XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Рыльков Н.В. 1, Романчук В.О. 1
1ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж)
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The trends of modern military education set the main goal - to form the personality of a future officer in such a way that it is an integrative complex not only of military professional skills, a broad outlook, a wealth of knowledge and professional competence, but also is in a constant pursuit of self-development, self-improvement, creative out-of-the-box thinking. That is why the participation of cadets of military universities in subject contests is an integral part of the formation of a true elite of officer cadres.

According to the Regulations on the International Contests for cadets of educational organizations of higher education, such type of competitions is an intellectual and creative competitive event that is aimed at demonstrating students in the field of higher military education of their knowledge, skills and practical skills, which form the basis of general theoretical and general professional training, which contribute to increasing efficiency educational process in military universities.

For the competent training of cadets of military universities, which is an integrative complex of dialogic co-creation of the teacher and cadets, it is necessary to develop a working strategy for choosing the content of the study, the format of its presentation and absorption of information, presentation of knowledge, reflection on the results and personal assessment of success.

In our opinion, regardless of the given annually updated theme of the contests the following conditions should be adhered to.

First of all, the process of developing the skills of foreign language professional competence should be a continuous cycle of the motivational component, the content component, the organizational component, the practice-oriented and the reflective components. Each of these components reflects a certain stage towards the formation of a broad linguistic and extralinguistic horizon of the participant of the contests, who is able to find an internal incentive for self-development, competently build a way of perceiving content, organize cognitive activity as productively as possible, implement what was conceived in practice and adequately evaluate the resulting product at the end.

In addition, we believe that the second significant condition is that the contest training is based on both the linguistic structure of the language being studied and the content of professional communication of military specialists in the direction of their general training, which involves the establishment of interdisciplinary connections of a foreign language with other academic disciplines.

The reflection in the content of foreign language education of internal links between linguistic, technical, aesthetic, historical-philosophical, psychological and other aspects contribute not only to the system-contextual presentation of the contest content, but also to overcome the traditional technocracy of education, to educate the spiritually and intellectually developed personality of the future specialist. The third necessary condition for the organization of the contests work is to stimulate the independent work of the participants of the contests, as one of the forms of contextual learning, namely the formation of their learning skills: to search for the necessary information, to determine the initial data, to analyze them, to put forward and test hypotheses, to conduct a dialogue, to listen , hear and take into account the position of partners, make coordinated joint decisions, learn to withstand stressful situations, etc.

When conducting these training sessions in a foreign language, it is also necessary to rely on the own life experience of those cadets who have already taken part in such contests before.

The complex of the listed interrelated pedagogical conditions provides modeling in teaching the subject, social and psychological content of the professionally directed foreign language speech activity assimilated by cadets, and also implies an increase in the training of military personnel, an increase in professional motivation, the disclosure of the internal potential of scientific and creative abilities, as well as an increase in the quality of the qualifications of professors, teaching staff and the development of teaching methods in an environment of increased competition.

Список литературы

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