ДИСТРИБУЦИЯ ФЕ-ТЕРМИНОВ - Студенческий научный форум

XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


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In the course of the study, such methods as descriptive, lexicographic and quantitative were used.The term « distribution », borrowed from the field of phonetic and grammatical research, requires clarification when used in relation to phraseological units. «The distribution of this element is understood as all the environments in which it occurs, that is, all its positions relative to the positions of other elements ».

Due to the difficulty of counting all the environments of the lexical and phraseological unit, it is advisable to represent its distribution in some generalized form, and not in the form of an enumeration of all contexts without exception, but the discourse in which it occurs. Such generalization should go, first of all, along the line of differentiation of the usual and occasional use of phraseological units. Then distribution will be understood as a set of not all environments, but only those that occur with the usual use of phraseological units. The distribution of a phraseological unit is the totality of all contexts in which this unit regularly occurs.

Thus, in the field of phraseology, the concept of distribution has a normative character, therefore, the use of phraseology in an unusual context (semantic, situational, stylistic) should be qualified as a violation of the distributive norm.

Here are some examples with phraseological unit:

blue chip (букв. голубая фишка) a blue-chip company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not likely to fail.

Before PU «blue chip», words and combinations are used:

Many – 2

Many blue chip companies use team-based competitions with a series of mental and physical challenges. Whether they are crossing a river in a coracle to retrieve vital clues or assembling coloured cubes blindfolded and guided by duck whistles, each group's success lies in working together as a team. (BNH)

A range of – 1

Originally called Beecom —' it sounded better than Acom or Ceecom' — the company boasts 170 staff working as computer consultants for a range of blue chip clients.' (EDT)

A number of – 2

Although it already had a number of blue chip clients, such as Wm Low and the Scottish Development Agency, perhaps what made the firm's reputation was the way it handled Scottish electricity privatisation for the Government, an appointment made before the Shandwick deal. (K59)

After PU «blue chip», words and combinations are used:

Company – 14

The City also wants to take it easier after yesterday's barrage of trading statements from blue chip companies. (K31)

Share – 7

Recession has finally reached Japan but because its investments were so overvalued, it has hit the financial markets far harder. Blue chip shares now sell on a phenomenal 37 times their earnings — but that is half as phenomenal as the ratio of three years ago. (AJH)

Clients – 3

Although it already had a number ofblue chip clients, such as Wm Low and the Scottish Development Agency, perhaps what made the firm's reputation was the way it handled Scottish electricity privatisation for the Government, an appointment made before the Shandwick deal. (K59)

Stocks – 2

Tomorrow is the end of the financial year, yesterday was the end of the account and, as has become a recent norm, those blue chip stocks going ex-dividend on Monday were in heavy demand. (AHB)

During the analysis, we found out that when semantic distribution is violated, phraseology is placed in a context that gives it an individual meaning that is not fixed by language usage. « Phraseology has a singular, occasional meaning, but there is no stylistic dissonance with the environment, nor deviation from the traditional subject anchoring ».


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Просмотров работы: 5