XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Бондаренко Н.Е. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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At the present stage, the Russian Federation is constantly exposed to the influence of some Western states that are trying to influence our sovereign policy, distort historical events, introduce and instill in us values that are contrary to human nature, change our worldview and destroy the «Russian world». A war is unleashed against Russia; wars not only on the battlefield, but also in the media and on the Internet, that is, a hybrid war.

The victory in the Great Patriotic War is one of the events that are currently taking place to strengthen the value characteristics of the people of Russia. The memory of this historical event occupies an important place in the value picture of the world of the Russian people, who made a decisive contribution to the victory over fascism. In this regard, the Victory of 1945 and the celebrations in honor of this event have become targets for those who unleash a hybrid war. Attacks on Victory Day are studied by political scientists, historians, public figures and journalists. In many works devoted to information-psychological warfare, which is part of a hybrid one, in relation to military history, the issue of belittling the contribution of the Soviet people to the victory over Nazi Germany is raised. In the linguistic aspect, the texts that discredit the Victory have not been studied enough.

The objectives of the study are: to identify speech strategies and tactics in conflict texts about the Victory of 1945 and Victory Day; analysis of negative evaluative means of the language aimed at humiliating the memory of generals and victorious warriors, as well as people who celebrate Victory Day as a great holiday. A conflict text about Russian military history is understood as a public, negatively evaluative text that contradicts historical truth and the value dominants of the victorious people. The main functions of the conflict text are informational and influencing functions, while the influencing one is predominant.

The tactic of equating the USSR and its army with aggressors and enslavers is also often used. Accordingtoanumberofauthors, theSovietvictoryisenslavementforEurope: «Советские же войска в последние годы войны и после нее несли смерть и репрессии на освобождаемых территориях представителям имущих («эксплуататорских») классов, чиновникам, офицерам, полицейским и национальной интеллигенции».

Often there is a tactic of one-sided consideration of the results of the Great Patriotic War, when some aspect of the events of the period of the Great Patriotic War is taken and, based on its assessment, a conclusion is made about the nature or results of the entire war. According to some authors, the great sacrifices among the population of the USSR and the losses in the ranks of the Soviet army indicate the impossibility of evaluating the outcome of the Great Patriotic War as a victory: «Пирр победителей: сорок один миллион сакральных жертв».This site contains a republishing of an article by V. Erofeev, popular in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. In the title «Пирр победителей...» the technique of the language game is used: the stable expression «пиррова победа» is played up, which means «victory devalued by excessive losses».

In conflict texts that implement a discrediting speech strategy, the tactics of insulting attacks against citizens celebrating Victory Day are often used. In the texts that implement the strategy of discrediting the Victory Day, one often comes across the negatively appraisal occasionalism «победобесие», which was first used by Georgy Mitrofanov in relation to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory and subsequently became an Internet meme.«В канун «шизофренического зуда пабедобесия» в России выходит много передач и фильмов о тех событиях, но везде от россиян сознательно скрывается правда о той войне». A metaphor is used («шизофренического зуда пабедобесия»), through which the celebration of Victory Day in Russia is compared with mental illness. The author used the neologism «пабеда» written through the vowel «а». The tactics of insulting the population celebrating Victory Day were used. The intention of the author of the article is to show that for most of the war the Soviet people only corrected their own mistakes committed in the summer of 1941. The following are the main culprits of the tragedy, according to the author: G.K. Zhukov, I.V. Stalin and the Soviet people themselves, who guilty of his «рабской покорности». The bright commander, one of the national heroes, Marshal of Victory G.K. Zhukov, is deheroized, who, with the help of the labeling technique, acts as the «виновник » and «автором трагедии». It is categorically reported that «ни один полководец мира не имел таких позорных поражений, как Жуков летом 1941 года» Irony is used as a linguistic means in relation to G.K. Zhukov: «Предвоенные приказы Жукова вообще очень интересны!», «А тут стратег Жуков подарил нацистам 6,5 тысяч танков!» Thereisanunsubstantiatedaccusation, expressedbyacategoricalvaluejudgment: «Все предвоенные приказы Жукова – преступны, и за них Жукова следовало судить и расстрелять вместо Павлова как главного виновника страшного разгрома армии. <...> В первую очередь из-за Жукова были оккупированы западные территории СССР, где только в Беларуси было уничтожено более 99% евреев».

