Today, space industry is developing rapidly in such a way that it is not possible to analyze all the information received from various sources (government representatives from various countries, scientists specializing in this field, astronauts, etc.). Recent events have fueled interest in space and space industry as a whole: escalation of the political situation has created the prerequisites for the aggravation of the space race between the United States, Russia, the inclusion of China and European countries, as well as private companies in this race.
Given the special strategic nature of this topic, the key point is to understand how to draw further public attention to activities in this area, namely, what ideas and arguments have an emotional impact on the audience.
Analysis and understanding of rhetorical strategies will make it possible to understand what is an instrument for the politicization and popularization of space technologies and space exploration. Thus, the relevance of studying public documents in the field of space achievements is an important aspect for understanding the mechanisms of influence on public opinion and its formation, as well as for the possible discovery of a way towards effective international communication.
Space terminology and space discourse have long been studied by scientists: translation of terminology [1], rhetorical analysis [2], discourse [5] and other areas [4, 6].
The purpose of this work is to identify the patterns and specifics of the military-political rhetoric of the space race and confrontation between different countries, as well as analyze space discourse.
Research on space rhetoric and discourse around the space rivalry between the United States and Russia is actively carried out, this topic has remained popular for many years [3], but unfortunately there are practically no works on the analysis of the participation of other countries. Countries that are not leaders in the space industry deserve special attention, so decision-makers in this area will have to use additional means of popularization and argument to attract attention and get approval from the general public. Therefore, the National Space Strategy of Great Britain was chosen as the research material [6].
On September 27, 2021, the Department of Energy and Industrial Strategy of the UK Government, the Ministry of Defense and the UK Space Agency announced the launch of the National Space Strategy. The plan is to make Britain a world-class space power, adding momentum to its space industry.
The document begins with a foreword by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Immediately from the first lines, B. Johnson shares his childhood memory of the landing on the moon of N. Armstrong and his desire to become an astronaut (I was barely five years old when Neil Armstrong shuffled down the Eagle's ladder and left the first human footprint on the surface of the moon... And of course being five years old it made me want to be an astronaut myself.)
Mentioning past events through the "prism of childhood" allows us to strengthen solidarity with compatriots, especially the older generation. Further on, B. Johnson continues to appeal to the past, recalling famous compatriots who were somehow connected with space (Armstrong's journey would never have taken place without the engineering know-how of a guy from Anglesey named Tequin Roberts... So, the homeland of Bell Burnell (approx. British astrophysicist), Hawking (approx. English theoretical physicist, cosmologist and astrophysicist) and Payne-Gaposhkin (approx. American astronomer, born in Great Britain), a country that has done so much to expand and deepen humanity's understanding of space...). Resorting to this resource, the politician participates in the construction of a "memory" of the past of the nation – in this case, about the important role of Great Britain in the development of space – and tries to cause the expected reaction.
The next part of the document is a foreword written by Ben Wallace, UK Defence Secretary and Quasi Kwarteng, UK Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Industrial Strategy. It also mentions the 1969 moon landing by American astronauts, not as a personal memory but as an inspiring event: Space is inspiring; the whole world gathered to watch humanity take its first steps on the Moon in 1969 and every child has looked up in wonder at the stars.
Ministers draw public attention to how long and actively the UK has been exploring space: We entered this first Space Race during an era of great power competition, with the US and Soviet Union vying for domination... The UK can look back on a proud history of activity in space. From our first satellite Ariel 1 in 1962 and the launch of the Black Arrow rocket in 1971, to today’s construction of the Rosalind Franklin rover which will go to Mars as part of a major international mission, we have always brought to bear British skills, expertise, and ingenuity.
Thus, already in the preface, key decision makers in UK politics contribute to the formation of the image of Great Britain as a space power, the general public is reminded of the country's contribution to space exploration.
Turning directly to the document itself, the main content of the space strategy consists of the following points: the current state of affairs, goals, ways to achieve goals and their implementation. Next, a number of arguments are used to shape public opinion and impact the public. The analysis of the text showed that several discursive topics can be distinguished: space and everyday life, space potential, security, the struggle for leadership positions in space.
Now let's turn to each of these topics.
Space and daily life
One of the space exploration needs is associated with an increase in the standard of living. The following is one example of the argument and persuasion of the audience. Space plays a critical role in our daily lives. Satellites orbiting the Earth from only 160 kilometers above our heads keep us connected with our friends, families, and colleagues.
Security of the country
Security refers to a country's ability to repel military or political threats from an external adversary in the field of space technology. However, as the opportunities have grown, so too have the threats; our potential adversaries are developing capabilities that will put our people, equipment and information networks at risk and make it harder to protect the UK. Space is changing, the UK must respond.
The struggle for leadership positions in space
Competition between countries in the struggle for leadership in space exploration.Space technologies and services also support the UK’s ambition to be a science and technology superpower.
Figure 1. Percentage distribution of topics in the National Space Strategy
As can be seen from Figure 1, most of the document is devoted to arguments related to the struggle for leadership positions – 33%, security – 30%, followed by space potential and space and everyday life – 24% and 13%, respectively.
Thus, political speech in the space sphere concerns the space race, security, space exploration, and the necessary technologies for space exploration. The political significance of these topics is emphasized by the participation of senior government officials in them, the use of arguments related to the struggle for leadership and the security of the country allows us to conclude about the military-political orientation of this document.
1. Alekseeva O. P., Kadyrova V. A., Hlebnikova M. L. Specifika perevoda kosmicheskoj terminologii (na materialah informacionnogo resursa ROSKOSMOS) // Mezhdisciplinarnye issledovanija: opyt proshlogo, vozmozhnosti nastojashhego, strategii budushhego. 2021. №5. S. 163-167.
2. Danilina V. V. Politicheskaja rech' v kosmicheskoj sfere: ritoricheskij analiz publichnyh vystuplenij rukovoditelja kosmicheskogo agentstva (na primere administratora NASA Dzh. Brajdenstajna) // Politicheskaja lingvistika. 2020. №5 (83). S. 54-71.
3. Koshkin P. G. Jekspertnyj i zhurnalistskij diskursy vokrug vtoroj kosmicheskoj gonki mezhdu Rossiej, SShA i drugimi stranami // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Politologija. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. 2021. №3. S. 313-333.
4. Kubyshko I. N. Abbreviacija -zakonomernoe javlenie v anglijskom jazyke // ONV. 2011. №6 (102). S. 118-121.
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