Improvement of the elements of the quality management system at LLC «Fakel» - Студенческий научный форум

XV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2023

Improvement of the elements of the quality management system at LLC «Fakel»

Медведев К.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет им. А.Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых
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The purpose of our research work was to identify possible ways to improve the quality of products at «Fakel» LLC, to choose an appropriate method for solving the problem of improving product quality, and to implement a solution project to improve the elements of the quality management system (QMS) LLC "Fakel".

We have analyzed the requirements of GOST R ISO 9000 series standards for QMS. It is shown that the process approach is at the heart of all the considered QMS model. The use of the model according to the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard as a guide for improving the QMS of «Fakel» LLC seems to be the most preferable, since these standards contain fairly clear recommendations on what and in what sequence to do in order to build an organization's QMS and continuously improve it in the future. In accordance with this model, the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 were analyzed, which must be fulfilled when developing the QMS. Also, a detailed analysis of the requirements for the quality management system in the design and development of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 products was carried out. The interrelation of GOST ISO/TO 10017-2005 "Guidelines for the use of statistical methods in accordance with ISO 9001" and GOST R ISO 9001-2015 is considered. GOST ISO/TO 10017-2005 provides explanations regarding statistical methods in the design and development of products. The explanations of GOST ISO/TO 10017-2005 in relation to the method of planning experiments for quality management of products and processes at the enterprise are considered in detail.

We conducted an analysis of the activities, processes and organizational and staff structure of LLC "Fakel", determined the main quality requirements for aluminum facade panels, cassettes and their installation systems produced by LLC "Fakel", selected quality indicators, performed an analysis of the quality of the technological process of production of these products. Within the framework of the analysis, the main activities of LLC «Fakel» are identified and it is shown that the main profit of the enterprise is given by the production of aluminum panels. For these products, quality requirements are defined in GOST 22233-2018 and technical specifications AlPr.000012.001 TU LLC "Fakel".

According to the selected quality indicators, a statistical analysis of the quality of the production process of aluminum facade panels and the reasons for their appearance was carried out. The most common inconsistencies of the process are: damage to the oxide layer of the panel (cassette), deviations in the thickness of the finish coating, low corrosion resistance of the product, deviation in the color of the finish coating. The frequency of these discrepancies is about 70%. The analysis of the reasons for the appearance of these inconsistencies allows us to conclude that the following mainly prevail: non-optimal technological modes of the anodizing operation, non-optimal technological modes of the drying operation of panels after painting. They total 55% of their total number.

One of the methods of reducing the above-mentioned type of inconsistencies is the use of experimental planning methods to determine the optimal technological parameters for the anodizing and drying of panels. The use of the experiment planning method to optimize the technological parameters of the drying operation of products can be attributed to the implementation of the requirements of clause 8.3 of GOST R ISO 9001-2015, i.e. to the improvement of such an important element of the enterprise quality management system as the product design process.

As part of our research, a method was proposed to reduce inconsistencies in the production of aluminum facade panels by optimizing the parameters of anodizing operations and drying panels after adsorption staining at “Fakel” LLC, based on the use of experimental planning methods to determine the optimal values of the tolerances of technological parameters. The use of the experiment planning method to optimize the parameters of the technological process operations can be attributed to the implementation of the requirements of clause 8.3 of GOST R ISO 9001-2015, i.e. to improve such an important element of the company's QMS as the product design process.

We proposed the development of a modified process model of the QMS LLC "Fakel" and the process "Design and development of products and processes". The proposed development takes into account the requirements of p 8.3 GOST R ISO 9001-2015, establishes the sequence of industrial experiments to optimize the parameters of technological process operations.

The obtained results of experimental planning, statistical modeling and the proposed methodology for calculating optimal tolerances allow us to determine the optimal zone of values of technological process parameters corresponding to the maximum level of quality – the fulfillment of the specified tolerances of the objective function of process quality. We have optimized the parameters of technological operations of anodizing and drying after adsorption staining of aluminum facade panels.

The assessment of the overall reduction in the probability of defects in the production of aluminum facade panels according to parameters whose variation depends on the quality parameters of anodizing and drying operations after adsorption staining was 6.08% of the current level. Considering that the total probability of technological process failure at LLC “Fakel” is 12.01% of the production volume in 2021, this indicates the expediency of applying the proposed solutions.


1. GOST R ISO 9000-2015. Quality management systems. Basic provisions and dictionary. –IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2015. – 22 p.

2. GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Quality management systems. Requirements. – IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2015. – 28 p.

3. GOST 22233-2018. Profiles pressed from aluminum alloys for enclosing structures. Technical conditions. – IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2018. – 36 p.

4. Efimov V.V. Quality management: Textbook. – Ulyanovsk: UlSTU, 2010. – 141 p. ISBN 5 – 89146 – 168 – 4 .

5. Evans, James R. Quality management : a textbook on the specialty "Organization Management" : translated from English / J. R. Evans.— [4th ed.] .— Moscow : Unity Dana, 2007 .— 637 p. : ill .— (Foreign textbook) .— Bibliogr.: pp. 631-637 .— ISBN 5-238-01062-1.

Просмотров работы: 23