At the stage of intensive digitalization, which is based on the principle of electronic interaction between the subjects of the educational process, there is a change in social expectations in relation to the image of a graduate of a military institution of higher education. In the modern conditions of the Russian Armed Forces development, dynamic information update requires a specialist to have developed skills of independent search for knowledge, contributing to timely and effective decision-making. The demand for information educational resources in universities is currently explained by the wide range of opportunities they offer for the realization of educational goals, one of the priority among which is "readiness for independent activity", which implies the skills of "independent search and analysis of educational and scientific information", formed and developed in students "scientific thinking, the ability to actively participate in a creative discussion, draw conclusions, argue and defend their views and opinions" [4]. The state's order for a military graduate ready to update knowledge independently implies the creation of a system of distance learning in all garrisons and places of compact residence of servicemen, which is facilitated by the implementation of the "Electronic University" project, which implies training with the use of electronic textbooks.
In addition, modern requirements to the content of education are based on the provisions that consider the foreign-language training of future specialists as one of the leading directions of their professionalization. Knowledge of a foreign language in modern conditions for a specialist is especially important for several reasons: timely independent updating of professional knowledge from authentic sources significantly increases the competitiveness of a specialist; the ability to work with instructions for the operation of equipment in a foreign language, readiness to work as part of international groups in joint exercises, etc. The necessity of foreign language knowledge for university graduates in recent years is becoming more and more important for one more reason. Higher professional education is regulated by normative acts adopted by a number of European states and international organizations. The main idea of the adopted documents is the creation by the states of the region of conditions providing free access of young people to educational and intellectual resources of other countries, which is currently provided within the framework of digital educational space.
At the stage of higher education, timely access to rapidly updated information resources is oriented, among other things, to optimize the process of formation and development of professional qualities of students. Relying on the available in modern psychological and pedagogical literature interpretations of the concept of "professional formation", we adhere to the definition proposed by E.F. Zeer, who in his works reveals this concept as a productive process of progressive change, development and self-development of personality under the influence of professional activity, socio-economic influences, as well as their own activity aimed at self-actualization and self-improvement in order to reach the top of the chosen profession 1. Thus, it is the professional activity, as the leading one for a person, that shapes and develops personality.
Digital educational resources, in particular e-learning books, have sufficient potential for modeling conditions that simulate the "immersion" of students in a professionally-oriented environment, including foreign language, thus increasing motivation to study disciplines and creating the basis for further self-learning.
A.B. Kaganov considers professional formation as a post-sequential passage of successive stages within the framework of university education (transitional, accumulative and determining), which in turn is completed during the period of work at a particular production in the chosen type of activity 2. E.F. Zeer 1 in his research, based on the social situation and levels of realization of the leading activity, distinguishes the following stages of professional formation:
1) professional self-determination (senior school age);
2) professional self-identification (professional training);
3) disassembly of professional activity (accumulation of professional experience);
4) professional activity (professional activity).
Many researchers see the purpose of the introduction of information technologies within the framework of digitalization of education in the earlier - at the stage of higher education - accumulation of professional experience and "entry" into professional activities 3.
In studies of the problem of implementation of electronic textbook it is noted that this type of educational tools is aimed at the productive activity of students, who can perform in the learning process, both the role of the object and the subject of cognitive activity; the management of cognitive activity is variable due to the different forms of information provision; involves both individual and collaborative work of students; differentiated approach is realized through individual pace of work, taking into account individual interests, the level of training of the student, various types of visualization, the presence of feedback; the development of self-dependence as an important quality of personality of the future specialist occurs through reflection, self-analysis, self-control, self-correction, the possibility of independent choice of material for a more detailed study of the topic, etc. In addition, summarizing the points of view of researchers about didactic possibilities of the electronic textbook, special attention should be paid to the prospects of its use for the organization of independent activity of cadets in the hours of extracurricular training, since an increasing share of the budget of educational time is allocated to independent study of the material. The most significant didactic possibilities of the electronic textbook for the purposes of our study are: management of cognitive activity of students using various forms of presentation of educational material; implementation of individual and joint work of cadets; providing a differentiated approach to cadets; development of independence through a system of variable tasks on the form of accountability; organization of the process of interaction between the subjects of education (cadet - teacher on the basis of the electronic textbook) 4.
However, despite the fact that the priority direction of implementation of the program "Electronic University" in the RF Armed Forces is the development and introduction of electronic textbooks in the educational process for all disciplines studied, they are not a universal tool capable of replacing, for example, training and simulator complexes, the use of which allows to improve information technologies and optimize the forms and methods of training of highly qualified military specialists. In particular, the introduction into the educational process of the training simulator complex "Training" for the training of future specialists of unmanned aviation provides theoretical training and practical one-on-one training of operators. In this case, UAV control operators also use for practical training the training means from the complexes, based on the virtual information environment, which includes a program complex of scenario preparation, which allows to form a tactical situation and dynamics of its changes by creating a training scenario or loading a previously created scenario. The complex allows to start training according to the created scenario and visually, using windows of displaying three-dimensional scenes and cartographic information, to control the progress of training. The scenario is created by a set of modeling objects with specified coordinates, angles and routes, along which the objects will follow in the process of training, geometric objects, navigation objects. The complex allows you to enter all these parameters in graphical and textual form, as well as to set the weather conditions for training [5]. Also in this environment it is possible to interact military equipment objects, such as attacking ground and air targets, simulating the work of artillery, etc. Training of ground control points of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles is realized by types of action: short-range, medium-range and long-range. The software complex of the simulator is designed to simulate the automated workplace of ground control centers of the complex with UAV with the following characteristics: exact correspondence in appearance and correspondence in the location of controls, exact correspondence in the location of display organs and reproduction of functional capabilities. Functional capabilities of the simulator provide simulation of flight task preparation, simulation of flight task execution, visualization of the data received by the simulated UAV onboard surveillance equipment, interaction with the unified software and hardware complex of the virtual information environment. Conducting training exercises on real UAVs is associated with a number of difficulties. The main ones are substantial material costs for operator training, especially when single-use UAVs are used, insufficient control over the operator's actions during task performance, impossibility to quickly restart the training flight in case of emergency situations and other important aspects.
The introduction of electronic educational tools, such as electronic textbooks, training and simulator complexes, allows to automate the educational process and create conditions for greater autonomy of students in the hours of independent training, thus realizing the practice-oriented approach in training, the main purpose of which, at the stage of higher education, is the adaptation of cadets to future professional activities, the results of which significantly depend on the development of information technologies.
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