XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Ремхо В.В. 1, Романчук М.Г. 1
1ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный университет», г. Воронеж, Россия
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Speaking about the origin of medical nomenclature in the language of history, that would be really hard not to notice that it is very similar to the formation of the nomenclature of botany.

It is known that medical terminology owes its formation to the ancient Greek and Latin languages. The earliest medical texts in ancient Greek that came down to us in small fragments date back to the end of the 6th-beginning of the 5th century BC. There is one more ancient literary and artistic, i.e. non-medical, text, the role of which in the development of medical terminology is undeniable. These are “Iliad” and “the Odyssey” - the epic poems of Homer, who lived around the 8th century BC. The Homeric epic is not only the most ancient “code” of medical names, but also a kind of basic arsenal from which professional doctors of subsequent eras drew the necessary medical vocabulary. In all likelihood, the poetic language of the poems absorbed the long-existing medical vocabulary, which was preserved in subsequent times.

The fundamental works were provided by Hippocrates, the father of European clinical medicine. His theoretical works "Aphorisms", "Prognostics", "Epidemics", "On the Nature of Man", as well as the well-known "Oath" were included by Alexandrian scientists in the "Corpus Hippocraticum" (lat. Hippocratic Corpus) IV-III centuries BC.

It is also worth noting the invaluable contribution of the Alexandrians to the formalization and normalization of the professional language of medicine. The outstanding medical figures of Alexandria, who contributed to the development of medical vocabulary, are Herophilus (335-280 BC) and Erazistrat (304-250 BC).

Speaking about the role of the Latin language in the formation of medical vocabulary and terminology, it is worth recalling the Roman Empire and its conquests. During the II-I centuries BC. Alexandria was captured by the Romans. It is known that in the Western provinces of the Roman Empire, the language of the invaders (Latin) was actively spread orally, and was also official in such areas as jurisprudence, administration, etc. However, in the depths of the Mediterranean basin: Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, Latin collided with languages ​​that had a longer written tradition and reflected a much higher level of culture.

Hellenistic medicine had a huge impact on the formation of ancient Roman medicine. A large number of references to the writings of Hippocrates and the Alexandrians are present in the only Latin surviving medical work - "De medicina". The special vocabulary used by the ancient Roman author, often with clarified, and sometimes with modified meanings, almost completely entered the dictionary of scientific medicine, became an integral part of international anatomical nomenclatures of the 19th-20th centuries.

Further, the development of medical terminology proceeded in the Byzantine Empire after the collapse of the Roman Empire in 395. The state language of the Eastern Roman Empire in the 1U-U1 centuries was Latin, and starting from the 7th century. and up to the end of the existence of the empire, conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks, - the Greek language.

In the Renaissance in Europe, a struggle begins for the linguistic unification of the professional language of medicine, getting rid of elements of vulgar Latin, cleansing it from barbarisms and Arabisms, and reducing the number of synonyms. In the process of this struggle, the so-called Renaissance Latin is formed, taking as a model the writers of classical Latin. In 1443, the work of Cornelius Celsus "On Medicine" was found, first published in 1478 in Florence. At a later time in the Renaissance, attempts began to move away from the Latin language. The universities tried to give lectures in the national language. They also tried to publish scientific papers in the national language. However, due to the fact that almost all the monumental works of medicine, dictionaries, reference books, etc. were in Latin, it was not possible to completely abandon Latin.

It can be concluded that there are three types of medical terminology:

Anatomical terminology. It is an integral part of medical education, medical practice is impossible without it. Knowing that anatomical terminology is based on Latin, its study becomes necessary for a medical specialist.

Clinical terminology. This is the terminology used in clinical practice. Most clinical terms are compound words formed from derivational elements of Latin-Greek origin. Mastering the system of Latin-Greek terminology is extremely important for successful medical practice.

Pharmaceutical terminology. It uses Greek and Latin words and their elements to nominate medicines.

Over time, doctors and other medical workers switched to national languages ​​in professional communication, but Latin-Greek elements, words and phrases still dominate, primarily due to their universal international character. Therefore, the names of diseases, diagnosis and treatment are recognized in any language.


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