XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


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The problem of componential meaning transference is of special importance in the research of business terms of phraseological character as they play a great role in the professional competence [2, с.286-289].

The first wave of the intensity of the study of business phraseology falls at the end of the XX century [4, с.33] ; the second wave covers the modern period of research, when the attention of linguists is drawn to the cognitive aspect of the scientific analysis of the object of study [5, c.46].

For our research, A.V. Kunin’s ideas on differentiation of phraseology and phraseomatics [1, с.38] appeared to be of particular importance. Relying upon those, we managed to find out two groups of PhU-terms in the bulk of the terminology of phraseological character [3]. They are as follows:

Full componential meaning transference:

bottom line – a colloquial expression for net profit after tax. This is the earnings figure used in the earnings-per-share calculation of a company [3, c. 70]. –

Чистая прибыль – разговорное название прибыли после уплаты налога. Это показатель прибыли, используемый при расчете прибыли на акцию компании.

I think we can take it one step further on with a growth margin basis. If the price goes up 9% and his costs stay about the same maybe up 5% or so, his actual bottom line is his income at the end of the year will in fact increase by about 60% (BNC).

Chinese wall – a notional information barrier between the parts of a business, especially between the market-making part of a stockbroking firm and the broking part [3, c. 108]. – Китайскаястенаусловныйинформационныйбарьермеждучастямибизнеса, особенномеждурыночнойчастьюброкерскойфирмыиброкерскойчастью.

Seemingly, there was a Chinese wall between the trial advocacy classes and ADR classes. After all, my ADR classes never discussed the techniques for cross-examinations, and my trial advocacy classes never discussed mediation or arbitration strategies (COCA).

Partial componential meaning transference:

artificial person – an entity that is recognized by the law as a legal person, i.e. one having legal rights and duties distinct from the individuals who compromise it [3, c. 33-34]. – Юридическое лицо – лицо, которое официально признано законом как имеющее юридические права и обязанности, отличные от других лиц.

I have referred (other than the Manchester Corporation case 18911 Q.B.94) is that any corporation, whether trading or non-trading, which can show that it has a corporate reputation (as distinct from that of its members) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement, can sue in libel to protect that reputation, in the same way as can a natural person, although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person (BNC).

blind trust – a trust that administers the private financial affairs of a person in public office without informing him or her of the transactions entered into, so that there can be no conflict of interest [3, c. 66]. Слепойтраст – вид траста, занимающийся доверительным управлением частными финансовыми делами человека в государственной должности, не информируя его или ее о заключенных сделках во избежание конфликта интересов.

Romney later explained that, yes, he understands that his blind trust has invested in foreign firms, including companies in China. Then he confronted Obama (COCA).

The research reveals different mechanisms of the PhU-term semantic transformations, such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, litotes, etc.


Кунин А. В. Английская фразеология. – М.: Высш. шк., 1970. – 344 с.

Смирнова Ю. И., Тюрина Ю. В., Федуленкова Т. Н. Английская деловая фразеология: лингводидактический аспект // Герценовские чтения. Иностранные языки: материалы Всероссийской межвуз. науч. конф. 14-15 мая 2015 г. – Санкт-Петербург: Издво РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, 2015. – С. 286-289.

John Pallister, John Daintith. A Dictionary of Business and Management // Market House Books Ltd, 2006. 600 s.

Gläser, R. (1995). Relations between Phraseology and Terminology in English for Special Purposes, in Rosemarie Gläser (ed.) Linguistic Features and Genre Profiles of Scientific English, Peter Lang GmbH, Frankfurt-am-Mein, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien, 33–57.

Piirainen E. Cognitive, Cultural and Pragmatic Aspects of Dialectal Phraseology // Dialectologia et Geolinguistica. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2004, 12. Pp. 46–47.

Просмотров работы: 7