XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023


Кулешова В.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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The golden ratio (golden proportion) is the division of the segment in the extreme and average ratio, harmonic division, proportional division of the segment into unequal parts in such a ratio that the entire segment relates to the larger part, as the larger part to the smaller one, that is, the smaller segment refers to to the greater as the greater to everything. Segments of the golden ratio are expressed by an infinite irrational fraction 0.618 ... [1] a:b=b:c or c:b=b:a. Speaking about the Golden proportions of the Parthenon, we can say that the principle of the golden section was used in one way or another in the ancient world in the construction of outstanding monuments of world architecture. One of the most beautiful works of the ancient Greek architecture is the Parthenon (5th century BC) [3]. In the Parthenon one can see the golden ratio rectangles and other proportions, including the isosceles, golden logarithmic spiral where a number of patterns associated with the golden ratio. The proportionality of the building can be expressed through various degrees of the number F = 0.618 ... The temple has 8 columns in width and 17 in length. The ledges are made entirely of Pentelian marble squares. The nobility of the material from which the Parthenon is built, made it possible to limit the use of the usual color in Greek architecture, it only emphasizes the details and forms a colored background (blue and red) for the sculpture. The ratio of the height of the building to its length is 0.618. If we divide the Parthenon according to the "golden section", we will get one or another ledge of the facade[2]. On the floor plan of the Parthenon, you can also see the "golden rectangles". Eight squares, successively inscribed in proportionally decreasing golden rectangles, correspond to the traditional method of constructing an isosceles logarithmic spiral.

The Temple of Hera II was built in the middle of the 5th century BC. It is oriented from east to west. The temple is an example of a real dorica, courageous and heavy. Survived not only the appearance, but also partly the inner colonnade [4]. The central columns, flights of stairs and frescoed sections of the walls have been preserved. The columns have gained strength, power, there are 6 columns in front, and 14 on the sides. The number of flutes corresponds to the classical norm and is equal to 20. The ratio of the height of the columns of the first and second tiers is 16:9. Ancient Greek architects took into account the curvature of the horizon: the central part is 10 centimeters higher than the side surfaces. Each element is brought to perfection. The compositional construction of the Temple of Poseidon is based only on integral relationships, taken in Doric feet, and in this sense everything is geometrized [5]. But at the same time, slight distortions are present in all horizontal parts of the temple. This can be seen on the plan. The Temple of Nike was built in 424 BC. The architect Kallikrates embodied the idea of Nike in marble. It is considered one of the best works of the classical era and represents a small amphiprostyle with two porticos of the Ionic order, 4 columns each, standing on a three-stage base. The steps are 31 cm wide and 25.5-27 cm high[6]. Dimensions of the temple are: 8 meters long, 5.5 meters wide, total height 7 meters. The height of the columns is 4 meters. The height to diameter ratio of the columns is 7:1. It is this proportion that creates elegance and sophistication, which is not found in Ionic buildings with a ratio of 9:1 or 10:1. [7]. The architect chose the Ionic order for the construction of the temple, but gave it heavier proportions, close to Doric. The entablature is also more masculine than usual in the Ionic order. Its height, equal to 1 meter, is 2/9 of the entire height of the order. The Temple of Hephaestus is an amazing and majestic building. The building is well preserved, so we can see all the grandeur of the Doric columns and roofs, on which the ancient Greek builders worked. The temple was built of Pendelian marble. This is a peripter, which has 6 columns in width and 13 in length. The columns are almost 6 meters high. The length of the foundation is 32 meters, the width is 14 meters.

In conclusion, we can say: for obvious reasons, it is difficult to judge how accurate these relationships are, but they are close to ideal, since a certain, considerable degree of approximation to the mathematical ideal is certainly observed. Proportions and relationships built on the golden ratio have high aesthetic qualities.


1. Shkrudnev Fedor Dmitrievich, Golden section [Electronic resource]. Access mode: https://shkrudnev.com/index.php/home/vybor/item/1396-zolotoe-sechenie#s2. Date of access: 03/04/2022.

2. LMF theory and the principle of the golden section [Electronic resource]. Access mode - http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0232/009a/1228-ar.pdf.

3. Prof. G.D. Grimm, Proportionality in architecture [Electronic resource]. Access Modehttps://imwerden.de/pdf/grimm_proportionalnost_v_arkhitekture_1935_

4. Temple of Poseidon in Paestum [Electronic resource]. Access mode - http://kannelura.info/?p=14525.

5. Temple of Poseidon in Posidonia [Electronic resource]. Access mode - https://historicus.ru/khram_Poseidona_v_Poseidonii_Pestume/.

6. Temple of Nike Apteros. Drawings [Electronic resource]. Access mode - https://vasque-russia.ru/hram-niki-apteros-chertezhi/.

7. Temple of Nike Apteros [Electronic resource]. Access mode - https://tepler.ru/greece/afiny/hram-niki-apteros.html.

8. Temple of Hephaestus [Electronic resource]. Access mode - https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Hephaestus.

9. Temple of Hephaestus in Athens [Electronic resource]. Access mode - https://poznamka.ru/greece/hram-gefesta-v-afinah.

Просмотров работы: 9