The leader of the Soviet state I.V. Stalin is also subjected to deheroization through the tactics of defamation: «А Сталин через посла Болгарии в СССР Стотенова осенью 1941 года просит Гитлера о заключении сепаратного мира, подобного ленинскому Брестскому миру, когда «братья» – россияне предали за свое спасение белорусов и украинцев. Но вдумайтесь в сам факт: Сталин, спасая свою шкуру, был готов снова подарить немцам белорусов. Как подарок россиянского народа немецкому народу в лице белорусского народа – которого как барашка режут для заключения мира» As a means, the phraseologism «Save (your) skin» is used, which in the «Phraseological Dictionary» contains the marks «colloquial», «contempt» and is used in the meaning of «cowardly evade danger, betraying life, interests, etc. other people». An unflattering comparison is used, in which the Belarusian people are compared with a «gift» to the German people, as well as with a sacrificial «lamb».

To implement the tactics of insulting attacks, the authors use deliberately rude, stylistically reduced words and expressions that convey the author's dislike for the Soviet army and the victorious people, which is called «the dregs of mankind» and «soviet rabble»: «Мы принесем Правосудие на оружейной стали в проклятую землю большевистских выродков. Безнаказанность и торжество отбросов человечества продолжались десятилетиями, но История не знает преступлений, длившихся вечно. Чем дольше праздновал свою лжепобеду совковый сброд, тем сильнее будет карающее Возмездие мира потомков цивилизованных наций – благородная миссия, вдохновляемая памятью каждого из нас» In the above example, the emotional attitude of the author to the subject of the utterance is observed. In texts of this kind, in addition to the emotional side that reflects the feelings of the subject, there is also a rational side that expresses the author's opinion. The author is trying to discredit the entire Soviet army, the Soviet people and the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Conflict texts «suggest the presence or excitation of oppositional relations between the subject and the subject of speech.» The opposition «friend or foe» is clearly traced: «soviet rabble» is opposed to «descendants of civilized nations». In modern Russian, the lexeme «rabble» denotes «people belonging to decomposed, criminal, antisocial elements», as well as «insignificant, insignificant people». In the «Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language» ed. S. A. Kuznetsova, this word is recorded with the note «neglect.» (disparaging). The word «geek» is used in relation to «a person who stands out (in his family or environment) with extremely negative qualities», in dictionaries it is recorded as «abusive». The lexeme «garbage» is used in relation to «morally decomposed members of any team.» The use of journalistic metaphors - the dregs of humanity, the soviet rabble, the Bolshevik geeks, which include abusive and derogatory words of the Russian language, testify to the author’s negative attitude towards the victorious people, the desire not only to belittle his role in the Great Patriotic War, but completely deprive him of the right be called winners.

The tactics of offensive attacks against Russia as a country in which Victory Day is perceived by the majority of citizens as a national idea are actively used. The authors of the analyzed material deny not only the existence of a national idea, but also the Russian nation as such, and Russia itself is called a «fake country»:«Страна-фейк Россия не может успокоиться и год за годом продолжает изгаляться изобретая очередную модерновую идею национально величия. Забывая, что для национальной идеи надо было нацию завести... Очень сложно найти на России нацию, особенно если понять, что Россия – это название колонии для десятков наций объединяет которые одна простая цепь кандалы да оковы. <...> Жителям колоний... надо придумать причину не сбежать из концлагеря под гордым именем “Россия”...». In the above fragment, the paraphrases of the name «Russia» are used: «the country is a fake», «a concentration camp under the proud name «Russia», and Victory Day is called the «modern idea of national greatness». In an ironic sense, the phrase «proud name» is also used.

The texts about the Great Patriotic War and the victory over fascist Germany use the general strategy of causing moral damage, which is expressed by the speech strategy of discrediting and the speech strategy of disinformation. These strategies are designed to sow doubts among the participants of the online discourse about the objectivity of the celebration of Victory Day, devalue the merits of the USSR in the Victory over the Third Reich and induce a sense of shame for the actions of the Soviet authorities, the Soviet army and the people themselves during the Great Patriotic War. In order to implement the presented speech strategies, a number of speech tactics are used, the most frequent of which are the tactics of equating to the followers of an ideology based on violence, the tactics of presenting data without relying on documents, the tactics of one-sided consideration, the tactics of deheroization, the tactics of insulting attacks, the tactics of ridicule.

History is the basis of the present and a guide to the future. Knowledge of the history of one's country allows one to form an idea of the events of the past, teaches one to think critically, helps to strengthen social cohesion and preserve a common historical memory. The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presents data from a survey on the opinion of Russians about the falsification of history. Today, the absolute majority of Russians consider it important to know the history of Russia (96%), over the past 7 years their conviction in this matter has grown (92% in 2015).

The presented material is dominated by texts of an evaluative nature, which demonstrate the hostility of the authors towards the military history of Russia. The implementation of a negative assessment in the reviewed texts is represented by evaluative statements about the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, which can lead to the formation of a negative public opinion about the event among some Internet users.

The study of linguistic means of humiliation of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War can contribute to the formation of a critical understanding of such texts, which ultimately will serve to preserve historical memory as a value component of the consciousness of the Russian people.


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Просмотров работы: 4