In the paradigm of modern trends in the development of higher military education, classical verified methods and forms of education, implemented in key proven pedagogical learning technologies, as well as completely new, promising and perspective trends and innovations keeping pace with the times, digitalization of today's life, coexist widely on the same arena.
That is why innovative training at a military university today accumulates the process and result of such training and educational activities that encourages changes in the existing military professional environment and culture, as well as the educational sphere. This type of training and education, in addition to maintaining existing traditions, stimulates an active response to problematic situations that arise both for the individual and for society.
At the same time, the obvious dichotomic nature in the perception of educational reality is supportive, while innovative learning seems to be rather conditional, since the practice of teaching is not reduced to the organization of pure reproduction or only the research process. The modern educational process should be based on the principle of organic combination of forms, methods and means of both supportive and innovative learning; it is only important to do all that being didactically justified.
Innovative transformations of higher military education seriously influence and transform the traditional educational process. We especially want to note that the transformations taking place in the field of studying a foreign language in a military university set as their priority goal, first of all, the most productive way to organize the search educational and cognitive activity of a future officer in a foreign language, not only with the aim of acquiring communication skills, but also a kind of remote acculturation, which allows the future officer to evaluate and self-identify himself as a subject of his native culture.
In addition, innovations in the field of foreign language education are aimed at the formation and development of methodological models that would contribute to a successful partnership between the teacher and the cadet, stimulate personal involvement, starting with the vision and statement of the problem, formulating key assumptions and theoretically substantiated theses and hypotheses, up to collective checks and reflections.
In our opinion, the innovative search for the most successful methodological and technological regulators is aimed not only at the development of pedagogical models, but, first of all, at the independent process of designing, architecture of new experience. As part of the study of a foreign language on the basis of digital platforms or their individual components, various personal models for organizing independent systematic research activities, educational and gaming modeling activities with a teacher and a group are formed, strengthened, and increase their power; communicative-dialogical and polylogue activities in large and small groups, active exchange of opinions, creative discussion. Here, in the course of the educational process, the student takes an initiative position, and the teacher - the position of a partner-assistant.
The technologization of education in the higher military school is considered as a humanistic process, the purpose of which is to ensure the professional development of the future officer by the most effective means, to increase his intellectual, spiritual and personal potential, to form an individual style of his future professional activity.
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