XVII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2025


Левин Д.А. 1, Лисов П.Б. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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In this paper, the authors have tried to highlight the structural features of the thematic groups “Weapons” and “Military equipment” in the names of Russian weapons.

Thematic groups of vocabulary are combinations of words that are common in meaning and related to a specific field of activity, phenomenon, subject or concept. They play an important role in the lexical system of the language, contributing to the ordering and structuring of the vocabulary.

Thematic groups make it easier to navigate through the variety of words, allowing you to quickly find the right word depending on the context and topic of discussion. They greatly facilitate the understanding of texts with different contents and contribute to a more accurate expression of thoughts.

The materials for the study were the names of weapons and military equipment taken from official websites [1, 2, 3, 4].

During the analysis of the results of a continuous sampling of names of weapons and military equipment of the Russian Armed Forces, the following distribution of nominations was obtained by selected categories: zoonyms 102, mythonyms 15, theonyms 10, anthroponyms 35, lexemes 20, phytonyms 57, toponyms 24. The ratio of names of weapons and military equipment of Russia is reflected in the following diagram:

Figure 1. Distribution of nominations of weapons and military equipment in Russian

Analyzing the data of the diagram, it can be concluded that zoonyms predominate in the total mass of names of weapons and military equipment, amounting to 38.78%. This predominance is explained by the desire of people to emphasize the similarity of the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment with the habits and grace of predatory representatives of the animal world, or external similarity with them. For the rest of the categories, the distribution of names in different languages is unique. The second most frequent category is “phytonyms”.

The thematic groups “Armament” and “Military equipment”, made up of names of Russian and Soviet weapons and military equipment, include a wide range of names that reflect historical, technical, ideological and cultural aspects. The analysis of these groups reveals the following structural features:

Historical variability. The names of weapons and military equipment in Russia have also undergone significant changes throughout history. In different periods of time, the emphasis shifted from one aspect to another, which was reflected in the choice of names. For example, in Soviet times, great attention was paid to the ideological component, which was reflected in the names emphasizing the power and superiority of Soviet weapons. In the post-Soviet period, technical characteristics and functionality became more important.

Semantic specialization. As in the United States, in Russia, the names of weapons and military equipment reflect various aspects, such as technological advances, ideological and cultural trends, functional purpose, and others. For example, names associated with historical events (the cruiser “Aurora”) or personalities may emphasize national pride and unity.

Functional purpose. The names of military equipment often reflect its functional purpose. For example, there are names associated with certain types of combat operations (“attack aircraft”), types of weapons (“bomber”) or specific tasks (“scout”).

Associations and images. The names of weapons and military equipment can evoke certain associations and images. For example, nominations related to mythical characters (Lightning-1000 “Hercules” superheavy triplane. “Hercules” - a transporter aircraft), “Jaguar” - a fighter of tanks IT-1 “Jaguar” vol.150 (based on the T-62 with ATGM 2K4) can evoke images of strength and power [6, 24].

Cultural traditions and values. The names may reflect the cultural traditions and values of the country. For example, in Russia there are names associated with historical figures (for example, “Admiral of the fleet Kasatonov” - frigate of the far sea and ocean zone, submarine Generalissimo Suvorov), which emphasize national identity and historical heritage [6, 134].

Technological advances. The names may highlight technological advances and innovations in the field of weapons and military equipment. For example, there are names associated with the use of the latest technologies (for example, “Avangard” - strategic hypersonic missile system, “Dagger” - hypersonic aviation missile system), which reflect the desire for continuous improvement.

Ideological orientation. The names may reflect the ideological and political goals of the country. For example, in Soviet times there were names emphasizing the superiority of Soviet weapons, for example, “Katyusha” - the BM-13 jet complex, and in the post-Soviet period, names reflecting functionality and technical characteristics became more important, for example, S-400 - “Triumph” - the Russian anti-aircraft missile system, “Iskander” is a missile system named after Alexander the Great, the great commander, who was called Iskander in the East).

The impact of international trends. The names may reflect the influence of international trends and standards in the field of weapons and military equipment. For example, there are names that correspond to international classifications and standards (“T-72”, “MiG-29”), which emphasizes Russia's integration into the world community.

Stylistic features. Names can have various stylistic features, such as the use of metaphors, epithets, and other artistic techniques. For example, there are names containing epithets (for example, “swift”, “invulnerable”) that emphasize the desired qualities of weapons.

Emotional coloring. Names can evoke certain emotions and feelings. For example, there are names that cause pride and admiration (for example, “Armata” - T-14 Russian main battle tank with an uninhabited turret, based on the universal tracked Armata platform, “Bulava” - a modern Russian intercontinental three-stage solid-fuel ballistic missile (R-30)), which emphasizes national pride and unity.

Thus, the analysis of the thematic groups “Armament” and “Military equipment” of Russia allows us to identify a number of structural features reflecting historical, technical, ideological and cultural aspects. These features emphasize the diversity and complexity of the names of weapons and military equipment, as well as their importance for understanding the history, culture and values of the country.


1. [Электронный ресурс] URL:Список вооружения и военной техники Сухопутных войск Российской Федерации (Дата обращения: 12.09.2024).

2. [Электронный ресурс] URL:Оружие-2019. Какие новинки получит армия России (Дата обращения: 12.09.2024).

3. [Электронный ресурс] URL: Новая техника ВС РФ (Дата обращения: 18.09.2024).

4. [Электронный ресурс] URL: Новинки военной техники (Дата обращения: 19.09.2024).

5. Буркова С.С. Этимология словесных названий российского вооружения // Актуальные вопросы современной филологии и журналистики. - 2021. - № 1 (40). - С. 24-28.

6. Яковлева, Е.А., Ирназаров Э.Н. Особенности именования образцов оружия и военной техники в актуальном информационном дискурсе // Российский гуманитарный журнал. - 2018. - Т. 7. - №2. - С. 132-138.

Просмотров работы: 4