XVI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2024


Маргарян В.А. 1, Романчук М.Г. 1
1Воронежский государственный технический университет
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In the constantly changing socio-political environment, studying English has become more important and promising for students studying land and property relations at universities than ever before. In the modern world of globalization and conducting business abroad, knowledge of the English language opens up numerous opportunities for future specialists in this field.

Firstly, English is one of the main languages of international communication in the real estate field. Regardless of the country where a specialist in land and property relations works, interacting with foreign clients, partners, and investors becomes an integral part of the profession. Being able to communicate fluently in English increases the chances of successful collaboration and helps establish trusting relationships with foreign partners.

Secondly, English is the key language for scientific and business publications in the field of land and property relations. Numerous scientific articles, books, and journals are published in English, and without knowledge of the language, students may limit their access to modern and relevant research and developments. Studying English allows students to expand their knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and achievements in the field of land and property relations.

Thirdly, knowledge of English significantly enhances the competitiveness of graduates in the job market. Employers value professionals who can communicate in different languages and adapt to various cultural environments. By being prepared for international work, students studying land and property relations can access numerous career opportunities at both the local and international levels.

It is of paramount importance to emphasize that the acquisition of the English language is indispensable for students studying land and property relations, as it opens up possibilities for international collaboration, expands professional horizons, and fosters the development of intercultural skills. It is crucial to understand that the mastery of the English language is an investment in the future and a key to success in the global sphere of land and property relations.

Another significant argument in favor of studying English for students in this field is the access to high-quality educational materials and resources. English is the global language of science, business, and technology. A substantial amount of educational literature, case studies, online courses, and other educational materials are available in English. By studying English, students can broaden their opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and gain access to up-to-date information in the field of land and property relations.

Furthermore, proficiency in English will help students improve their skills in data research and analysis. Many research studies and statistical data in the field of land and property relations are published in English. By possessing the ability to read and comprehend such materials in English, students will be able to conduct their research more effectively, analyze data, and draw reliable conclusions.

In addition, an advanced level of proficiency in the English language allows students to actively participate in international conferences and seminars in the field of land and property relations. Many events, where current issues and new trends in this field are discussed, are conducted in English. Taking part in such events will help students expand their professional network, exchange experiences with colleagues from different countries, and stay up to date with the latest developments.

Finally, the acquisition of proficiency in the English language is crucial and highly beneficial for students studying land and property relations. It enables them to broaden their opportunities in the realms of education, science, and professional activities, as well as establish connections with international colleagues and partners. It is important to understand that mastering the English language opens up new horizons and contributes to the students' future professional success in this field.


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Просмотров работы: 17