XVII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2025


Коваль В.А. 1, Коновалов А.А. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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The image of a hero in the understanding of young people is not a static picture of the past, but a dynamic construct formed under the influence of many factors: from historical events and the media space to personal experience and value orientations. If earlier heroes were often people who performed feats in war or achieved outstanding results in science and art, today the criteria have changed dramatically.

It is important to note that the concept of a «hero» is constantly evolving. If earlier the image of a hero was often associated with impeccable strength and feat, today young people increasingly value success and self-realization.

There is a shift in emphasis: from external feats to internal ones. Young people are looking for heroes not just as an example to follow, but also as a support for their own development. They strive to see in front of them a person who is able to overcome internal conflicts and remain true to their principles, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Ultimately, a modern hero conveys the idea that heroism is not an innate quality, but the result of constant work on oneself. This is the ability to overcome one’s own weaknesses, do good deeds and take responsibility for one’s actions. It shows that heroism can manifest itself in a variety of forms - from saving a life to defending one’s interests. Mass media and pop culture have a great influence on the perception of young people, which also shape the idea of a hero. Young people see heroes in movies, TV series, video games and literature, and each of these sources offers its own interpretation. Heroes often become objects of fan art, which allows the audience to actively participate in the creation and rethinking of the image, adapting it to their own ideas or selfish goals. There is a certain danger in this. Young people aged 18 to 26 are poorly versed in the history of their country, but they know in great detail about the heroes of comics, films, TV series or video games. For them, these fictional characters with superpowers, performing feats in virtual reality, become role models. But these are artificially created heroes, and among real people there were many who performed a real feat and deserve to be remembered.

A hero of the Great Patriotic War is not just a name on an obelisk or a line in a history textbook. This is a living symbol refracted through the prism of modern values. The modern generation, which has not known the horrors of war, should see in these people an example of fortitude capable of overcoming any trials. A war hero is not a superman, but an ordinary person placed in extreme conditions. It is the humanity and simplicity of these heroes that make them close and understandable to modern man, their determination, loyalty to duty and comrades arouse admiration. In addition, a war hero should serve as a model of morality for us. Especially today, in an era of blurred moral guidelines, their life stories, full of dedication and honor, serve as a compass pointing the way to true values.

But young people should be interested in history in order to understand that the world is fragile and requires constant protection. War heroes remind us of the need to preserve peace, value freedom and remember the lessons of the past. Their feat is a call to responsibility for the future of our country and the whole world. They are an example of how love for the Motherland can become a driving force capable of the greatest achievements. The memory of the Great Patriotic War heroes is not just a tribute to the past, it is an investment in the future. It shapes the worldview of young people, strengthens their civic position and fosters patriotism. Knowledge of the exploits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers helps us realize our responsibility to future generations. Let us recall just a few examples from the history of our Motherland.

Many have heard the name of the young partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, but not everyone will remember what her feat was. This young girl, in the face of death, remained faithful to her country, her duty to the Motherland, did not betray her compatriots. Having been captured by the Nazis, she held on with dignity until the last minute of her life. She believed in the victory of the Soviet people over the German invaders and called on people not to surrender. Many heroic deeds were accomplished during that terrible war, some of which we know about, and some of which we will never find out. The task of the Russian people is to preserve the memory of that terrible time, so that the history does not repeat itself.

The heroes of the war in Afghanistan and Chechnya also deserve to be remembered. They defended the interests of our country, fought for a peaceful future for their descendants. For example, Senior Sergeant Nikolai Chepik, who was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, was ambushed by Afghan mujahideen on February 29, 1980, in a group of servicemen from the 317th regiment. All his comrades died, and Nikolai, in order not to surrender, used a fragmentation mine. He died, but about 30 enemies were killed with him.

The heroes of today are Police Lieutenant Magomed Nurbagandov and Pilot Roman Filippovwere not broken by the enemy, and their last words – «Work, brothers» and «This is for the fellows!» - became a motto and incentive for many to perform their own feats. Journalist Darya A. noted that these two phrases and what lies behind them can help raise a new generation that is not fixated on glamour and money, which will understand the true price of courage, self-sacrifice and love for the Motherland [1].

A huge number of heroic deeds are being committed right now on the fields of a special military operation. Some feats are already known to a wide circle of people, while others are known only to their direct participants. The task of each of us is to ensure that the memory of the feats of our contemporaries continues to live, so that the heroes remain in our hearts and become an example for future generations to follow.

By choosing their heroes, young people choose their way in life. They define for themselves the values that they consider important and strive to live up to them. The hero becomes a kind of landmark, a compass, indicating the direction in a complex and rapidly changing world.

The image of a war hero is a collective image that has absorbed the best human qualities of a person: courage, mercy, fortitude and unwavering faith in victory. This is an image that inspires new achievements and helps to overcome any difficulties. It lives in hearts, reminding us of the price of peace and the importance of preserving historical memory.

Education based on the example of war heroes is a powerful tool for shaping personality. By studying their biographies, analyzing their actions, we learn to make difficult decisions, defend our beliefs and take responsibility for our actions. War heroes are not just characters in history textbooks, they are living role models demonstrating how, in the most extreme conditions, one can maintain humanity and loyalty to duty. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin rightly notes that «the basis for the formation of political consciousness should be a state-patriotic idea that shapes a scientific worldview and determines a civic position» [2].

Therefore, the image of a hero must be carefully passed on from generation to generation. By telling children and grandchildren stories of courage and self-sacrifice, we create a strong connection between the past and the present, strengthen national identity and foster a sense of pride in our country.

Therefore, it is important to preserve monuments to war heroes, hold events dedicated to their exploits, and support veterans. This is not just a sign of respect for the past, it is a guarantee that the lessons of history will not be forgotten, and that future generations will be worthy of their ancestors. It is equally important to focus on the moral aspect of the feat [3]. War heroes often performed actions guided not only by military necessity, but also by feelings of compassion and mercy. This moral compass, which helped them remain human in inhuman conditions, should become a guide for the younger generation. And finally, it is important to remember that heroes exist not only in war. There is also a place for heroism in peacetime – in science, art, medicine, in everyday life. Education on heroic examples in wartime and peacetime should teach us to see and appreciate manifestations of courage and selflessness wherever they are found.


1. Dzyuban V.V. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and modern times: the exploits of the heroes of our Motherland // Arkhon, 2020. No. 2 (17). P. 4-8.

2. Putin V.V. On the importance of forming the position of young people on key milestones in the history of Russia. [Text] // (date accessed: 03.02.2025).

3. Lapteva O.I. Spiritual and moral values as determinants of human development / O.I. Lapteva // Development of territories. 2015. No. 3. URL: (date of access: 12.01.2025).

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