VII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2015


Абдиманапова Л.С. 1
1Евразийский Национальный Университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева
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Due to the developments in information technology have made some changes in teaching process, namely, speed of exchanging information and easy acceptance on it makes teachers not to convey information but to instruct it in order learners to be able to explore knowledge by themselves. Creation speech situations in FL to activate and optimize speech activity of learners, which are appropriate to the new changes in the education system of Kazakhstan, are studied in our work. We have regarded usage of individual oriented learning and differentiated instruction for creation speech situations as a teaching technique to activate and optimize speech activity of learners.

Speech situations are the basic units of speech activity. Its main purpose is to provide students with the birth of the production of individual speech in the course of specially organized activities. Speech situation arises spontaneously or organized by teacher and it is necessary to be resolved through speech activity of participants because development of speech activity of students requires the creation of special speech situations which are not separated and contribute to improve the efficiency of all activities included in the learning process

Opinions of modern didactic and methodology logical research coincide with application of speech situations to the educational process as form of functioning the intercourse form of organization of educational process and in such capacity speech situations accomplish all necessary learning functions. Presences of subjective factors of speech situations give opportunities to regard them as method to individualization learning.

There are multiple typologies of situations such as natural and artificial; typical communicative and variable; determinative and independent. All these diversity of situations are applicable for individual oriented learning of situational subjects. However, most of opportunities application of speech situations revealed individually teaching students to foreign language while acquiring foreign language such as speech situations are involved as process and syllabus. In teaching foreign language as important pedagogical activity appears a designing learning speech situation as teaching speech models. In every stage they accomplish particular functions. From all aggregated conditions, succeeded natural speech situations for academic situation which are more significant “motivational-aimed factors” of learners; general context of activity; individual choice of roles; interrelations of communicators and their numbers, topic of the conversations and awareness of communicative tasks. It is necessary to take into account types of speech situations for individualizing learning of students. Generalizing and systemizing knowledge about speech situations in the process individualization process education of student allowed to disclose them closer communication.

In didactics, personal equation or main individual characteristics are taken into account as differentiation.

Scientists V.M. Monochov, V.A.Oralov and V.V. Firsov have divided differentiation into external and intermnal.[4,19]

An internal differentiation is similar to individualization learning because it is regarded to take into account individual characteristics of learner in the organization of learning process. In internal differentiation learners are formed into groups with certain conditions. The teacher divides ideally groups of learners according their characteristic (for instance according to the speed of completing learning task ) and correspondingly differentiated tasks, method of controlling the end of work of learners.

In external differentiation, learners are combined together in real groups. External differentiation is realized through organization facultative classroom, designing classes schools with digging in subjects.

According to Pochechnyaia internal differentiation that is occurred at the lesson and individually oriented learning is achieved basically by means of pedagogical technologies and various techniques that provide these technologies. In this internal differentiation, groups are combined according to their characteristics such as abilities, future career and their interests.

Pochechnyaia has mentioned that teachers have faced with problem “the selection of content of education(syllabus)” because practical aspect of constructing communicative speech of content has not been solved yet. Teachers have to accurately present how educational program will be filled and how obligatory core will be associated with part of variation. As far as Pochechnyaia has suggested a possible solution of this problem that means “module principles” might be used for determination content of knowledge because each spread of module includes its set of themes of additional sections and requirements for level of acquiring language material. An extra linguistic content of knowledge in teaching foreign language should be rewritten on the basis of speech situations. Different methods of individualization is realized in practice with the help of such common techniques as extended learning program of educational discipline. And planning individual plans in accordance with interest of students as well as professional requirements and variation of time which are given to studying subject and appropriate to individual characteristics and capabilities of students.

According to the studies of M.B. Klarin, in some foreign countries, the concept of individualization learning is caught on as improving students independent works in accordance with their individual characteristics. Whereas American pedagogues P.M. Gang and U.J Birg have suggested following variants of teaching on the basis of freedom of choice:

  1. Independent fromlearning where students choose themselves learning materials and method of its acquisition. Teacher offer learning material and becomes into consultants.

