The most important component of the formation of a true patriot of the Fatherland is his upbringing as a potential defender of the Motherland, ready for military service, to participate in hostilities. Such qualities among the patriot are primarily instilled in the process of military-patriotic education of the younger generation in the family and educational institutions, and their final formation takes place directly in the process of military service in the army and navy. Of some interest in terms of educating patriots is the experience of military-patriotic education in the United States.
JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers ' Training Corps) is the school level of the ROTC, a non-military training program for reserve officers. Military-patriotic course for high school students, designed for four years of study. The official JROTC mission sounds pathetic: "Nurturing the best citizens that America could be proud of." The model of a citizen and the embodiment of the main national values in the United States is a soldier. More precisely, the ideal soldier portrayed by patriotic propaganda. He is smart, brave, purposeful, disciplined, has leadership qualities and is ready to give his life for the motherland without hesitation. The JROTC program is designed to instill all these qualities in cadets.
JROTC History
In 1916, the United States was preparing to enter the First World War. In September of the same year, Congress decided to expand the personnel of the Armed Forces and the National Guard. To supplement the officer corps in a number of universities and colleges, the ROTC program was established — a special training course for reserve lieutenants. The government also paid attention to high school students. To prepare them for the service, a separate version of the program for schools was developed — Junior ROTC. By April 1917, when the United States entered the war, several thousand ROTC and JROTC graduates had joined active duty units. The project proved to be so successful and effective that at the end of the war, the government decided to continue it. In 1964, by a decision of the Congress, the program was expanded and improved. Now JROTC was supported not only by the army, but also by other branches of the armed forces. A different course version was created for each of them:
US Army-AJROTC US Navy — NJROTC US Marine Corps — MCJROTC US Air Force — AFJROTC US Coast Guard — CGJROTC
The basis remained common, but there were differences related to the specifics of each type. For example, the naval version of the course was implemented in schools located on the coast, and included training in the basics of maritime affairs.
In the same year, on the instructions of the Congress, the composition of the Corps instructors was changed. Instead of regular military personnel, retired officers and sergeants, as well as reservists of the National Guard, took up the education of young people. Another important change was introduced in 1973: girls also got the opportunity to participate in the program.
JROTC Training Program
The JROTC training program consists of four Leadership Education and Training modules, abbreviated as LET.
LET1 — module of the first year of study. LET1's mission is to motivate cadets to succeed in school and extracurricular activities. Training at this stage consists mainly of drill training. Cadets take part in parades, stand guard of honor at solemn events, organize demonstrations with demonstrations of drill techniques with weapons.
LET2-module of the second year. Cadets study American history and the basics of civil law. Career guidance plays an important role. Moreover, the emphasis is placed on the prestige of military service and the opportunities that it provides. Much attention is paid to physical training and practical skills. Teenagers learn communication techniques, first aid, map orientation, and survival skills in extreme conditions. These skills are tested at the annual Cadet Leadership Challenge.
LET3. In the third year of training, active development of leadership skills begins. Cadets try themselves as unit commanders, conduct lessons on their own, organize events, and coordinate the work of units.
LET4. The fourth year of training is the most difficult and responsible. Cadets perform the duties of officers: they not only command, but also do administrative work. They are engaged in the preparation of parades and solemn ceremonies.
At all stages of training, special attention is paid to patriotic education and solemn ceremonies. Thus, young people are taught respect for the state, national history and symbols.Any high school student can join JROTC. The reasons for joining are very different: family traditions, the desire to get benefits for paying for higher education. The main reason is that the US army is a powerful social and career elevator that allows you to achieve success due to personal merit, without connections and wealth.
Membership can only be voluntary. A prerequisite is the candidate's moral readiness
You can check it by asking yourself the following questions:
Am I ready to commit to the JROTC program?
Is my patriotism strong enough?
Am I ready to succeed regardless of obstacles?
Am I disciplined enough to achieve my goals?
Do I want to learn valuable skills that will help me in life?
