XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Роменский В.А. 1, Романчук В.О. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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The activation of the activity of each cadet in professional self-education is due to a number of circumstances and factors. In modern conditions, the requirements for the military professional activity of each future officer are significantly increasing in connection with the improvement of methods of conducting combat operations, the entry into service of military engineering units of complex modern equipment that must be effectively applied.

Foreign language education in this aspect has special opportunities that stimulate the cognitive process of self-development, the formation of professional goals, the development of professional ingenuity. In addition, in connection with the growing requirements for the level of education and upbringing of military engineering personnel, opportunities for the comprehensive development of the individual are constantly increasing, including in the process of professional self-education through the prism of learning a foreign language.

In difficult conditions of military professional activity in the troops, a cadet of a military university needs to learn how to work on himself and engage in military professional self-improvement. When implementing the process of self-education in the process of learning a foreign language, cadets can expand their military professional potential, improve military professional competencies formed in training sessions, develop the necessary personal qualities for successful professional activity in the troops.

It is important for us to note that in pedagogy the concept of "self-education" is interpreted as motivational, systematic and independent work on oneself in order to eradicate negative and form positive personal qualities, improve military professional experience. Therefore, being the most important component of the process of professional education, professional self-education of cadets in the process of studying a foreign language in military engineering universities, is becoming relevant in modern conditions, serves as an important condition for improving the quality of military professional formation of the personality of cadets, accelerates the development of their military professional competencies. only in their native language, necessary for successful military professional activity in the troops. Professional self-education is a natural need for every cadet to improve their activities and behavior. In our opinion, self-improvement of cadets through the study of a foreign culture, language, mentality of the country of the language being studied is of great importance for obtaining positive results in the conditions of study at military universities.

It has been proven in science that, in its essence, the professional self-education of cadets is a personal, social and activity phenomenon. It is determined by a number of objective conditions: the requirements of the state, military engineering practice, educational system for future officers; the need for strict observance of the requirements of educational and military discipline, taking into account the innovative nature of military engineering weapons; it is the basis for high-quality professional education of servicemen; helps cadets develop practical-oriented knowledge, skills and abilities of military professional activity.

Professional self-education through the prism of learning a foreign language, being an important way to increase the effectiveness of professional education of cadets, requires them to be motivated and need to engage in introspection, self-assessment, readiness to follow the best patterns of behavior and study of other cadets, to form a stable position for regular work on themselves. This circumstance indicates that there is a clear relationship between professional education and self-education: professional education precedes professional self-education, actualizes and motivates students to systematically work on themselves, which subsequently naturally affects the achievement of a positive result of the holistic process of professional education of cadets.

In turn, the study of a foreign language in a military university stimulates and guides the further professional self-education of cadets, helps to form the necessary socio-cultural and military-professional competencies. Therefore, the professionally oriented vector of studying a foreign language in senior years is the most important way for the effectiveness of the professional education of students, which contributes to the formation of the necessary level of training and professionalism among cadets in the courageous defense of state interests.

As a purposeful and motivated work on oneself, professional self-education of cadets helps to form in them the quality of an officer-educator, an officer-teacher. In this fact, professional self-education serves as a personal basis for the development of cadets, helps to eradicate negative qualities and norms of behavior.

Graduates of military engineering universities are mostly engaged in professional self-education, however, every third of them, even in their final year, does not attach importance to the process under consideration and does not see their own opportunities in the process of preparing for future professional activities in military engineering units.

It should be noted that professional self-education is the most important pedagogical way to realize the personal capabilities and needs of cadets in preparing themselves for high-quality military professional activity in the troops.


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