  2. Aims for achieving and learning material are chosen by students as well as method acquiring knowledge, too.

  3. Learners choose the time and learning material for studying but teacher chooses acquiring method.

  4. All educational tasks are identified by students such as learning material, sequence of learning, speed and choice purposes.

All these techniques are used in addition to obligatory educational work and only for half of students.

Last decades individualization is regarded as a mean creating conditions for self-expression of learners when achieving desired goals. According to Pochechnyaya individualization presented with three bases:

  1. Differentiated instruction that is grouping learners on the basis of their abilities or complexes of these abilities for learning by some different teaching plans or program.

  2. Individualization is worthy training to achieve class assignment.

  3. Passing from training courses at different individual speed.

All options are possible with reliance on speech situations as mandatory component individualized instruction.

Hence, individualized instruction is productive for necessity of encouraging learners to design self-expression and self-actualization, simultaneously, this process is regarded as transition from social collective activity to individual activity forms, perfectibility individual works of learners organizing learning process and regarding individual characteristics of learners, complex of organization didactic and methodological activities toward to create optimal conditions for teaching all and each student in accordance their real capabilities.

Methods of individualization for teaching speech activity with complex merits, speech situations provides opportunities accounting individual characteristics of learners on the other hand speech situations affect on personal development.

It is important to have particular conditions such as content of knowledge, methods and organizational forms in order to realize successfully individualized instruction in learning process. We have underlined Pochechnyaia’s research on the didactic conditions for efficiency of speech situations as method of individualized instruction.

Exactly four didactic conditions of speech situations are emphasized for individualized instruction that affects on activation speech activity of learners such as:

1)Explanation of speech situations as form of organization learning process.

Main purpose of foreign language teaching is to teach for universal form of communications which is presented in speech situations. Language is important at particular situations and initially occurred by speech situations which are associated with three sides of learning process such as constructing learning materials, method of presenting learning language material at the lesson and forms of organization activity.

Application of all variants speech situations make to keep each students from missing themes and `speech material and simultaneously stimulate students interest and encourage them with supporting.

Individualized instruction is assumed regarding all individual characteristics of learners such as level of proficiency and capabilities, character and type of temperaments, interests and aspiration to new knowledge. The main condition for teacher to exposure all listed individual characteristics. Developing speech skills is revealed in the course of intercommunication.

Questions of teacher should be asked in order to answer simply as well as it is used to prompt learners to apply all speech means for informative response. Identifications of interest and aptitude of learner are not difficult for teachers. It is easy to use questionnaires and conversation to clear up what students do at spare time; what books they prefer; what film they watch; what they discuss with pleasure and what topic they avoid from. The most difficult for teacher is to present characteristics of learners. In order to obtain reliable information about their characteristics. It needs to apply professional skills, psycho didactic method, as a rule, skillful teacher might clarify these characteristics inductively by “their life experience”.

2)Modeling speech situations by standards of teaching objectives and 3)Correlations of allowance speech situations with teaching functions.

The process of teaching foreign language is characterized with the sequence of formation foreign language speech and its logic which are identified with common purposes and objectives. Sequence of teaching must provide stages with introduction of training speech activity as well as skills and abilities. There are special tasks for formation speech activity of learners in each stage.

At the first stage, units of language acquisition are occurred contextual application of language material. Possibility of conveyance language at situational level is identified that any language form as polysemic and only its contextual application help to understand its meaning.

The task of second stage is to atomize speech situations organizing micro situations which represent its fragments final speech situations.

Third stage is accumulation of experience in different situations. The main task of this stage includes teaching fro situational factors which are presented at concrete situation.

The essence of speech situations in teaching foreign languages characterize its functions such as educational, developing and upbringing because modeling speech situations at the lesson learning process towards to formation knowledge, skills and abilities as method of presenting new language material (as grammar and lexis).Furthermore, it enables students personal development and involves learners in a active speech activity.