In military boarding schools, JROTC is part of the mandatory training program and a prerequisite for admission to such educational institutions.
JROTC Structure
JROTC units are organized along army lines. In AJROTC, these are squads, platoons, companies, battalions, and even brigades consisting of several battalions. There are more shelves in the naval program. AFJROTC uses the designations used in the Air Force: wing, group, link, squadron.JROTC instructors include reserve officers of the Armed Forces and the National Guard. Military personnel are sometimes recruited for individual programs.The JROTC has adopted a rank system that completely copies the army one. The only difference is that each rank has the prefix "cadet". This applies to both students and instructor officers:
Cadet Private
Cadet Lieutenant
Cadet Major
The rank of sergeant is not just a formal position, but a real commanding position that needs to be earned. A cadet sergeant should be able to command a unit, and not only in the ranks. During competitions and events, sergeants fully coordinate the work of their units. This is how cadets are taught leadership skills.
Rewards and Benefits
Rewards play an important role in the JROTC system. Cadets are awarded with ribbons, pendants, medals and aiguillettes for winning competitions and participating in the organization of events. Awards are not just a way to amuse self-esteem, they are recorded in the graduate's personal file and are taken into account when entering colleges and especially military academies.
Successful completion of the JROTC course is primarily a chance to get benefits for admission to the military academy, that is, to get a higher education at the expense of the state. American higher military education is much less accessible than Russian. In the United States, there are four military academies-by type of armed forces:
United States Military Academy, better known as West Point
United States Naval Academy
United States Air Force Academy
United States Coast Guard Academy
To enter the academy, it is not enough to be an excellent student with an impeccable characteristic. The most important condition for admission is the recommendation of a state congressman or vice president. Each of them has the right to recommend five people a year. Even among those who have received recommendations, a competition is held. JROTC honors students have a chance to enroll in a military academy without a congressman's recommendation; instead, they receive a recommendation from the program's supervising officer.
Attitude to JROTC in American society
JROTC is popular among so-called "ordinary" Americans. Many parents see the program as the only chance to instill discipline, time management skills, and other useful skills in their children. There are also many people who are not satisfied with the very existence of a militarized structure in the school.Many teachers believe that JROTC does not teach children leadership and useful skills as stated in the Corps ' mission statement. In fact, this is a purely militaristic training. Instead of instilling the values of justice and peace, the program emphasizes U.S. global dominance and teaches aggressive nationalism.
Inspired by Canadian, Belgian and British cadets, the program was launched following the work of the Commission on Youth in the Armed Forces on this issue concerning the Ministry of Defence, M. M. Michel Alliot-Marie in September 2005. Before the end of 2006, theCommission received the opinion of the Council and the Council of the European Parliament, as well as the Council of the European Parliament of 2005 on the state of the nation and the United States of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: "Partially or completely ignores institutions" and "is no longer in the center of attention or dreams, and equally lends itself to pronounced individualism Communities" In addition to raising awareness of a number of issues on the part of the competent authority, the right of the competent authority to apply the provisions of the acquis communautaire to collective action, which has been the missing link between the army and youth since the suspension of military service. Cadets are also inspired by the French language of Young Firefighters (JSP). This program includes a total of 30,000 events, including a maximum of 1,500 sections. The purpose of Services for citizens of Member States and Services of the Ministry of Education and Security (SDIS). The program consists of four modules, the functions of which differ from those of diplomas, and national JSP rules. Since December 2015, civil protection cadets have also been added to facilitate the implementation of a comparable program.
Cadets living in the city center receive accreditation from the applicant and military training in the form of a number of participants in the field of sports and culture, as well as recreation and civilization and morality. At the end of the year, they have a week-long summer camp. The selection program for cadet centers may include a general element of participation in patriotic ceremonies, visibility of institutions of publicity and grandeur, the destruction of the army and a meteorite, the nature of sports, and familiarization with first aid.
