XVII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2025


Павлова Ю.Е. 1, Ламтюгин Д.А. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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It is known that in modern Russian society, the problem of reviving spiritual values is more acute than ever before. Moreover, we are talking primarily about the patriotic education of Russians, without which it is impossible to seriously talk about such concepts as love for the Fatherland, readiness to defend their people and their Homeland with weapons in their hands. This is evidenced by the entire history of the Russian state.

The best qualities of our people were most clearly manifested in two patriotic wars: the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, when the fate of the independence of the entire state was being decided. Examples of mass heroism were shown by soldiers and civilians both in the war of 1812 and during the years of struggle against the Nazi invaders. We cherish the names of the heroes of both the famous Battle of Borodino and the Battle of Moscow, the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. Thus, from century to century, in the crucible of the fiercest battles and battles, the best military and military traditions were born, strengthened and formed. Nowadays, these traditions are one of the most important conditions for effective patriotic education of military personnel, so they should not only be carefully preserved from year to year, but also multiplied in every unit, military unit and subdivision.

This report will discuss what traditions are, what their functions are and how to use them to educate modern armed defenders of the country in patriotism, love for the Motherland, and the desire to master the specialty perfectly. But first, let's define the terms. For example, what do we mean by the word "traditions"? "Traditions are customs, rules, norms, values, ideas, rituals passed down from generation to generation, which determine and determine the forms of activity, behavior and attitudes of people."

The historical and pedagogical analysis of traditions in the Russian army shows that they represent a complex relationship and differ in the spheres of military activity. So, there are traditions of education and upbringing, or traditions of combat training. There are traditions of daily life and the way of life of warriors. It is in them that the traditions inherited by modern servicemen from their illustrious predecessors are reflected.

However, the specifics of military service have given the old military and military traditions their own unique features. First of all, we are talking about exemplary service to the Motherland, loyalty of military personnel to the military oath and the Battle Banner; vigilant combat duty, maintenance of nuclear missile weapons and military equipment in combat readiness, the highest discipline of military personnel in carrying out combat missions. This includes extreme organization, clarity and efficiency in the actions of military personnel, dedication and courage in carrying out combat missions. Naturally, this includes collectivism and friendly mutual assistance, interchangeability of settlement numbers and shifts.

Soldiers have to perform their military duty in difficult conditions. From day to day throughout the day, they must be vigilantly on combat duty. It would seem that the force of habit that appeared, the routine of constant training should have blunted the sense of responsibility among soldiers and officers for the area of "work" assigned to them. However, this is not happening.

The fact is that there are written and unwritten traditions that do not allow rocket scientists to forget for a moment about personal responsibility for completing a combat mission. And a special role here is played, among other things, by the military ritual of taking over shifts of military personnel on combat duty. It is during this ritual that soldiers, sergeants and officers with special acuteness again and again feel the special importance of their military service, and most importantly - personal responsibility for the fulfillment of a combat mission.

It should be remembered that the stronger the emotional impact of rituals and martial traditions, the stronger their educational significance, the greater the pride and responsibility military personnel feel for serving in the armed forces. Moreover, people have a desire to master their military specialty even better. Soldiers, sergeants and officers are becoming more demanding of themselves and their comrades-in-arms.

That is why the role of ritual is so important when preparing military personnel and taking up combat duty, seeing off duty shifts, as well as their meetings from combat duty. And yet, among the listed norms of patriotic and military education, the ritual of honoring the best military personnel of a military unit or unit occupies a special place.

There is no such person who would not be pleased to feel that his work, talent and diligence did not go unnoticed by the team and the commander. It is pleasant when a letter of thanks or a picture of a serviceman photographed against the background of an unfolded Battle Banner is sent to his homeland, to his parents. Or when a photographic picture of the hero appears on the stand of a unit or military unit. What can be said about the event itself, which honors a distinguished serviceman!

