interaction of robotic solutions with automation of technological processes of business - Студенческий научный форум

XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023

interaction of robotic solutions with automation of technological processes of business

Насиров М.Б. 1, Кудряшев С.Б. 1
1Донской Государственный Технический Университет
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Modern technologies, especially automation technologies, force companies to change their activities, which, keeping pace with progress, provide solutions for business scaling that were not available just 10-15 years ago. Important achievements were associated with the introduction of modern IT systems into the activities of companies, primarily the so-called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) [1], which gave rise to the restructuring of the vast majority of business processes in various organizations, due to their partial automation. This led to an increase in both the efficiency and productivity of the workflow due to their partial automation, and as a result led to an increase in the efficiency of the business as a whole. Looking back at modern realities, it becomes clear that today the main trend, as well as the use of innovative financial instruments [2], is the optimization of staff work, and in particular, the connection of robotic and intelligent automation of work processes to the work of employees.

The technology of robotic process automation is widely used in the world to optimize business processes. The first fruits and successes in this direction appeared around the end of the 20th century, and the technology gained its wide distribution and development only in the last five years. If we consider the term Robotic Process Automation (RPA), then its meaning will be specialized software that simulates human interaction with information systems in order to perform business processes.

The purpose of the research is to review existing solutions in the robotization of production processes, as well as to study the dynamics of the development of modern automation coupled with the evolution of robots, neural networks and artificial intelligence. Consider the methods of optimization and adjustment of RPA in business processes.

Materials and methods of research

The study uses Internet resources to collect information and form a general idea of the work of RPA automation systems. The evolution of the use of robotics, automation and neural networks in business tasks of enterprises is considered.

Research results and their discussion

Robotic systems are accurate and perfect in almost all tasks assigned to them, they are able to effectively perform routine, labor-intensive and even dangerous work. Do not confuse RPA and conventional automation with its clumsiness, high cost and a narrow range of tasks. In addition to the tasks familiar to traditional automation, such as speeding up processes, reducing errors, high accuracy and monitoring of processes performed, the RPA implemented in the company's activities provides a number of significant advantages. First of all, this is a reduction in personnel costs by 1.5-1.7 times for frequently recurring tasks with manual operations. In addition, the system is able to work around the clock, due to its debugged algorithms, thus increasing customer satisfaction. In general, the implementation of RPA improves the integrity of processes and data, increases control, the ability to track and debug, if necessary – the implemented analytics of tasks performed allows robots to keep a detailed log of the processes and monitor the speed and quality of data [3].

The economic effect of the introduction of RPA systems is estimated by the difference between the current cost of operating costs – the wage fund, the cost of jobs, rent and development and training costs, and the target cost of the process, including investments in the creation of a robot and its costs. The average time to create a robot is 3 months, and the average payback period for business process robotics projects is about 9 months, such estimates are given by industry experts. Moreover, the cumulative savings potential when implementing RPA in business processes varies from 20 to 35 percent.

It is also worth highlighting the reduction of costs for the implementation of strategic programs, since RPA systems have high flexibility, which allows you to make changes within it.

As a result, automation using robotics allows you to quickly create, pilot and bring to market a business product and innovative solutions.

Usually, when implementing ERP, several stages are defined:

analysis of existing processes and evaluation of the feasibility of robotics in production;

preparation of technical specifications and technical requirements;

creating a minimally viable product, that is, a robot, and configuring it;

implementation and management of a robotic workforce.

There are a large number of products on the software (software) market for creating robotic solutions (robots) that are constantly being improved, complicated and tested. As in any new direction of engineering and science, everything starts with simple things, gradually acquiring new elements and conditions. In parallel with the increased popularity of RPA, machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence are developing. This makes it possible to combine the capabilities of robotics and neural algorithms in automating complex processes to the smallest detail, including processing unsorted data.

