According to Kraidlin G.E. Proxemics is a science about the way the person perceive the communicational space, the way he settles and use it. The word “proxemics”(from eng. proximity) was introduced by E. T. Hall. This scientific field leads the ways of perceiving due two main definitions: distance receptors and immediate receptors. Speaking about the first ones, they can be eyes, ears and a nose. Skin and muscles are the immediate ones. While speaking people tend to evaluate the proxemic behavior of their partner by using organs of vision. They allow to get information about the communicational space rather effectively then auditory ones.
Besides human receptors such factors as gender, race, belonging to the certain culture may influence the way partners keep themselves. Different circumstances and situations play a very big role as well.
As a result of the research E.Hall distinguished four zones of communication.
Intimate zone (15-45sm) - the distance of the full human proximity. This zone is mostly based on the language of body, mimics, touches and gestures because here people feel safe and comfortable. Normally family members, friends, children and parents can keep such close space.
Personal zone (50 sm-1,2 m) - the distance for business and friend conversations. It is a special field where the person can separate himself from another one and create his own atmosphere. Colleagues, fellows, business partners tend to have meetings and talks this way.
Zone of social relations (1,2-3,6 m) - distance between strangers, people who we hardly know or do not know at all. The best example of it can be observed in the formal or public meetings.
Public zone (3,5-7,5 m) – this distance is mostly used for public performances. As a rule this type can be regarded in theatres, different concerts. People tend to listen to their orator but without getting close to him there.
There are also have to be mentioned the following psychological factors which may influence the way a person keeps himself against another one. People who have problems with socialization tend to increase their distance because they do not like crowds of people around them.
Speaking about aggressiveness it is one of the most negative thing which may happen while conversation. An aggressive communicator tries to increase his personal zone by shorting the partner’s one. This type of person often speaks loudly, uses a lot of gestures and puts maximum pressure on the companion.
The introverts literally try to avoid the contact with others. They feel unsafe and uncomfortable while they are surrounded by many people. The extroverts are always willing to meet new people. While conversation they short the personal distance and do their best to involve the partner into the productive dialog.
Despite psychological factors there are cultural ones. E. Hall in his research marked that in any nation the proximity is different. For example the Brazilians like to communicate with each other in a short distance. As for the Chinese and the Japanese they use sliding walls at homes because they can increase the space between people. Long proximity for them is very important. People from Arabic countries and Latin America have the size of the communicational zone less than people from Western Europe and Australia.
Proxemics itself is connected with such science as Tacesics which is the section of psychology and studies touches in the situation of communication. They can be handshakes, light touches and kisses. People from different cultures have their own representations about the roles and meanings of touches in lives.
What is the main function of Tacesics? In general there are many reasons why humans touch each other but evidently everything depends on the situation, nationality, gender and traditions as well. As a rule touches can be divided in four groups.
Professional-this type has an impersonal character.
Ritual-normally handshakes, diplomatic gestures which are classic for different meetings between colleagues, business partners etc.
Friendly-usually used by friends. They can be hugs, pats on the bag as well.
Love ones-they show the closest relations. Hugs, kisses and maximum physical contact is a sign of deep connection between people.
In the international communication the way people shake their hands is a very important aspect. The following kinds of handshakes were distinguished by researchers:
The palm is turned up to the partner’s one and situated under his shows willingness to obey.
The palm is turned down on the partner’s one means that the person is ready to take the full domination.
The situation when both partners are equal fix their palms edge down.
The glove handshake- the partner’s hand completely enfolds the hand of his communicator. This type symbolizes friendship and kind intention.
Originally cultures can be contact where touches are used as an important phenomenon and distant ones which tend to avoid any physical communication. Such cultures as Latin-American, Eastern and South use this non-verbal type of communication very often. The opposite examples may be North-Americans, Asians and peoples from North Europe who prefer to keep certain distance between each other.
Due to Proxemics and Tacesics people have a very good opportunity to get acquainted not only with the language itself but the way the representors of different cultures behave, think. It is important to know the psychological part of people. In other words knowing this group of disciplines help to create the productive communication where both partners can feel and see all the details. Moreover sometimes this knowledge allows communicators escape problems and misunderstandings. These sciences may be used not only in the international communication but in any sphere of people’s life.
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