In addition to the acquis communautaire, a differentiated acquis implementation program has been developed :
purposeful and disciplined life;
assertiveness and self-transcendence;
taste for work and a sense of effort;
rights and obligations;
patriotism.Classes include about thirty cadets and are supervised by Army reservists, as well as teachers from the National Education System for Civilian Education.
Creation of the center and the center for signing the Convention on Armed Forces and Rectorate. Promotion of the program and recruitment of cadets ensure the training of military personnel and the creation of civil society. Funding the training of military personnel and envoys for reprimanding and implementing national legislation.
Defense Cadets in Var Edit
Var is the French department with the highest number of defence cadets. At the beginning of the 2018 academic year, 180 students from 43 different colleges participated in this program. At the beginning of the 2019 academic year, the 7th support center of the Toulon Military Gendarmerie military unit opened its doors.
In the case of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Military Department of the South, Colonel Eric Landes of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Academy of Sciences, Director of the Academy of Deputies, Mr. Arnaud Leclerc. It is an alternative to the mission of the Ministry of Education and Citizenship of the Academy of Nice. Done at Brussels on 28 May 2019 for Genevieve Dariessek, Secretary of State for the Armed Forces.
2 French Navy:
1 Established and administered by the association in accordance with the Act of 1901:
The Nantes Defence Cadet Academy was established by the Association of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Nantes Reserve (ASOR Nantes) in November 2016 .
legislative consolidation
On December 9, 2015, the Defense Committee of the National Assembly on behalf of the National Universe Report [26] by Marianne Dubois and Joaquim Pueyo. This applies to the proposed program for cadet officers and Service Chiefs of the Citizens and Citizenship Commission (JDC) in terms of personnel and resources in the direction of National Service (DSN).
As a result of this work, two bills were proposed. [27 ] [ 28 ] They were presented by two authors of the report in February 2016, with Marianne Dubois being signed by 84 deputies «Республиканцыof the Republicans faction, but they were not included in the agenda of the National Assembly. Final amendment adopted following the discussion of the draft law on the relationship between citizenship and citizenship [ 29] Adoption of the definition for Parliamentary purposes December 2016 Introduced by article 26 of the new national Law of the Civil Service Code:
The Ministry of Defense Cadet Program is a civilian program implemented by Leister de minfense to strengthen national cohesion, social diversity, and the connection between the nation and its army. [19659083] «III. – It is available to French people who are known to be sleepy at the age of eighteen and who have the ability, recognized by the Army Medical Service, to follow the appropriate training period. " IV – - It includes familiarity with the armed forces and their professions, non-citizen and non-citizen morals in addition to national education, as well as practice cultural and sports activities".
The idea of developing a cadet defense program was taken up by Bruno Le Maire, a candidate in the primaries of the right and center-right in November 2016, during his presidential contract, as well as by Francois Fillon in his program for the presidential election in May 2017. A forum for this was also published in April 2017 by Richard Roll and General de Bavinchove in the weekly Valeurs actuelles.