Fig. 1. - Features of RPA systems

Like many modern software products, the technology of robotic automation is based on interaction with information systems and other applications, controlled through graphical interface elements. Unlike other automation tools that use the application programming interface (API), robots do not require integration with systems, as well as writing complex code. Usually, programs for such devices are created in special integrated development environments (IDE), where there are blocks with algorithms, graphical interface elements, interaction with data, its structuring, and so on. All these tools make it possible to automate processes involving robots much faster, and often there is no high knowledge of programming to create robots, only an understanding of the automated process and algorithms. But it is worth remembering that knowledge about how these things are arranged in detail will be much more useful in various difficult situations than the actions of the developer of an automated process or the process adjuster according to the manual.

The scope of application of robotic process automation is not limited, the possibilities are wide, and it proves its effectiveness in almost all processes of companies. Briefly about where RPA can be applied: accounting, personnel accounting, budgeting and management accounting, procurement, logistics, energy, repair work planning, work in a limited space, geodesy and more.

As an example, you should consider the possibilities of RPA in banking processes. The finance industry today is increasingly overgrown with modern technologies, so banks are becoming not just financial organizations, taking into account the current context, this concept is expanding. Today, the banking sector is becoming more and more similar to the IT sector, and one of the important differences remains the banking license. In the competition of these organizations, the client prefers a fast and high-quality service that makes it as easy as possible to receive any services, including interaction with the interface of the bank's application, and, at the same time, working around the clock. The entire representative layer of mobile products is just a shell that hides the complex technical achievements of our time, the starting point of the process. The bank, as a service provider, must handle all incoming transactions, which undoubtedly lead to complex IT integrations. Moreover, even the simplest operations, such as transferring from one account to another, require the coordinated work of several automated systems at once. RPA allows you to expand the boundaries of automation in banking processes, including processing applications for payments, transfers, processing transactions, reviewing loan applications, as well as in the formation of complete consolidated reports and analytics. A relatively simple setup of business processes simplifies the interaction of organizations with customers.

Fig. 2. - Features of ERP

There are techniques for optimal selection of the most suitable RPA software. Most often, in addition to software vendors, companies have to turn to specialized consultants. When implementing solutions involving robots, consultants help companies to transform using RPA solutions [4]. In this way, software vendors perform the development of new functionality and technical support. The key criteria when choosing such an automation system are flexible functionality, complexity of configuration, scalability, infrastructure, as well as ease of use by the end user.

A common problem with the robotization of a business process is an almost complete or partial misunderstanding of the essence of the process and its steps by the performers, because before automating the process, it must be studied along and across. Quite often, when analyzing the process before starting development work, a significant part of the operations is detected, the execution of which is not optimized, is not debugged, or implies the commission of a large number of unnecessary actions. Such a problem can be caused by both the adaptation of the process for key performers and the initial focus on performing operations manually, and the lack of competence of performers. Then many of the process actions are performed based on old experience, the executors do not see possible ways to shorten the process and get rid of unnecessary operations (for example, unnecessary data movement). In this case, it is necessary to attract competent consultants for a comprehensive analysis of the process and its optimization, the use of certain design patterns, the experience of which has proven its effectiveness. Only after all operations are clearly described and formed, it is possible to start work on robotics. This can also include another frequent problem – the misunderstanding by key users of the essence of the technology and how it will be used in their process. As a consequence, when forming a robotic process, problems with obtaining data are found (for example, lack of access to data in a structured form for the robot), with the lack of processing of some branches of the process and cases in emergency situations (including in case of errors in information systems).

The solution to the problem is to conduct training seminars where users will be taught to understand the essence of the robot, how it interacts with processes, as well as training on how users should interact with the robot.

In addition to problems related to the process and users, there may be problems with information systems. Companies often overload their information systems with a large number of users. As a result, starting a robot that works faster than a human and performs more operations per unit of time is impossible due to system failures.

