XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Эскиева Е.К. 1, Романчук М.Г. 1
1БОУ СПО ВО "Воронежский базовый медицинский колледж"
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The Latin language continues to occupy a stable place in the modern world. Without this language it is impossible to imagine many areas of human activity. The scope of the Latin language in our time continues to be very wide and significant.

Modern education does not stand still, presenting more and more stringent requirements to the future skilled worker every year. The pace and rhythm of life are accelerating, digitalization and distance learning are increasingly entering the education scene in a leading role. And, nevertheless, in order to obtain a high-quality educational foundation, the future worker in the medical field, in particular, in the process of comprehending the granite foundations of medicine, will not be able to rely solely on innovations and advanced formats. The science of healing is a complex integral complex, the genesis of which embraces classical disciplines and boldly operates with new technologies. In this perspective, it should be noted that the Latin language is one of the fundamental languages ​​of human culture, which continues to be actively used in some areas of knowledge at the present time.

Undoubtedly, knowledge of ancient languages ​​helps to more consciously approach the understanding of language as a system, to understand the main Indo-European linguistic categories, and makes it possible to better navigate general linguistic problems.

The role of the Latin language as the language of the people of a large and rich cultural tradition in the history of European and world science is exceptionally great. We can note the following areas in which Latin occupies an important position: the terminology of many sciences, medicine (anatomical and pharmaceutical terminology in particular), botanical nomenclature and botany in general, teaching in higher educational institutions (especially medical, legal, philological profile), teaching in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums aimed at studying classical languages.

The word-formation role is great: in the formation of new words, Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes are often used. Knowledge of the Latin language helps in the study of modern Romance languages, this allows you to quickly master the vocabulary and to fully understand the patterns of the functioning of the language.

The Latin language was for a long period the language of higher education, contributed to the development of translation activities, the development of Western European terminology, the Europeanization of the Russian language. It was one of the factors for Russia's inclusion in the European cultural space, where intercultural communication of representatives of different European cultures was carried out, and was also a means of exchanging cultural information, preserving and transmitting European values ​​and meanings.

The spread of Latin and the influence of Western Europe on the Russian language and culture in the years of Peter the Great became the foundation for the emergence and further development of sciences and scientific knowledge in Russia. The influence of the Latin language and culture on the development of the Russian literary language in the time of Peter the Great affects mainly the development of Russian intellectual vocabulary of Latin origin and general scientific terminology.

The Latin language has an important general educational, terminological value. The special function of the Latin language as a "cultural code" in the educational process of a medical college is that even now it is a resource for mastering specialized terminology, a means of humanization and humanitarization of the educational process, a language of scientific systematization in medicine, biology, a language of general terminology, as well as a source of education for socio-political and scientific and technical vocabulary.

The Latin language as a relevant and necessary means of cultural memory contributes to the familiarization of students of medical colleges with the culture and values ​​of the ancient world, the formation of a broad cultural and linguistic outlook and successful professional development.

Список литературы

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Гельтман Д.В., Соколова И.В. Ботаническая номенклатура:специфика и современные тенденции развития. СПб.: Труды Зоологическогоинститута РАН Приложение № 2, 2013, с. 230-237.

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Просмотров работы: 7