Common standard for military and social work of NATO countries
A characteristic feature of the educational work of a number of foreign countries is its high saturation with highly qualified information specialists, which makes it possible to competently solve complex issues of informing personnel and successfully realize the goal to which US military experts persistently call commanders - "to increase not technologies, but factors and traditions that strengthen the main strength of the army-faith, professionalism and the will to win." A distinctive feature of the system of informing the personnel of foreign armies is the high professionalism of information specialists. This is due to the fact that these specialists receive comprehensive training in special educational institutions. They are highly qualified in the United States at the Information School in Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, which is attended by 2,000 officers, sergeants, and employees every year. Along with the training of specialists for working with personnel, it is important to have a strong information and methodological support for the activities of commanders to provide comprehensive information to military personnel. The US Department of Defense allocates significant funds for the preparation of various types of reference, information, training and propaganda materials. The US Army Officer's Handbook, the Officer's Code of Honor, special information collections, "bulletins for the troops", press releases, news bulletins, collections of official speeches, and 20-minute pre-recorded speeches to military and civilian audiences are very popular. Of particular interest is the analysis of the main forms and methods of informing the personnel of foreign armies. After the unsuccessful Vietnam War, the Pentagon leadership concluded that a radical restructuring of the system of military-political influence on military personnel was necessary. US military experts believe that it is precisely the shortcomings in informing non-staff chaplains (Catholic, Protesant, Jew), on helicopter carriers and cruisers - one at a time. The efforts of the military and the public led the nation to the so-called "Vietnam syndrome". A new system of political information, called "political education", was designed to overcome it. On the basis of programs and courses developed in the United States, similar classes are organized and conducted with military personnel of the armed forces of other countries that are members of the NATO bloc. An effective form of information support for combat training in the armies of foreign countries is official information about current events-an analog of our information with various categories of military personnel. A distinctive feature of the information system in the armies of Western countries is the intensive use of religious influence on military personnel. According to some sources, there are 2 million believers in the US armed forces (about 90%). Areligious asset is created to help military priests. For example, in the US Navy, such assistants are called ley leaders. On aircraft carriers, there are 2-3 chaplains per unit, as a rule, 3-5destroyers, frigates and other ships are assigned. The main forms of religious education have a visual and figurative informational character, which forms special religious feelings among the personnel. These include, in particular, church rites of marriage and the baptism of children. Thus, the religious education of military personnel in a number of foreign countries is characterized by information saturation and is carried out mainly through religious information of believers. The analysis shows that mass media demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in communicating social information to personnel abroad. The leading role in this case belongs to the press, radio and television. Providing information to military personnel through the periodical press is carried out thanks to an extensive network of military and civilian periodicals working for the needs of the Ministry of Defense. According to some sources, the Pentagon in the United States publishes and controls about 1,400 military and civilian magazines covering military issues, and more than 1,000 newspapers informing the armed forces and the public about current issues of military policy and the activities of the army and navy. Foreign experience in informing military personnel indicates that there is a steady trend of increasing the role of radio and television, as well as other technical means in the distribution of social information among personnel. The system of radio and television information for American troops in Europe includes 9 radio stations and 4 TV studios. The launch of cable TV is being accelerated. Radio broadcasting for military personnel is conducted around the clock, and TV shows are broadcast up to 20 hours a day. The Air Force alone has a network of nearly 1,000 radio and TV stations and outlets both inside and outside the United States. In recent years, computer technology has played an increasingly important role in informing the personnel of the armies of foreign countries. There are three main areas of its use: the production and storage of information and reference materials; the use of computer simulators in combat training and moral and psychological training of military personnel; the introduction of computer video games as a form of leisure for personnel. Computer equipment of the national training center in Fort Irvine, the joint training center in Fort Shaffy, etc. is indicative in this regard in the United States. A special role in the armies of a number of Western countries is played by the advertising and propaganda service as an important element of mass media operations. Its main goal is to create and maintain an attractive image of the armed forces and military service in the minds of military personnel and the general public. "In terms of the breadth of social influence," noted the famous American historian David Potter, " advertising today can be compared with such long-standing institutions as the school and the church."
The above facts allow us to draw the following conclusions:
First, the tasks, content and technology of informing personnel in the armies of various countries of the world have a lot in common, are complex in nature, are very diverse and have a fairly high efficiency of influencing the consciousness and behaviorof military personnel.
Secondly, the system of informing the personnel of the armedforces in each State has specific features, relies on established traditions, and corresponds to the material capabilities and real needs of educational work in the army and navy.
Tomilina, S. N. Voenno-patrioticheskoe vospitanie uchashhihsja vuzov SShA / S. N. Tomilina. — Tekst : neposredstvennyj // Pedagogicheskoe masterstvo : materialy VIII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Moskva, ijun' 2016 g.). — Moskva : Buki-Vedi, 2016. — S. 174-178. — URL: (data obrashhenija: 31.01.2024).
Cadets de la defense official — URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.01.2024).
The military pedagogical work in the NATO countries — URL: (data obrashhenija: 23.01.2024).