XVI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2024


Комаревцев В.И. 1, Бакленева С.А. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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The continuous development of information resources and technologies leads to increased requirements for those who intend to use them. Currently, our country is in a dynamic change of political and economic paradigms in the issue of relations with other states, open information propaganda is being conducted aimed at discrediting Russia. In addition, it should be noted that there are quite a large number of problems of various kinds within the country that require a modern and highly effective approach.

One of such problems is the linguistic security of the Russian Federation, namely its constant provision at the level necessary for the state. Linguistic security seems to be a complex and multidimensional problem, and therefore there are different approaches to the interpretation of this term. In a broad sense, linguistic security of the Russian Federation is responsible for improving the effectiveness of policy in the field of interethnic relations, solving problems of forming state integrity, as well as strengthening the positions of the Russian language and maintaining its both state and international status [1]. In the narrow sense, linguistic security is a set of measures within the framework of the state language policy of the Russian Federation aimed at ensuring the comprehensive protection of the Russian language [2]. Linguistic security is the guarantor of ensuring sovereignty, social, cultural and economic security, which actualizes the consideration of this concept both at the federal, state, and individual psychological levels.

Linguistic security is ensured thanks to the planned conduct of language policy both within the State and abroad. The main subject in this case is the authorities. August 3, 2018 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the study of native languages, which became a natural continuation of the course to strengthen state integrity and national unity. No less significant is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 400 of 02.07.2021. "On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation". Russian Russian is one of its main principles – protection and support of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, increased attention to compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language, prevention of distribution through the media of products that contain words and expressions that do not comply with these standards. The implementation of these transformations contributed to the determination of the status of the state language of the Russian Federation, the designation of the role of language and its influence on the social, political and cultural spheres of life. The priority in the study of the Russian language has been identified, an up-to-date program has been developed that meets modern criteria not only for pre-university educational organizations, but also for universities.

The analysis of scientific literature on the issue under study allows us to identify a number of other factors that hinder linguistic security [1, 4]: excessive use of Anglicisms and Americanisms in Russian oral and written speech; criminalization of oral and written speech, its oversaturation with jargons and appropriate vocabulary; large-scale and widespread decline in the level of speech literacy and culture of the population.

On the other hand, a number of positive trends in the implementation of language policy should be highlighted: activation in the media of the most educated part of the population, aimed at striving for cultural and spiritual and moral education, popularization of information that instills love for the native language and culture; increasing hours of studying the Russian language and native cultures; improving the quality of educational and scientific literature and highlighting the priority of speech and cultural literacy [3]. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a respectful attitude to the traditions and customs of small peoples and faiths of the Russian Federation.

However, the dynamically developing information space dictates new requirements in the field of linguistic security. The fundamental tasks for the implementation of language policy in the Russian Federation include: the transmission to generations of the spiritual and cultural heritage of Russia and the achievements of all humanitarian fields; strengthening the authority of Russia in matters of national continuity, its ethnic, cultural diversity and complex national-state structure in the socio-cultural, sociolinguistic and global spaces; development of unity of priorities, principles and goals of language policy in the regions of the Russian Federation, control and linguistic security; ensuring civil unity, strengthening of statehood, sovereignty and integrity of Russia in order to harmonize interethnic relations. Particular attention should be paid to the potential role of the media in solving these tasks. Media personalities who enjoy authority among young people are able to significantly influence the formation of their worldview, attitudes to certain social processes, etc. [2, 3, 4]. Due to the inept use of information sources, the lack of the ability of critical thinking and the inability to determine the reliability of information, the chaotically developing information space entails a serious danger for media consumers.

Thus, ensuring linguistic security is one of the priorities of the Russian Federation in the context of foreign policy and social instability, the dominant role in the implementation of which should belong to the state on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the situation in the country and beyond, designating and implementing language policy based on a comprehensive assessment of the situation in the country.


  1. Гостев, Р. Г. Национализм (сепаратизм) Малороссии - Украины / Р. Г. Гостев, С. Р. Гостева // Берегиня. 777. Сова: Общество. Политика. Экономика. – 2020. – № 1-2(44-45). – С. 330- 361.

  2. Жигалев Б. А. Лингвистическая безопасность как фактор обеспечения устойчивого развития Российской Федерации /Б. А. Жигалев, С. В. Устинкин // Власть, 2015,N № 10.-С.32-41.

  3. Марчини, Э. Н. Лингвистическая безопасность в современной России / Э. Н. Марчини // Технические университеты: интеграция с европейскими и мировыми системами образования : Материалы VIII Международной конференции. В 2 томах, Ижевск, 23–24 апреля 2019 года. Том 1. – Ижевск: Ижевский государственный технический университет имени М.Т. Калашникова, 2019. – С. 578-586.

  4. Skutnabb-Kangas T., Philipson R., Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination, 1994.

Просмотров работы: 29