XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Шерстобитов Я.Е. 1
1Донской государственный технический университет
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Production control is the monitoring and use of the production process to maximize efficiency, quality, and productivity. This can be done by implementing various tools and techniques, such as machine tools, data analysis, monitoring, the use of technical tools or other means.

Monitoring and analyzing production processes allows you not only to monitor the progress of work in the enterprise, but also to find problems and solve them before they become more serious problems, and also helps you understand which aspects of the process need to be improved.

ASMPP is a hardware and software system, that analyzes production process data and helps management make the right decisions.

Automated system tools can be used to maintain production efficiency by monitoring production processes. They provide insight into the production cycle and make sure that there are no bottlenecks or delays in the operation of equipment.

The system can be divided into two main subsystems:

Data collection and storage subsystem

Data analysis subsystems

The first step is to implement a hardware data acquisition module, and for further development of the analysis subsystem, it is also necessary to collect and systematize a set of data on the operation of machine equipment.

Module Characteristics

The main functions involve taking machineя load indicators, algorithmically selecting the machine state based on the collected indicators, and sending all the received data to the server.

To solve the problem of installing the system on various industrial equipment, it was decided to use a non-invasive sensor. The equipment показателяload indicator is measured by measuring датчиком the magnetic field caused by alternating current in the power cables with the sensor. The measurements are made independently for each phase of the power supply. The measured parameters are converted to digital format.

The data acquisition subsystem reads data from the phases every 5 seconds. Then, relative to the sum of the readings from the three power supply phases, the machine state is selected and the current consumption is calculated. Based on the collected data, a request is made to the server in the database. The request uses a text format for data exchange of the json type. The block diagram of the hardware module operation is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1- Block diagram of the sensor operation

All components of the hardware module are located and secured in a compact package. Material housing plastic.

Selecting components

The following components were selected to implement the module:

A non-invasive SCT-013-000 YHDC sensor is used to take current consumption readings.

It was decided to use the Orange Pi Zero microcomputer for data processing and transmission Orange Pi Zero. Its advantage in computing power, Linux-based Linux OS, built-in Ethernet port, I/C support. There is also a disadvantage in the absence of analog ports.

The problem with the lack of ports is solved by installing the ADS1115 ADC. The board has four analog ports, and data is transmitted via the I2C bus.

A compact modular MK-1230 5V 2A power supply is selected for powering the module.

Transmitting data

For information exchange between subsystems, a local network is organized.

Data is transmitted via HTTP requests to the URL address.

Data type

To store and organize data, create tables in the DBMS (Figure 2):

Users. List of shop floor employees and administrators.

Machines. List of all machine tools in the company.

Devices. List of active and decommissioned sensors.

Manufactories. List цехов of the company's workshops.

Users_manufactories. Defines the allowed workshops for the user.

Params. A list with a description of the data received from the sensor.

Monitoring_data. List of machine tool monitoring data.

Figure 2-Table interaction diagram and data structure.

The configuration file for the software of the hardware module of the data acquisition subsystem is located in the same directory as the program script. The setupfile stores data such as:

ip address of the server subsystem.

Device id.

Parameters of current consumption limits. Depending on the set limits, the state of the machine is selected.

Coefficients k1 and k2 for the formula for calculating values using the least squares method;

Serial iddevice IDs.

Recording data

The PostgreSQL DBMS was used to implement the ability to store, edit, and organize data.

When interacting with the subsystem, the structured query language SQL is used.

Test on industrial equipment.

After assembling the hardware module, we install it on a Haas MiniMill industrial milling machine. We check whether messages can be sent to the server, then run the data collection script and check the database (Figure 3).

Figure 3-Structured records in the database


During the development of a hardware module for collecting information for an analytical system for monitoring production processes, the problems of selecting module components, installing module sensors, transmitting, organizing and accumulating data were solved. The next stage of system development will be the development of algorithms for data analysis that were collected during the test run of the data collection module.


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Просмотров работы: 35