Biography of Alexander Vladimirovich Kunin - Студенческий научный форум

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Biography of Alexander Vladimirovich Kunin

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Biography of Alexander Vladimirovich Kunin

Soviet linguist, lexicographer and phraseologist. Doctor of Philology, professor at Moscow Linguistic University who created the Kunin school of phraseology.


Kunin A.V. was born in Moscow, in the family of a linguist. He graduated from the linguistics department of the 2nd Moscow State University.

From 1932 to 1996 (with a break) - teacher, associate professor, professor of the 1st Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages by M. Torez.

From 1941 to 1945 he was evacuated to the city of Gorky. Worked at the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. He was an associate professor of the department of English philology, dean of the English language faculty.

He lived and was buried in Moscow. (1909-1996)

Scientific activity

Kunin A.V. is a major specialist in English phraseology. He is the author of many scientific articles on phraseology, phraseological stylistics, translation and lexicography, the famous 'English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary', a number of textbooks on different aspects of lexicology, stylistics and phraseology.

Undoubtedly, the pinnacle of the scholar's work is the Anglo-Russian Phraseological Dictionary. It began with the first reference book in our country, "English Idiomatic Expressions", published in 1933. Twice - in 1934 and 1937 - the dictionary was corrected, supplemented and reprinted. This was the basis for the Anglo-Russian Phraseological Dictionary, of which the fourth edition of 203 pages was published in 1984.

In 1964 came out the book "Written Translation from Russian into English", written in co-authorship with J. M. Katzer. A Practical Course" was published, and it was the first textbook of its kind in our country.

Three monographs by Alexander Kunin, "English Phraseology" (1970), "Modern English Phraseology" (1972) and "Modern English Phraseology Course" (1986) form the basis of the educational English phraseology, and are also the basic works of his phraseology school. By analysing the works of phraseologists of other directions and summarising the research results of his students, A. V. Kunin established the status of phraseology as a separate linguistic discipline. His books have greatly contributed to the popularisation of phraseology in higher education institutions.

He has attended many conferences, and is a frequent opponent of dissertations, giving lectures in many towns and cities in the country. Under his editorship in the Torez Moscow State Institute of Linguistics and Literature are collected and published. Under his editorship collections of scientific papers on phraseological issues are published.

The works of Alexander Vladimirovich Kunin

- Written Translation from Russian into English.

This book represents the first attempt in our country to create a course on written translation from Russian into English. It can be used in the training of translators, as well as for in-service training of teachers of English and anyone studying English. The book is based on the authors' experience in teaching translation into English at a translation department, as well as on their translation experience. In addition to building translation skills, the book is intended to contribute to a more in-depth study of the English language.

The Big English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary/English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary.

The dictionary is the largest English-Russian phraseological dictionary ever compiled in the world, containing approximately 20,000 phraseological units with a detailed elaboration of meanings and connotations. The dictionary includes phrases commonly used in 19th- and 20th-century English. It contains numerous illustrations from the works of English and American classics and contemporary writers, indicating the author and work. The dictionary is aimed at people reading English fiction and socio-political literature and the press, translators, researchers, students and teachers.

- English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms / English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms.

English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms contains about 5000 most frequently used English and American idioms with the development of their meanings and illustrative examples.

- A course in phraseology of modern English.

This textbook offers the most comprehensive presentation of Koonin's theory of modern English phraseology, which is currently one of the most elaborate. Various approaches and research methods, existing in linguistics, are highlighted. This is the first and only course in English phraseology to date, and the textbook has a clear practical orientation and is supplied with examples from original English, American and Australian literature. Recommended to students of foreign languages, university departments of philology, and post-graduates specializing in English phraseology.

Sources of information

Просмотров работы: 124