XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Иванова А.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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The theoretical background of our paper is Alexander V. Kunin’s phraseological conception [1, с. 48] that was used for extracting business terms of phraseological character from the dictionary chosen for our study [4] and description of structural and grammar constructions and the ideas of his followers [3, c. 116-120]. Phraseological units fill the gaps in the lexical system of the language, which cannot fully provide the name of the (new) aspects of reality known to man, and in many cases are the only designations for objects, properties, processes, states, situations [1, с. 4].

The results of our study are based on the Oxford Dictionary of Business and Management, which contains up-to-date descriptions of 6,700 terms used in areas such as marketing, taxation, accounting, corporate strategy, and international financial relations.

Through the analysis of the dictionary, we managed to identify such structural and grammatical constructions of phraseological units of business English as:

Two-word combinations with the structure of an adjective and a noun (Adj + N):

сomparable worth – the view that jobs should be paid equally when the work requires equal training, skills, and responsibilities, and that this principle should override differences in job titles, status, or accepted market rates [4, c. 44]. Сопоставимая стоимость – точка зрения, что рабочие места должны оплачиваться одинаково, когда работа требует равного обучения, навыков и обязанностей, и что этот принцип должен преодолевать различия в названиях должностей, статусе или принятых рыночных ставках.

Taking seats in the back near a window, they listed as one woman spoke of trying to gain political power, as another spoke of gaining power over their own bodies, and a third spoke of obtaining equal pay for work of comparable worth (COCA).

Two-word combinations with the structure participle 1 (present participle of the active voice) and a noun (Prtc 1 + N):

marketing intermediaries – firms that help a company to promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers [4, c. 352].Маркетинговые посредники – фирмы, которые помогают компании продвигать, продавать и распространять свою продукцию среди конечных покупателей.

When it comes to retailing your items, you don't have the capital to purchase property and open stores. So you use a marketing intermediary, and work with companies that sell music equipment (COCA).

Two-word combinations with the structure participle 2 (past participle) and noun (Prtc 2 + N):

connected person – in the context of the Companies Act (disclosure requirements for directors and connected persons), a director’s spouse, child, or stepchild (under 18 years of age), a body corporate with which a director is associated, a trustee for a trust that benefits a director or connected person, or a partner of a director [4, c. 129]. – Связанноелицосогласно британскому законодательству о компаниях (требования о раскрытии информации для директоров и связанных лиц) директора компании и тесно связанные с ними или с самой компанией лица, такие как супруг(а) директора, родной или приемный ребенок (до 18 лет), корпоративный орган, в который входит директор, а также доверительный управляющий траста, бенефициаром которого является директор, связанное с директором лицо или партнер директора.

Transactions involving directors Show: that the transaction was made or subsisted during the year the principal terms of the transaction the name of the director and connected person and the nature of interest the value of the transaction (BNC).

Two-word combinations with the structure of a noun and a noun (N + N):

opportunity cost – the economic cost of an action measured in terms of the benefit foregone by not pursuing the best alternative course of action[4, c. 401]. Альтернативная стоимость – экономическая стоимость действия, измеряемая с точки зрения упущенной выгоды в результате отказа от выбора наилучшего альтернативного курса действий.

The restoration and maintenance of contemporary hardware on an indefinite basis demands vast financial resources and the opportunity cost is likely to be politically indefensible (BNC).

Thus, as a result of the work done, 4 main types of constructions of phraseological units in business English were identified. The presented constructions refer to two-vertex phraseological units, i.e. phrases similar to compound words, where there are two full-valued components [2, с. 217].

Список использованной литературы:

Кунин А. В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка: М.: Высш. шк., Дубна: Изд. Центр «Феникс», 1996. 381 с.

Смирницкий А.И. Лексикология английского языка. М. : Изд-во литературы на иностранных языках, 1956. – C. 260.

Федуленкова Т. Н. СУБСТАНТИВНЫЕ ФЕ-ТЕРМИНЫ ДВУХКОМПОНЕНТНОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ // Научный результат. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. – №2. – 2021. – 114-127.

John Pallister, John Daintith. A Dictionary of Business and Management // Market House Books Ltd, 2006. 600 s.

Просмотров работы: 7