The current socio-cultural situation in Russian society is characterized as complex and contradictory. New political realities, the expansion of the mass media, whose channels are full of low-grade products and aggressive advertising, significantly affect the spiritual way of society; stimulate the process of revising many ideological and moral values and mastering new spiritual guidelines. The problem of spiritual and moral education is more acute in our society today than ever.
The basis for the development and implementation of the federal state educational standard of general education is the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing. The concept defines the goals and objectives of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, the system of basic national values, the principles of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual. New priorities in education and culture are being established, aimed at overcoming the spiritual crisis and returning universal and spiritual values to the socio-cultural and educational space.
Music has long been recognized as an important means of forming a person's personal qualities, his spiritual world. Modern research suggests that musical development has an irreplaceable impact on overall development: the emotional sphere is formed, thinking is improved, and the child becomes sensitive to beauty in art and in life.
The great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky also argued that "Music, melody, the beauty of musical sounds is an important means of moral and mental education of a person, a source of nobility of heart and purity of soul. Music opens people's eyes to the beauty of nature, moral relations, and work. Thanks to music, a person awakens the idea of the sublime, majestic, beautiful not only in the world around him, but also in himself."
Musical art in the modern world is voluminous and multifaceted. Each style, genre of music requires different approaches to perception, depending on the nature of the work, its ideological complexity, conceptuality, the age of the listeners and their auditory skills.
At music lessons in secondary schools, highly artistic samples of musical art are actively instilled in children, of course, more often than classical. This research paper examines the spiritual and moral education of adolescents by means of foreign sacred music.
The perception of sacred music is particularly difficult for a young listener and requires more concentration, attention, because it is complex, multifaceted, deep in its essence and very emotional.
Of course, spiritual music is inferior in popularity to other types of musical art, however, we believe that for the full development of moral culture, personal qualities, the formation of aesthetic taste, teenage students should study vivid examples of spiritual foreign classics in music lessons, through the active participation of the teacher, the use of various teaching methods and principles, their professionalism and talent for an accessible explanation of unprepared listeners to difficult multi-faceted music, taking into account their age characteristics.
The spiritual and moral culture of adolescents is a process of promoting the spiritual and moral formation of personality and the formation of the following personal qualities: moral consciousness and behavior, moral activity, moral relationships, moral feelings, as well as moral appearance, which includes moral qualities; moral position; musical education, that is, emotional and aesthetic response to highly artistic works of sacred music, the need to communicate with him, moral and aesthetic evaluation of musical works.