XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Корсаков И.И. 1, Пословский В.И. 1, Хорват О.В. 1, Склярова О.Н. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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For a decade now, the entire "civilized" world has cynically distorted the historical truth concerning the USSR. Several generations have already grown up in the world, who are absolutely sure that our homeland is the main world evil.

The most outstanding event in the history of the USSR, and world history, is the Second World War. And that is why the history of the Victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War is most susceptible to falsifications. There are many methods of information struggle of the militant West against true historical facts. Consider the most common ones.


An attempt is being made to erase from historical memory, to erase from public consciousness the phenomenon of World War II.

Its effectiveness is quite high, since, on the one hand, a calculation is made on the natural decline of the older generation who survived the war, on the other, on young people who know about this war only what they will tell her in the family or school.


It is argued: "two dictators" - Hitler and Stalin - are equally to blame for the war between Germany and the USSR; say, "there was no Great Patriotic War," "the Nazis and communists fought," pushed by both leaders. By the way, such an "information duck" is nothing more than an interpretation, or rather, a repetition of the myth generated by another doctor, the Minister of Propaganda of Fascist Germany Joseph Goebbels.

Nowadays, this myth is actively supported and replicated not only by the "scientific elite" of the West, but also by some representatives of our "elite." The main thing is not in the similarity of Stalinism and Nazism (and fascism), but in their qualitative difference. Nazism (and fascism) is the idea of one nation being superior to others. And Stalinism is a continuation of the idea of socialism, that is, class equality. It is no coincidence that this hatred of the Nazis (fascists) towards communism took place. The masters of the Western world encouraged Nazism (fascism) as anti-communism, as a means of fighting communism.

The cynical attempts of some Western ideologists to put the USSR and fascist Germany on a par as supposedly equally criminal states deserve special attention. This thesis is especially popular in the former Baltic republics of the USSR. The public trial at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg unconditionally condemned Hitler's Germany's criminal aggression, its proven crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The general and fundamental importance of the Nuremberg Charter and the verdict of the International Military Tribunal was expressed in the resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 11, 1946, in which the UN reaffirmed the principles of international law recognized by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and expressed in the verdict of the Tribunal.


The crucial role of the Soviet Union in defeating fascist Germany is silenced or even denied.

At the same time, the entire Soviet military infrastructure is unreasonably hunted - from ordinary Red Army to marshals, from domestic military science to real combat losses. It is argued, for example, that Soviet soldiers were only looking for occasions to surrender, the command staff - continuous mediocre and inexperienced, and domestic military art was inferior to German.

The last "fashion trend" in the difficult business of distorting the historical truth and diminishing the greatness of Victory can perhaps be considered a large-scale falsification of data on the human losses of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War.

Human losses in the war became the most fertile topic for the West, because there is no single calculation method, many documents both in Russia and in the West are still in secret archives, and besides, no one bears any responsibility for inaccurate information about the dead. For example, foreign "historians" consider the losses of Germany and include only military personnel in them, and in relation to the USSR, they combine the number of dead civilians and fallen soldiers, issuing the amount as losses of the Red Army.

At the same time, when calculating for the same Germany, they seem to accidentally "miss" the losses of the armies of Romania, Hungary, Italy and Finland, although in 1941 they, together with Germany, attacked the USSR and fought on the Soviet-German front.

Unfortunately, this myth was able to implant Europeans in the mass consciousness with the help of many years of skillful propaganda. Both tearful Hollywood melodramas about ordinary American soldiers and history books in which entire paragraphs are allotted to the Allied landings in Normandy, and a couple of stingy lines to the Battle of Stalingrad, work to distort the image of World War II.


Unable to prove the myth of the decisive contribution of America, and not the USSR to the victory over Nazi Germany, Western historians usually pull out another "propaganda trump card" from their sleeves: Soviet Russia could not defeat Hitler without Anglo-American Lend-Lease assistance.

Let's pay tribute: the military equipment that the United States transferred to the USSR has become an important help for the warring Red Army. However, its significance should not be exaggerated either - our country accounted for only a fifth of all American Lend-Lease supplies, while two-thirds - to the UK and its colonies. At the same time, the USSR's needs for weapons and military equipment were primarily provided by its own defense industry, which was created during industrialization and timely withdrawn from the war zone. Thus, the volume of production of the USSR during the war years was more than 20 times higher than foreign aid. As a result, only one in nine tanks and one in seven aircraft used by the Red Army were manufactured in the West.

The false thesis that the victory did not go to the high organization and heroism of the Soviet people at the front and in the rear, but the fear of the NKVD barrage detachments and excessive victims of the Red Army fighters, does not correspond to reality.

The greater number of victims of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War compared to fascist Germany is primarily due to the fact that the Nazis deliberately carried out genocide of the civilian population (recall the countless farms and villages that were burned by the Nazis along with the population living in them). Bombing and shelling of hospitals and sanitary echelons marked with a red cross was common practice on the part of German pilots and tankers. And the Soviet troops, on the contrary, fought only with the Wehrmacht and its armed allies. The humane attitude of the Red Army fighters towards the liberated local population (exceptions to this rule were negligible) and architectural monuments is a well-known fact.

According to veterans - participants in hostilities, in the Great Patriotic War, not a single barrage detachment was able to restrain a running military unit from the front line, since it was significantly superior to the barrage in number and power, and therefore it would simply boldly be.


Stalin and everything related to his activities did not become a distant and indifferent past for living people. Quite a few representatives of generations are still alive, for whom the Stalin era was and remains their era, regardless of how they relate to it. And most importantly, Stalin belongs to the number of those great historical figures who forever remain significant phenomena of modernity for all subsequent generations. After the XX Congress of the CPSU (1956), the idea of the Stalin period as a period of villainy, and of Stalin himself as the most villainous villain of all villains in human history, was firmly established. And now only the exposure of the ulcers of Stalinism and Stalin's defects is accepted as truth.

The war against Hitler's Germany was the greatest test for Stalinism and for Stalin himself personally.

And we must admit as an indisputable fact that this test was withstood: the greatest war in the history of mankind against the strongest and worst in the military and in all other aspects of the enemy ended in a triumphant victory of our country, and the main factor of victory was Stalinism criticized by the West and Stalin personally, as the leader and organizer of the country's life in the war years and commander in chief of the country's armed forces.

Attempts to distort the historical truth about the USSR by Western and pro-Western historians, politicians and public figures are an unequivocal sign that the USSR was undoubtedly a great power and to this day causes an unpleasant itch among figures hostile to Russia. All these critics of Russia are divided into two categories - the first, the most numerous - are people who, due to their illiteracy or laziness, do not want to independently analyze the facts, get to the truth and thoughtlessly accept the finished propaganda product. And the second is small, but the most dangerous: people who understand the real state of affairs and act consciously. At the same time, the Soviet Union and Russia cause them fear and misunderstanding. A lack of understanding of how a nation whose share of misfortunes has fallen that perhaps no other nation in the world has seen and has built the greatest power in the world. And fear. Fear of the strength of the Russian spirit.


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Просмотров работы: 11