XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Фатьянов Д.А. 1, Комаристый А.А. 1, Павлова Ю.Е. 1, Баранова Л.М. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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Today, in connection with the actualization of the task of improving the quality of higher education, the function of evaluating the results of the educational activities of cadets is becoming important. The main purpose of the assessment procedure is a critical analysis of the educational process. The problem of assessment in higher education institutions is currently receiving a lot of attention, which is reflected in the development and implementation of modern types and methods of monitoring educational activities. Nevertheless, one of the most important problems remains the search for optimal certification procedures that allow a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the dynamics of personal and educational achievements of cadets.

As the analysis of the theory and practice of pedagogical education shows, to achieve this goal, the use of only traditional procedures and forms of control is insufficient. The importance and relevance of using various forms of mutual and self-assessment is especially increased in higher education, where most of the educational process is related to self-education. Consequently, there is an increasing need to use new ways of taking into account the achievements of students based on self-assessment processes.

Self-esteem contributes to the development of reflexive skills. Taking a reflexive position, the cadet analyzes, critically comprehends his activity, compares its goals and results, strives to understand its features, advantages and disadvantages. Reflection is the ability of a person to be aware of his own activity, to see successes and mistakes in it, is aimed at finding the causes of failures and difficulties, during which it is realized that the means used do not correspond to the task, as a result, a critical attitude to his own means is formed, then a wider range of means is applied to the conditions of the task, guesses, hypotheses are put forward, there is an intuitive solution (at an unconscious level) to this problem (i.e. there is a solution in principle), and then there is a logical justification and implementation of the solution. Reflection implies the ability to analyze the results of their activities, set the boundaries of their own activities when solving a learning task, adjust their own actions. In other words, "the ability to think about how I think, to know what I know, and to know how I know" [1].

The following conditions play an important role in the structure of reflexive activity: performing educational tasks that include reflection and introspection of educational actions; using innovative methods of control in teaching (for example, check list, bank of individual educational achievements); fixing students of their educational advancement (self-development) and analyzing the results [2].

One of the ways of self-assessment of achievements by cadets is a reflexive diary, which allows you to record the dynamics of changes in the development of professional competencies, critically evaluate your activities.

During each lesson, the cadets independently filled out a reflexive diary, assessing their knowledge and skills corresponding to the basic language skills. The assessment was made according to the gradation "Ready", "Not ready", "Ready, but not completely", there is also a column for comments/ notes in which cadets can indicate problems in mastering the material, results, describe their emotions, etc. At the end of the lesson, everyone evaluates their work and an assessment is given, which is then compared with the assessment set by the teacher, there is a discussion (why the discrepancy in the assessment, what problems arose, what was easy, etc.).

The results of the introduction of a reflective diary as a tool for evaluating personal and educational achievements of cadets allowed:

to draw the attention of students to the assessment of personal and educational achievements, to form their reflexive skills;

to analyze the assessment of personal and educational achievements, dividing the assessments received simultaneously from the positions of the cadet and the teacher;

to provide cadets with a tool that makes it possible to constantly record and track the dynamics of their own educational achievements at any stage of mastering the topic and discipline;

constantly monitor the results of their activities, which allowed them to independently manage an individual educational trajectory within the framework of one topic;

to increase the interest of cadets in the discipline being mastered.

Along with the obvious advantages of introducing a non-standard self-assessment tool, a number of difficulties encountered by both cadets and teachers were also identified.

On the part of the teacher, obvious difficulties and shortcomings when working with a reflective diary were identified:

time spent on a thorough analysis and preparation of the diary's questions;

additional time spent on processing and analyzing its results along with maintaining a traditional semester journal of evaluation of learning outcomes;

On the part of the cadets, among the shortcomings are noted:

additional time spent on filling out the diary;

unwillingness to openly present not always high results of their activities, the desire to show themselves in a more favorable light.

Despite the indicated difficulties of keeping a reflexive diary, the advantages of using it in the educational process of the university are obvious, therefore, the next step should be to correct individual diary questions that allow reflecting a personal attitude to the material being studied, to assess the complexity and interest of studying the course, the need to change the methods or form of conducting the course, the form of evaluating the results of the course.


Anfalov, E. V. Problems of using reflexive teaching methods in a military university / E. V. Anfalov. — Text : direct // Young scientist. — 2015. — № 24 (104). — P. 903-906. — URL: / (accessed: 13.09.2022).

Panteleeva V.V.  To the problem of the application of the reflexive learning/ V.V. Panteleeva // RELGA, 2006. № 16 (138).- URL: (accessed: 13.09.2022).

Просмотров работы: 3