XVII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2025


Баранова Л.М. 1, Галыгин И.А. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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Nowadays, the issue of motivating and encouraging cadets to work independently is becoming quite relevant. In federal state educational standards, this problem is given a special place, in accordance with which independent work occupies a leading place in the organization of the educational process. Thus, obtaining a bachelor's degree implies not only obtaining a qualification in the training profile, but also the formation of certain qualities in cadets. These include, firstly, the ability to critically perceive and process information, secondly, the ability to directly receive new information, as well as the ability to independently make competent and thoughtful decisions in an unstable, rapidly changing environment.

There is a significant difference in the structure of the educational process in military universities and academies from other educational institutions. If we compare the structure of the educational process in educational institutions of basic and secondary education with a military university or academy, then the difference in the organization of the educational process is clearly noticeable. In schools, lyceums and secondary vocational educational institutions, the main methods are aimed at transferring knowledge and ready, processed information by teachers to pupils and students. In a military university or academy, on the contrary, all the main educational methods are aimed at stimulating and motivating cadets to independent and research work. The teacher here does not act as a translator of educational material, but as an assistant and a kind of "link" between the cadet and a huge amount of information from which it is necessary to choose what is really valuable and suitable. This expresses the global difference between the organization of the educational process of the university and other educational organizations.

Entering a military university or academy after graduating from school, for many cadets the structure of the educational process becomes unexpected and unusual. Over eleven years, a schoolchild gets used to the standard rhythm of educational activity, performing tasks given to the school by teachers according to the model, reviewing educational material and information only to the extent in which he is provided. In a military university or academy, on the contrary, the teacher gives the direction in which to move in the search for information, and the cadet himself must be directly involved in the search, collection, processing and structuring of information. These are the first methods that discipline a person, instill in him a certain independence and teach him to rationally distribute his study time. Let us consider the concept of "independent training/work " and its various interpretations. T.V. Maidanova considers the term "independent training/work" as individual or collective activity of students without the direct participation of the teacher, but under his control [1]. S.A. Tsyplakova interprets independent training/work as a system of measures for developing skills and abilities for the rational search for practically useful information [2]. N.V. Bystrova in turn, characterizes independent training/work as the acquisition of knowledge through independent search for information and the use of the acquired knowledge to solve practical, scientific and educational problems [3]. Summarizing all these definitions, we can determine that independent training/work is a purposeful process of searching, processing and systematizing useful information under the supervision of a teacher, but without his direct participation in the process itself.

Cadets’ independent training/work implies several actions: firstly, a clear understanding of the purpose of their activities, giving the educational task a meaning that is important personally for the cadet, and, secondly, clear self-control, self-organization and rational distribution of their personal time.

If we turn to history, we can see that Socrates was the first to turn to the method of organizing independent training/work; he developed a special teaching method that could activate the independence of learning - the so-called heuristic conversations.

Considering independent training/work, we can define three main tasks that are pursued in its implementation. The first task implies the development of independence in cognitive activity, in teaching the cadet to independently master information and knowledge, as well as to form his own worldview. The second task is based on the need to teach the cadet to apply the acquired knowledge in theoretical and practical service activities. And the third task is to determine various types of work for practice, as a means of developing the cadet's independence.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, sixty percent of the total study time is allocated to the students’ independent training/work. In a military university academy, this time is allocated in accordance with the daily routine. Because of this, the cadet often uses his personal time.

The effectiveness of organizing independent training/work depends on several factors, which can be divided into two groups: external and internal. External factors include the degree of guidance from the teacher or supervisor, as well as the level of complexity and content of tasks. Internal factors include the level of preparedness of students, the degree of intellectual development, and methods and ways of organizing their educational process.

Analyzing the results of many studies, we can identify several factors that influence the content of a student's independent training/work. This is a competent distribution of the volume of combined work with the teacher and work without his participation.

If we consider independent training/work according to the organizational criterion, we can distinguish frontal, individual and group work. Frontal work consists of a collective discussion of a specific issue, case or task, as a result of which a collective opinion is developed on solving a professional problem. With individual work, the student completes tasks independently, interacting with the teacher (for example, writing an article, essay, term paper, etc.). The group form of organization is also important, its main goal is to strengthen the educational motivation of cadets, working in pairs or in a micro-group.

To summarize, it can be emphasized that independent training/work of students is a necessary element of the organization of work in a military university or academy. The main goal of organizing independent training/work is the formation of an independent personality of a cadet, the development of the necessary qualities for complete mastery of competencies. Of course, when organizing independent training/work, it is important to take into account the individual qualities of the cadet, his readiness for intellectual work, the degree of cognitive activity, which largely depends on the level of motivation for the process of obtaining knowledge and, in general, for learning.


1. Maidanova, T.V. From the experience of developing self-management skills and independent work of students / T.V. Maidanova // Bulletin of social and humanitarian education and science. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 41-45.

2. Tsyplakova S.A., Bystrova N.V., Pulkina E.E. Study of problems of managing the process of professional training of students at the university // Innovative economy: prospects for development and improvement. - 2019. - No. 1 (35). - P. 56-60.

3. Bystrova, N.V. Organization of independent work of students / N.V. Bystrova, S.A. Zinovieva, N.P. Nayanova // Problems of modern pedagogical education. - 2020. - No. 67-4. - P. 66-68.

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