The creation and use of digital educational resources is given special attention during the period of adaptation of educational programs of higher education to the new Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.
In modern realities, the use of digital educational resources in the framework of teaching and research activities has become accessible (improving the technological support of the educational process, increasing the digital literacy of teachers and cadets), attractive (awareness of teachers and cadets of the usefulness, convenience and relative ease of use of digital resources), didactically expedient (easier calculations, clarity of presentation of results, visualization of images, expansion of applied research opportunities), and educationally useful (simplification of calculations, visualization of results, visualization of images, expansion of applied research opportunities).
For a unified understanding of the basic terminology of this study, it is necessary to clarify that «digitalization» is understood as «not only the transfer of information into digital form, but a complex solution of infrastructural, managerial, behavioral, cultural nature» (E.L. Vartanova, M.I. Makseenko); «the process of professional education, implemented using the capabilities of digital educational environment, digital technologies and learning tools, aimed at achieving the goals that meet the requirements of the digital economy» [2].
Modern digital educational resources provide a wide range of opportunities to develop their own research paths and find new ways of setting didactic tasks. The main outcome of working with digital educational resources is the solution of the research problem set by the developers, and ideally, the solution of the problem set by the learner. The forms of digital educational resources can be quite diverse: text databases, collections of images, audio, video fragments of various formats, graphs, tables, 3D models.
Correct work with digital educational resources contributes to the quality fulfillment of the final qualification work in multimedia format.
Preparation of the demo version of the report on the topic of the qualification work requires mandatory consideration of the following points:
1. The demo version should be done in standard MS PowerPoint and MS Publisher software. Possible technical problems should be foreseen and handouts should be prepared.
2. The structure of WRC in the demo version should duplicate the main aspects of the work: 1. overview of the work (relevance, goals and objectives of the research, practical significance, theoretical basis); 2. problem statement; 3. reference bibliography (main conceptual provisions); 4. media source (demonstration of the prepared fragment in audio or video format); 5. main content characteristics (characterization of the content of chapters, conclusions on chapters); 6. examples of practical implementation; 7. the results of the research.
Preparation of the demo version of the report and handouts, as well as composing the report and saying it aloud in advance for the time allotted (10 minutes) are integral components of graduate research work, which should be given no less attention than writing the text of the work itself and its compliance with the requirements for the content and structure of the WRC.
The perception of the demonstration material is influenced by its design. It is important to follow the rules of color combination as well as font schemes.
Thus, the preparation of WRC in the modern realities of the "digital world" focuses on increasing the motivation of students to independent search and research activities due to the availability of a variety of sources of information, but also to demonstrate the work done in a multidimensional format that allows you to present a traditional text version accompanied by animation, 3D graphics, audio, video files, which certainly bring both the process of preparation of WRC and its defense to a qualitatively new level.
Асмолов А.Г., Лукша П.О., Рабинович П.Д. Образование для сложного общества: Доклад GlobalEducationFutures. М.: «Российский учебник», 2018. – 213 с.
Кешелава А.В., Буданов В.Г., Румянцев В.Ю. Введение в «Цифровую» экономику / под общ. ред. А. В. Кешелава. М.: ВНИИ Геосистем, 2017. – 28 с.