Companies providing information systems are planning to introduce restrictions on the use of their products by automated solutions (including robots) in the near future. These restrictions may be associated with a reduction in the system's ability to detect suspicious activity, system shutdown, or an increase in the cost of systems. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to solve this problem by the organization without violating license agreements, so the cost of process automation will soon increase. The next problem with RPA technology is the development of code writing capabilities inside information systems. At the moment, there are already many companies that are engaged in introducing new modules into products such as 1C, SAP, Oracle and others that expand functionality and integration with other systems and applications. Today, similar solutions are much more expensive than robots, but the development of multimodularity and simplification of code writing will reduce this difference, which in turn will reduce the demand for RPA technology products. Although this is inevitable, advantages may follow from this so-called "competition" of solutions: Already, most robots deployed in companies in the USA, England, Spain and other countries where RPA technology is widespread use elements of machine learning and artificial intelligence to perform processes using unstructured data, elements of human and fuzzy logic. As a result, automation capabilities expand to the most complex and, sometimes, unexpected processes. The introduction of robotic process automation technology, which has been gaining popularity in recent years, has a certain number of problems related to various aspects of automation.

In addition to problems related to the process and users, there may be problems with information systems. Companies often overload their information systems with a large number of users. As a result, starting a robot that works faster than a human and performs more operations per unit of time is impossible due to system failures.

Companies providing information systems are planning to introduce restrictions on the use of their products by automated solutions (including robots) in the near future. These restrictions may be associated with a reduction in the system's ability to detect suspicious activity, system shutdown, or an increase in the cost of systems. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to solve this problem by the organization without violating license agreements, so the cost of process automation will soon increase. The next problem with RPA technology is the development of code writing capabilities inside information systems. At the moment, there are already many companies that are engaged in introducing new modules into products such as 1C, SAP, Oracle and others that expand functionality and integration with other systems and applications. Today, similar solutions are much more expensive than robots, but the development of multimodularity and simplification of code writing will reduce this difference, which in turn will reduce the demand for RPA technology products. Although this is inevitable, advantages may follow from this so-called "competition" of solutions: Already, most robots deployed in companies in the USA, England, Spain and other countries where RPA technology is widespread use elements of machine learning and artificial intelligence to perform processes using unstructured data, elements of human and fuzzy logic. As a result, automation capabilities expand to the most complex and, sometimes, unexpected processes. The introduction of robotic process automation technology, which has been gaining popularity in recent years, has a certain number of problems related to various aspects of automation.

It is worth noting that in Russia, robotic automation of processes has not yet received proper distribution. The niche of promoting RPA solutions is weakly competitive and has no barriers to entry, unlike ERP systems, where 1C occupies a significant share in the Russian market [5].

The problems associated with the personnel of companies, as well as with automated processes, can be solved with minimal costs, however, the problems associated with technical limitations, as well as the development of the information systems market imply significant costs for automation in the future. Nevertheless, the capabilities of technologies such as RPA can significantly change the benefits of automation with robots in the future and multiply their potential.


RPA is a new step in the automation of business processes, which is able to offer companies flexible and cheap solutions to optimize manual and labor–intensive operations. Today it is a universal tool for improving the efficiency of internal processes of the company. The main goal of modern companies is to connect robotic process automation, intelligent automation and artificial intelligence to the work of employees as a response to dynamic market conditions.


1. Kuzmin Dmitry, CRM and ERP: what are the differences and what to choose for business // Journal «Contour». 2022. [Electronic resource]. URL:

(date of application: 22.12.2022).

2. Zolotaryuk A.V., Kachibaya P.S., Matyushenkov A.N., Prospects for the development of a financial social network in Russia // The world of the New Economy. 2017. № 2. P. 70–73.

3. Virolainen Kristina, RPA Basics: software robots and why they are needed // Website «Habr». 2021. [Electronic resource]. URL:

(date of application: 23.12.2022).

4. Gaidukova Elena, 4 examples of successful use of the RPA system // Website «Comindware IT». 2021. [Electronic resource]. URL:пример-использования-rpa-системы (date of application: 24.12.2022).

5. Tarakanov D.Y., Overview of the Russian ERP systems market // Website «WiseAdvice IT». 2021. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 24.12.2022).

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