The Russian language and culture of Russian people - Студенческий научный форум

XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023

The Russian language and culture of Russian people

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Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. However, it is difficult for foreigners to master it because Russian speech is difficult for them to understand. The rules of punctuation and spelling are particularly difficult. They cannot be understood even by some Russian speakers.

The letters "y" (soft sign) and "ъ" (hard sign) are also a feature of the Russian language. They have no sounds and are used only in interaction with other letters.

The word order in Russian can be anything, which is different from the rules of foreign languages. In other languages the word order must be specific, even in affirmative and negative sentences. In order to ask a question, it is necessary to change the sentence correctly. In Russian, it is only necessary to put the questioning intonation.

Phraseological turns are another peculiarity of the Russian language. They have always caused difficulties for foreigners, because not everyone is able to understand what this or that phraseology means.

Russian verbs have a gender only in the past tense. A noun or pronoun indicates the gender in the future and present tense, but not the verb.

The Russian literary language and the living vernacular language

There are two varieties of the modern national (common) Russian language: the literary language and the living vernacular.

Literary language is a form of the common language, which is necessary for the normal functioning of all spheres of social life: culture, science, politics, art. And also, in the official and business sphere, inter-ethnic and informal communication. Thus, in order to organize joint activities, people must speak a language that is understood by all. Speakers of the language perceive this variety as exemplary.

A living vernacular is a language spoken by a people. It includes dialects, vernaculars and jargons. They are numerous and differ from each other, especially in lexical terms. Therefore, it is the literary language that is the generally accepted form of communication.

Culture of the Russian people

Russian culture is the activity, thinking and behavior of a Russian person or Russian society, which is based on certain values, rules, worldview and mentality.

Russian culture also includes a special way of living and thinking, folk traditions and ceremonies, and spiritual values.

Foreigners primarily associate the Russian person with breadth of heart and strength of spirit.

Russian people have such a trait as simplicity. They have a more straightforward attitude to domestic issues due to the fact that in ancient times Slavic dwellings and their property were subject to destruction and robbery.

Also, many people from other countries know about the hospitality of Russian people. Therefore, the Russian people are considered to be good-natured, merciful, and compassionate.

Endurance and industriousness are character traits of the Russian people that deserve the most attention. Historians in their writings often note the ability to combine hard work and laziness and versatility of people. However, the capacity for work and the incredible endurance of the Russian people cannot be disputed. This is a fact that has become more and more stable over time.

In conclusion

We can talk endlessly about how rich the Russian language is, about its peculiarities and how difficult it is to learn, especially for foreigners. The culture of the Russian people is no less interesting. It is full of customs, traditions, and people's mentality and their contradictions.


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