Practice shows that a person who has been rewarded for his work always tries to serve conscientiously. Moreover, his colleagues also look up to him. That is why it is so important not to forget to evaluate the conscientious military work of your subordinates.

Patriotic and military education of military personnel is a complex, multifaceted, and most importantly, continuous process. Therefore, such forms as the competition under the mottos: "Returned from combat duty, get ready for combat duty again", "New technology - timely and high-quality level of its development" and others are links in the same chain. Moreover, a competition under one motto or another achieves its goal only if it is organized and conducted creatively. Formalism is unacceptable here.

Traditions such as the celebration of the Day of Military Glory and Military unit, giving military honors to fallen heroes, meetings with veterans of the last war play a special role in the patriotic and military education of personnel. And to the credit of most of our commanders and their deputies, they skillfully use them in working with personnel.

It is probably no coincidence that when veterans of the Great Patriotic War meet with cadets and sergeants, and most importantly, see the military equipment they own, the gray-haired warriors cannot hide their admiration. For example, here is an entry left by one of the veterans in the Honorary Book of the Museum of Military Glory: "Thank you for keeping the traditions of the soldiers who defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Be worthy of those who, without sparing their lives, sacredly fought and defended the borders of the Motherland... Retired Captain I. Sergeev."

Practice has shown that this form of patriotic and military education is still effective. However, life does not stand still, and new forms of spiritual, moral, and patriotic education are emerging. For example, today in many military units Orthodox churches and chapels have been built in which military personnel pray for the preservation of the Russian state and for the Russian army. The names of Russian soldiers, sergeants and officers who died in local wars and armed conflicts are more often remembered here. Russians put candles in their memory and write memorial notes. Yes, so far this is still an unusual, but far from a new form of patriotic, moral and spiritual education of the Russian army for many of us. It's just that we're going back to something that was once forgotten.

It should be emphasized that in addition to the above-mentioned methods of heroic and patriotic education of soldiers based on martial traditions, there are also traditions of so-called daily life and everyday life. And this should not be forgotten. In this case, we are talking about established rules and customs related to meeting the urgent material, cultural and leisure needs of military personnel in the interests of official activity. In other words, we are talking about maintaining the established internal order in military units. This includes information, cultural, leisure and medical support for military personnel, which have a direct impact on all aspects of life, including the moral and psychological climate in military collectives and, ultimately, combat training.

Remember how we often heard a half-joking statement like "War is war, and lunch is according to the schedule." What does this mean? First of all, there are no small things in military service and well-cooked and timely food delivered to a soldier in the field directly affects his mood.

As already mentioned, there are "written and unwritten" traditions. And often informal traditions play a crucial role in the upbringing and training of military personnel. We are talking, for example, about the desire of personnel to endure the difficulties of military service, about helping the weak, about the responsibility of more experienced servicemen for those who have only recently arrived in the team, about chivalry towards a woman, about the code of officer honor, etc. Therefore, the task of the commander and his deputies is to fully maintain and develop these traditions in military collectives. And in order for commanders to do this well, officers must understand the essence and content of traditions, be able to correctly assess their educational functions.

In this connection, it makes sense to recall that military traditions have a number of the following functions: regulatory, transitive, mobilization-motivational, cognitive-informational, integrative. Let's consider them.

Thus, the regulatory function is that traditions can act as guidelines for the military behavior of soldiers, cadets, sergeants and officers. In other words, to serve as a kind of program for the activities of military personnel, their relationships, a measure of social relations and actions. Traditions, acting as an evaluative criterion of people's actions, actions, and their relationships, have a strong impact on the consciousness, feelings, and behavior of military personnel. This is due to the fact that traditions are supported by public opinion, which is a very powerful factor of social influence.


1. Скворцов П.Н. Воспитание военнослужащих на боевых традициях вооруженных сил России. URL:дата обращения: 11.12.2024).

2. Воспитание военнослужащих на боевых традициях вооруженных сил России. (дата обращения: 11.12.2024).

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