XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Грошков М.Д. 1
1Владимирский государственный Университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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At each specific historical moment, our speech as a living organism responds to all significant events taking place in society.The fate of the Russian language is a topic that cannot leave any wordsmith indifferent. It is obvious that the language is changing significantly right before the eyes of our generation. Should I be happy about it or upset? Fight the changes or accept them?Currently, the state of the modern language, the decline in the culture of speech of Russians, different segments of the population of our country, is of great concern. First of all, this concerns young people who are beginning to take profanity for granted.

1) Russian speech culture of modern youth.

The speech culture of modern students is a plastic speech environment that quickly reacts to the emergence of new things in society, and these changes find their expression in the structure of communication. The cardinal changes of moral values in modern society, the development of market relations, the influence and spread of professional speech communication in everyday life, the vocabulary of youth subcultures, the borrowing of foreign words – all this has determined the composition of the speech culture of youth. Analyzing the complexity of the speech culture of the younger generation, it is necessary to take into account that this process is directly related to democratization, neologization, expressionization, jargonization, Americanization, internationalization of the society in which we are. There is a clear decrease in the general level of speech culture in the media, in everyday communication, which is an integral and permanent part of the daily activities of modern students. The state of the modern language causes concern among philologists, teachers and representatives of that part of the youth who seek to be in demand in the future and achieve success in life.

2) Youth jargon.

Youth jargon is a special form of language. Increasingly, such "magic" words as "please", "be kind", "forgive", etc. are heard in the speeches of young people.From a certain age, many of us plunge into his element, but over time, as it were, "emerge" to the surface of the literary spoken language. Youth jargon is based on playing with the word, on a special attitude to life, rejecting everything that is right, stable, boring, routine. Quite often, people of older generations also retain a predilection for jargon. There are two extreme features in the vocabulary of youth jargon. On the one hand, concreteness, clarity of definition: the tail is an unreleased exam or test, the brake is a slow, stupidly thinking person. On the other hand, amorphousness, blurring of meaning – sometimes slang words and expressions cannot be accurately translated into literary language: cool is a difficult-to-define positive characteristic of a person or object borrowed from the language of traveling merchants of the XIX century, cool is a positive characteristic of a person.

Some psychological properties of young people – the craving for the unusual, the new, the desire to oppose themselves to adults – are also manifested in language, in the speech behavior of adolescents, youth. An emphatic statement of one's "I" in this world can give rise to deliberate rudeness in speech, a special dapper pronunciation, the use of specific words in their circle.

It is curious that youth jargon is updated in the same way as the language as a whole, as its other subsystems. This update consists not only in changing some slang words by others, but also in changing the "weight" of each of the ways of forming jargonisms.

3) Russian youth slang.

Slang is a word that is often regarded as a violation of the norms of the standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to denote objects that are spoken about in everyday life.

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as it is clear from its very nomination, but also by social, temporal spatial limits. It exists among urban students - and individual more or less closed reference groups. The first reason for such a rapid appearance of new words in youth slang is, of course, the rapid, "jumping" development of life. If we look at the numerous magazines covering the novelties of the market, we will see that almost every week there are more or less significant phenomena. Recently, there has also been a craze among young people for computer games. This again served as a powerful source of new words.

Slang doesn't stay constant. With the change of one fashion phenomenon by another, old words are forgotten, they are replaced by others. This process is very fast. If in any other slang a word can exist for decades, then in youth slang only over the past decade of rapid world progress an incredible number of words have appeared and gone down in history.

But there are also some things that have not undergone any special changes. But their slang designations do not remain unchanged. There is a generational change process, and those words that seemed fashionable and funny five or seven years ago now look outdated. Fashion is changing, trends in society are changing, some words just get boring.

The Russian language, without any doubt, is directly influenced by the English language. And we will not be able to stop this process until we create something unique ourselves.

4)Ways to overcome the problems of youth speech culture.

To avoid this, you should:

1. To explain to persons whose speeches fall into the center of public attention the need to take care of their native language.

2. To explain to the heads of mass media the need for high-quality editorial work on the style of published texts.

3. Organize a Russian language advisory service.

4. Promote classical literature.

5. Provide libraries with new dictionaries and textbooks on the Russian language and speech culture.

6. Prepare and publish a new edition of the official code of spelling and punctuation rules.

7. To promote a careful attitude to the Russian language.

8.Family: if a child learns from childhood to respect the attitude of family members to each other, then later he is unlikely to have a desire to express his feelings with the help of obscenity.

9.Educational institutions. After all, we involuntarily, but in many ways we take an example from our teachers: if we notice respect for us as a person, then we try to behave properly. If we feel a disdainful attitude towards ourselves, then an internal protest arises, which can result in aggressive speech.

5) Conclusion.

Today, the Russian language is undergoing tremendous changes. One of the main problems is the problem of borrowing foreign words and speech phrases, which we are increasingly "implanting" in our speech: mentality instead of character, a present instead of a gift, and such examples can be given for a very long time. Some borrowed words have changed their meaning due to the influence of socio-political reasons, for example, the word speculator was originally used in the meaning of a small entrepreneur.

I really hope that the time will come when rudeness and rudeness will disappear from our vocabulary, when young people will not be sophisticated in front of each other in the virtuosity of using slang and profanity. We should be proud of our native language, which is an indispensable component of the national identity of the individual. After all, the culture of speech embodies the cultural and historical traditions of the people.

List of Literature

1. Budagov R.A. Man and his language. – M., 1976.

2. Klyuev E.V. Speech communication: the success of speech interaction. – M., 2002.

3. Russian language. Encyclopedia. – M., 1997.

4. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and communication culture. – M., 1989.

5.Kravchenko A. I. Sociology. Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. – Yekaterinburg, 2012.

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