Airfields, especially such elements as aircraft parking areas and storage facilities, are fire hazardous facilities, therefore, continuous fire protection and fire prevention measures must be carried out there.
The aim of the research is to study fire prevention measures at airfields to eliminate reasons causing fire.
Airfield is a complex of structures, equipment, and land area with airspace intended for the takeoff, landing, accommodation, and servicing of aircraft.
Airfields are fire hazardous facilities. Each airport has a special fire department equipped with modern means to eliminate the fire. Fire on the aircraft is especially dangerous, therefore, the instructions on the supply safety have been developed, which must be strictly implemented by all persons located on the territory of the airfield.
Primary fire extinguishing equipment is placed in aircraft parking lots in hangars, production and administrative premises, warehouses and other facilities. For example, standard carbon dioxide and foam fire extinguishers, sand boxes, shovels are placed at aircraft parking areas. In addition, in the parking lots for aircraft there are mobile carbon dioxide plants that are brought to the aircraft before starting the engines. Each aircraft also has carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, and in case of fire on the aircraft, household fire systems are used, which are activated automatically[1].
Modern large hangars are equipped with special fire extinguishing systems.
In workshops, workshops, areas and other facilities, fire safety instructions are posted, taking into account the peculiarities of this facility and mandatory for implementation by everyone who is at this facility. The personnel of the engineering and aerodrome service, upon admission to work, undergoes an initial (introductory) briefing on fire safety rules at the airfield, which is carried out by a safety engineer or fire department employee[3].
The secondary briefing is carried out directly at the workplace by the administration of the workshop or site. Finally, according to the technical training plan, periodic classes on fire fighting equipment are held with all personnel of the Engineering and Airfield Service. It is necessary not only to know and follow the established rules, but also to be able to use fire extinguishing equipment. Everyone should remember that the sooner the fire is extinguished, the faster it will be extinguished and the easier the consequences will be[2].
Fire safety rules at airfields prohibit:
- refuel the aircraft without grounding of the aircraft and refuelling truck or in case of failure of grounding circuit;
- spill fuel and lubricants and special liquids at the parking lot. In case of a significant amount of fuel spill, the aircraft should be immediately towed from the parking lot and only after that remove the spilled fuel (it is best to wash off with water);
- smoking in specially designated places;
- ignite heaters and use open fire near aircraft, hangars or in the hangars themselves. Minimum removal of the heater from the aircraft during ignition is the length of the standard hose;
- start the engine, if there are no fire extinguishing equipment ready for use near the aircraft or with the aircraft fire extinguishing system switched off.
It is not allowed to perform welding works in hangars without special permission, to fill the aircraft with fuel or drain it, to use high-voltage portable light sources.
The managers of workshops, areas and groups are responsible for the implementation of the listed rules by the personnel, as well as for the condition and safety of fire extinguishing equipment. The head of the operating enterprise is obliged to strictly monitor the established fire safety regime, to take immediate measures to eliminate the defects found in the fire condition of the airfield facilities [2].
All these fire prevention measures must be presented and taken at airfields to avoid casualties and emergency situations.
1. Загоруйко Т.В. Разработка композиционных термостойких материалов для повышения огнестойкости конструкций / Т.В. Загоруйко, В.Т. Перцев, В.В. Власов // Научный вестник Воронежского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета. Строительство и архитектура, 2012.- №2(26). - С. 62-68.
2. СП 4.13130.2013. Системы противопожарной защиты. Ограничение распространения пожара на объектах защиты. Требования к объемно-планировочным и конструктивным решениям [Электронный ресурс]. URL: