XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Дезенщиков Н.В. 1, Алтухов И.В. 1, Живокина М.А. 1, Павлова Ю.Е. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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  Currently, psychology is intensively developing and becoming interesting not only to professionals and scientists. Psychology as a science refers to the field of human knowledge, which has some characteristics of special activity, but at the same time approaches the non-specific sphere, being a publicly available and interesting subject for study. The specific range of phenomena that are included in the subject area of the psychological study stands out quite clearly - these are people's perceptions, their thoughts, feelings, aspirations, intentions, desires, etc., in other words, all that constitutes the internal contact of our daily life and is inherent in man as a given.

  To achieve a high-quality and adequate translation of psychological literature, the translator needs to have some knowledge, features of this scientific reality, techniques and methods of translation. Otherwise, ignorance of the elementary foundation and specificity of the translated material may be accompanied by a number of difficulties in translating from the original language into Russian, which ultimately leads to inaccurate and poor-quality translation.

  The process of familiarization with the subject matter of psychology is the basis for building the professional competence of the translator. Works on popular psychology have a certain standard set of characteristics that usually do not cause difficulties in translation, since texts of this genre are focused on building an active dialogue with readers. The author seeks not only to broadcast scientific information, but also to stylistically win over the readership, which consists in the use of metaphors, allusions, epithets and other means of artistic expressiveness.

  The connection of psychology with other branches of science, such as sociology, anatomy, neurophysiology, pedagogy, history and others, also create additional difficulties in translation. Being at the intersection with other sciences, the conceptual apparatus of which is much better developed, psychology widely uses their terminology. In connection with the integration of sciences, their interpenetration, universal terminology was developed, which contributed to the creation of special dictionary covering various fields of psychology, such as general psychology, social psychology, zoopsychology, psychophysics, pedagogical, engineering psychology, mathematical and statistical terms.

  Terms as a special lexical composition of words is are created in the process of production and scientific activities and, therefore, function only among people with appropriate scientific and production realities.

  Another problem concerns the separation of terms from non-terms, a clear boundary between which cannot be drawn. Along with word terms in psychological terminology, there are many phrase terms consisting mainly of two components: simple (intuition, solution, sensation, perception) and complex (counterpart, psychotherapy)

  The desire for the most complete correspondence of the forms of the language with the content of the statement leads to the use of numerous terms. Somewhat exaggerating the meaning of the term, such "mergers" occur at different language levels. Thus, phonetic and stylistic means are in particular the development of the language of scientific narrative. 

  The translation of scientific texts on psychology refers to an informative type of translation. The main stylistic features of the scientific text is the accurate and clear presentation of the material, the extreme saturation with special terminology characteristics of this branch of knowledge.

  At the lexical level of the language, a feature of psychological texts is special terminology, abbreviations, new "author" terms that animate the scientific style and make it more expressive, which creates additional difficulties in translation. The complexity of the translation is also due to the specificity of the scientific terminology transfer in the original language in accordance with the subject and methods of its work, thus, when translating, it is necessary to search for the lexical correspondence in Russian.  In other words, it must have its exact meaning indicated by its definition, in all cases of its use in any text, so that the user does not have to decide each time in which of the possible meaning it is used here.

 In addition, there is such concept as "temporarily equivalent terms". According to A.O. Ivanov, the reasons for equivalence include: 

absence of a subject, phenomenon in the public life of the translation language (material aquivalence)

absence of an identical concept in the translation language (lexical- semantic equivalence)

difference in lexical-semantic characteristics (stylistic equivalence)

 However, over time, using transliteration, a previously unknown term appears in everyday life in the translation language.

 The third problem is related to the difficulties of translating the terms included in the dictionary. Since the conceptual devices of domestic and foreign psychology do not always coincide, it was not always possible to choose the Russian equivalent for the English terms: in cases where they are absent in Russian psychological terminology, the interpretation of English terms is descriptive. 

 Solving these problems becomes main task of the translator - to transform the source text in such a way that in the end it turns out to be adequate for the perception and understanding of the addressee.


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Просмотров работы: 10