In addition, due to the particular type of speech situations (discussion, conference and business play) some personal qualities of learners such as honesty, aesthetical performance, following on accepted standard of conduct in society or in the future career sphere are formulated. Hence, speech situations provide more opportunities for fully realization and make learning process more successful.

4)Applications of all types of speech situations for each stage of educational cognitive activity.

The first group towards to perception speech activity of teacher and students’ expression adequately. These situations are characterized with system of speech influenced on student by teacher. Speech activity of learner affects on acquisition of grammar and lexis constructions act for imitation that assists learners to think about their speech and speech of their classmates. As the result, students will have elements of self analysis and self observation. Teacher works under extending speech skills that enable perception speech accurately and carry particular requirements.

Second group of situations are the situations of expressing which include students actively operation speech activity. In the capacity of expressing, teacher apply various situations to stimulate suddenly to speak such as speech activity is mostly induced by motivating students.

It is necessary to take into account their interest and aptitude for allocation situations.

The third group of situations is used to “influence” that provide opportunities for independent operation of speech activity such situations as discussion, role and business games. Participants playing these games express their opinions, persuade or stay on their positions. Such expressing intercourse of speech activity enable to determinate positions of learner activity. Influencing function of speech consists of its modifying feature impacting not only on surroundings but also on him.

With the influential function of speech relates to teaching monologue and dialogue forms of intercourse which make to acquire techniques such as description and narration, ability of thinking out loud, persuade, defend his judgment, express his opinions and attitude to the happening.

In the course of speech communication occurs exchanging abilities, information, experiences and skills as well as outcomes of activity that is one of necessary conditions for formation and development of individuals. Speech communication should develop students culture of speech and the forcement of influencing and teach for code of conduct in the sphere of their professional activity.

Regarding didactic conditions of speech situations we totally agree with Pochechnyaya because students who are obtained high level of language acquisition, become co participant of learning process. They enable teacher to see prolonged subjects based on free choice. Hence, the status of student is changed, he acts as a role of subject. Aggregate of all highlighted conditions provide teachers with successful individualize learning process, paying attention on , taking into account his interest, aptitudes and capabilities as well as enable personal development of learners and their active position.

Learning goals is to make students capable to realize learning speech situation which represented as element of content of education such learning speech situations are selected and idealized as typical speech act for concrete category of teaching on the basis of general objective principles and create background of activity for communicative objectives while defined on the program. Typical learning speech situation presents “some typical construct, methodological model of contacts which are realized speech activity communicative and realized on typical social communicative roles ”.

Students must learn to realize basic functions of communication at its different kinds in accordance with their desire and needs. For this they must to have opportunities to apply repeatedly training learning language material at different situations according to their internal motivation. Therefore, to training by means of teaching which activate verbal cognitive activity of learners at the lessons. To stimulate speech mental of learner might be possible by formulation all kinds of speech activity such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. It is necessary toward to speech activity to complete communicative tasks because speech activity represented as more naturally.

Description might be used for this activity because with the help of it is solved problematic-cognitive task, discussion when sequence of sentences presented partially clear.

To motivate verbal cognitive activity might be used by teaching strategy expressing and might be planned as answer for questions, searching details, summarizing, hypothesize .

Method achieving aim called “tactics” also stimulates verbal cognitive activities. Tactical strategies of teacher are such: presenting the text, images, sequencing of questions, multiple choice of answer, working by sample, creative works.

Hence, stimulating cognitive activity allows to manage learning process and accounts individual characteristics of students.

In order to apply individual oriented approach and differentiated instruction, types of learning situations should be reviewed. Situations are classified on the basis prevalence in typical communicative spheres appropriate to learners such as educational working scope, family-household scope, social cultural scope, spectacular massive scope.

