industry are American companies ESRI, Intergraph, Autodesk, MapInfo. At the same time, the Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI) holds a leading position as a provider of software GIS software [5].

However, in Russia the popularity of GIS came about in the early 90's. At that time, geoinformation technologies of world producers appeared for the first time in the country. But basically GIS technologies were used in large companies and were aimed at providing services for the development of complex IT projects [6].

It should be noted that the process of establishing GIS in Russia was very difficult. Development was hindered by legislation prohibiting the use of publicly available cartographic data, as well as the lack of software for GIS. And only when the cartographic basis became more open and the legalization of satellite communication took place, many state and commercial organizations began to actively develop GIS projects.

There is also a GIS-Association, which made a significant contribution to the development of geoinformatics in Russia.

Table 1 shows the main GIS of domestic developers.

Table 1 - Analysis of GIS of Russian developers


Support for formats

Database Support

Scope of application

GeoGraph ГИС (ЦГИGIS (CGI IGRAN, Moscow)

gen, mif/mid,

vec, dxf,

shp, tif,

jpeg, and others.



Oracle, Access, Interbase and others.

geology, subsoil use,

communications, road facilities, energy, forestry, etc.

GIS InGeo (CSI «Integro», Ufa)

shp, dxf, gen, bmp,

tif, idf, mif/mid and others.



SQL, Oracle SQL


GIS, unitary


enterprises, cartography, etc.


GeoMixer (Engineering-

Technology Center

«ScanEx», Moscow)

png, tiff,

jpeg, gml,



SQL Server,

Prostgre SQL

Space monitoring, fuel industry, etc.

ZuluGIS (Polytherm, St. Petersburg)



shp, kml,

bmp, wmf,

gpx, plt and others.


dBase, Microsoft Access

Microsoft SQL Server,

Oracle, MySQL,

Sybase and others.

energy, municipal GIS,transport, metallurgy, etc.

IndorGIS («Indore-SOFT», Tomsk)


dxf, shp,e00, bmp, tif, jpg, fif, xbm, ppm, cvp, psg, img, lbm and others.

Oracle, Sybase, Informix,DB2, Microsoft

SQL Server,

Paradox and others.

transport, networkspower supply, etc.

GIS «Panorama» (Construct-office«Panorama», Moscow)

sxf, txt, dir, gml,mif/mid, shp,bmp,dxf,kml,

mp,mtw, mtq, mtl, and others.




Аccess and others.

cartography, security systems, subsoil use, railways, aviation, municipal GIS, etc.

At present, Russia has good geoinformation solutions, the prerequisites for the creation of which have become sanctions. After the imposition of sanctions, import decisions ceased to be accessible to a significant percentage of enterprises and organizations. The output was geoinformation systems with open source - open GIS. And in Russia there were intelligent developers who created high-quality applications and services based on open GIS, which became a breakthrough for the country.

The market for geolocation services and solutions has increased noticeably. We give some examples. There are systems for processing remote sensing data (RS), augmented reality technologies, such as Tango-technologies that allow you to determine the positioning of a person indoors without GPS sensors, Wi-Fi tags, etc. and Microsoft Hololens glasses, with the help of which it is possible to solve the tasks of planning the protection of a territory or a room with a visualization of the coverage areas of sensors, CCTV cameras and other physical protection means. Planet satellites offered a new business model - connection to online monitoring of any point of the Earth in the daily shooting mode.

Thus, GIS provide significant opportunities for making operative and long-term decisions on which the sustainability of the economic development of an organization depends. Using these technologies allows businesses to go beyond the usual methods of working with tabular data and introduce an integrated approach that is based on geographic location, in the process of viewing, analyzing data and making operative decisions.


1. GIS changes business, business changes GIS [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

2. Basic principles and features of GIS [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

3. Application of GIS for solving economic problems and in business [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data.URL:

4. Application of GIS-technologies in economic IT [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

5. Application of geoinformation systems for business purposes [Electronic resource]. – Электрон. - Electron. данные. data. URL:

6. GIS today: trends, overview [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

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