Appetence to this or that sphere of communication depends on application of important individual characteristic of students because speech situations might be occurred due to being closer, interesting and available for students. Learning speech situations are typified by realization what kind of communication they are presenting:

  1. Learning speech situations social oriented communication which represented as the background of thematic speech, report, etc.

  2. Learning speech situation personal oriented communication inducing learners to exchanging opinions impressions and information

  3. Learning speech situation subject oriented communication which stimulates students to planning cooperative activity, coordination of achievement, accomplishing and discussing its results.

Learning speech situations are typified stimulating speech forms such as dialogue, monologue and polylogue form of communication. They are identified by arrangement of learners communications, the connection forms. Dialogue forms of communication is the feature for individual or maintaining subject of learning activity. Learning speech situation might stimulate various types of dialogues.

The efficiency realization learning speech situation as one of the condition for optimize foreign language acquisition depends on following factors.

  1. The presence of speech motivations. Taking for instance: “Make a dialogue on the following situation. Somebody tells a friend to read a book ( a story). The friend has not seen a screen version (or adoption for stage)” [8,44]. Although task is given “Make a dialogue”, there is not verbal impetus. As result it is not clear how to conduct the conversation.

  2. Clear formulation verbal impetus. For example: “Suppose while wandering through a wood you got stuck in a bog.; Would you cry out for help?[9, 13]” It would be better to formulate verbal impetus as “Would you cry?”

  3. The description of situation which stimulates speech reaction and it does not substitute the description of action and sensation of the subject, In particularly as “there are great many of mushrooms down in the wood close by. You tell your friend of the place, and off you go across the fields. Presently you come to a little flat space, and there you find lots of mushrooms. In no time the basket are full. Oh, but what a weight (but they are heavy) As you suddenly stumble and fall length on the ground, spilling mushrooms”[9,16] The detailed description of the action probably might become the subject matter of conversation.

  4. The absence of ornatness of situations. “You are feverish. You go to the doctor and complain of headache and a severe cough. After checking your temperature the doctor applies his stethoscope to your chest and says you should be X-rayed at once. He looks very grave. He adds that you must have your blood count taken too. Then he sends you home, saying that will come to your house himself in a day or two ” [10, 42] Speech reaction in this situation is not inconceivable without enumeration all details. In this case the task coincide de with reproduction and dramatization the text.

  5. Situations should consist of witting about happening that prevent from excessive appeal to imagination of learners and namely in “Take your foreign visitors on an imaginary round of an exhibition block of flats. For each room there should be student guide. Students acting as visitors are expected to make their comments on what they see, make imaginary entries in the Visitor’s book. They are expected to ask questions” [11, 42]

Learners should imagine not only circumstance with details but also should give detailed description and evaluation.

  1. Learners should not be provided with speech reaction that are almost literally transfer from indirect speech to direct speech. Otherwise, the opportunity to learn including will be excluded. For instance: “You hear one of your classmates prompting: a) tell him stop; b) tell him not to do anymore” [12, 61]

  2. The conditions for modelizing situations should not be exceeded in the return of volume possible speech reaction of learning foreign language. For example: “You want to do some cleaning up in the garden. A great many weeds have to be pulled out, fallen leaves and dry branches removed from the garden path and number of other things attended to. You ask your sister help you tidy up the garden” [9, 35]

The structure of optimizing unprepared oral speech in foreign language consists in condition of situation and speech reaction of learners.

To sum up, speech situation is the main units of speech activity and presents aggregate of externally circumstances which induces to speech activity and character of perception of students’ external conditions. Finding out features of speech situations then clarified the types of speech situations and its didactic principles. Identification how to use individual and differentiated instruction to design and to apply speech situations for activate and optimize speech activity was analyzed. Thus, speech situations are teaching techniques for effectively stimulating and optimizing speech activities of learners with the applications with individual approach and differentiated instruction that provide opportunities accounting individual characteristics of learners on the other hand speech situations affect on personal development.


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