DOES THE TRUETH MATTER IN THE POST-TRUTH ERA? - Студенческий научный форум

XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


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Based on a unified basis, which permeates most of the proposed interpretations in modern terminology dictionaries of the definition of the concept "patriotism," patriotism in the general scientific sense is considered as love, devotion and attachment to the fatherland, its people, this is an emotional attitude to the Motherland, expressed in readiness to serve it and protect it from enemies. Patriotism implies pride in the achievements and culture of their homeland, a desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics.

It is patriotism that is considered as the factor in the "effective development of Russian statehood" in the report of the Research Center for National Security Problems. V.V. Putin ones said: "There are several fundamental things that unite us, and the main one is love for the Motherland ... ».

As the heart of patriotism is a sensual component (love, respect, devotion, attachment, pride, etc.), in the modern world it is important to keep balance between the factual truth and information fakes leading to a tribalism (i.e. isolation, disintegration) for which, unfortunately, during the post-truth era in media the most favorable conditions are created.

The term "post-truth" – "referring to or indicating circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in the formation of public opinion than appealing to emotions and personal beliefs (citizens)" – was introduced into the Oxford Dictionary and chosen by the editors as the word of the year. Researchers of the post-truth phenomenon emphasize it that by nature a person is characterized by the need to search for truth, it is the truth that is the desired result of any dispute. However, in modern media the truth is no longer important. Due to the great variety of information sources, the reliability of which in most cases cannot be verified, the phrase "highly likely" (with a high degree of probability) is increasingly introduced into the social practice of argumentation. R.V. Zholud emphasizes in his research that "the post-truth is the state of society in which objective facts, evidence and proves, experts’ opinion are less important than their own emotions, preferences and beliefs." In society, the sensual component comes to the fore. It is beyond the rational beginning - evidence of specialists and facts.

Post-truth is a kind of challenge to the modern world. Previously, scientific discussions, religious clashes, political controversy and public disputes were associated with the search for a certain truth. Today, the media and the television talk-shows they arrange are an "ethereal stream of hatred," the purpose of which is not to find the truth, but to identify the followers of "their truth" and its opponents and aggression towards the latter. The background for such emotional influence on public consciousness to the detriment of truth was, according to domestic and foreign researchers, the course of postmodernism - its art and culture, which promotes relativism of values, i.e. there is nothing true, everything in this world is relative. At the same time - the second half of the 20th century - schools of psychotherapy appear, which in the scientific literature are also called one of the factors for the development of the post-truth phenomenon, convincing of the need to live on the principle: "It does not matter how it really is - the main thing is that you feel comfortable."

Linguists note the manifestation of signs of post-truth at the level of language, which is confirmed by the frequency of use of the expressions "relative truth," "my truth," "everyone has his own truth." Truth loses its inherent sign of exclusivity, standard, turning into the category of personal beliefs, which at the level of language is manifested in the expressions "I am an artist, this is the way I see it," which is a universal response to any claims and a triumph of subjective feeling over any rational arguments and irrefutable facts. Deception is presented by mass culture as a normal phenomenon. Contrary to the tradition characteristic of Russian culture, where good defeats evil and the truth will certainly prevail, the truth ceases to win. A few decades ago, the younger generation was brought up on fairy tales, cartoons, cinema, in which truth and good were the real value. At present, surprisingly, the various information resources and the information technologies implemented through them are becoming another factor of the post-truth development. Conveying a lie "remotely," "contactless" is much easier and more comfortable.

Unfortunately, information technologists who rely on the imposition of post-truth in modern realities lack ethics, since the imposition of the truth "emotional" instead of "actual" takes into account not only psychological, gender, but also age characteristics. The technologists of "post-truth" are aimed at young people and schoolchildren, focusing on the fact that emotional instability, sensitivity, exposure to public opinion, unformed critical thinking skills create a favorable basis for the fact that emotions will push them to the actions required by a certain group of people. One of the most striking recent examples in our country of such an impact on adolescents was a series of events that raised a wave of the so-called "navalnisty" and "navaln’yata."

Of course, information sources of various kinds have the primary role in disseminating necessary information. Over the past decade, the theory of "bubble filters," the main essence of which is to describe the state of a person using the same sources of information, has begun to gain strength in communicativistics (interdisciplinary science devoted to the process of interaction and its means). In relation to social networks, this, for example, is information from the same communities. In this situation, a person, as if, is inside a bubble, into which only one- type information enters, that is, the "bubble" filters the information that he admits to his owner, providing him with only the information with which he is obviously ready to agree. One of the most disputable topics during the pandemic is vaccination. If a person is an "anti-vaccinator," he will not get acquainted with the information on the website of the Institute of Immunology, but he will look for support among like-minded people in social networks. In the case of a "bubble," information is perceived and discussed exclusively at the emotional level, excluding logics. In support of his views and beliefs, the owner of the "bubble" is looking for stories confirming his rightfulness, but counter argumentation is not accepted categorically.

The product of the post-truth era in the media was the rapid spread of fakes – deliberately false information. Initially, a fake is launched in the media in order to mislead the audience. The peculiarity of fakes is that they appear at a certain period of time on the most pressing issues in order to cause a certain resonance and split in society. According to the researchers, the two obligatory components of the successful spread of fake are relevance and emotionality ( preferably negatively charged with hatred, fear, disgust, envy).

Is it possible to resist the post-truth? In scientific literature, the development in the cultural and media spheres of the non-fiction genre is called a countermeasure against the post-truth. A distinctive feature of this genre of documentary prose is the subordination of the plot organization of the work to a strictly documentary basis: sources, documents, facts, statistics, etc. R.V. Zholud in his monograph "Actual Problems of the Theory of Journalism" writes that the return to public consciousness of the authoritative word of science is one of the backgrounds to the "recovery" of society from the post-truth.

The problem of society living in the post-truth era is that in an endless information stream, pseudoscientific materials are often found that are issued as non-fiction. While the state is looking for adaptive measures of interaction with its citizens, embedded in the existing media space, the generation is growing, which receives education in the "filter-bubble" in which it was "placed." The only possible way out of this situation is critical thinking. In many schools in Europe, critical thinking has already been introduced into the curriculum. Exactly in schools, since, as noted earlier, during this period the formation of the citizen's personality and his upbringing takes place. Each person, writes L.E. Kreuchik, "must learn to separate high-quality information, reliable sources from information garbage." In scientific literature today such skills have been called "media literacy". They include a set of knowledge and skills for working with information: the ability to recognize high-quality information and its sources; identify propaganda and manipulation; check the validity of the information.

The return to the public consciousness of the authoritative word of science is one of the conditions for the "recovery" of society from the post-truth. In modern realities, the words of Nobel Laureate V.L. Ginzburg sound like a guide to act and a way to improve public consciousness: "In science, the main thing is to ask questions correctly," that is, science, facts and real evidence are the basis for further reflection. And patriotism, in this context, according to V.L. Ginzburg, is that "to the best of our ability, a person should try to educate the population. To do everything that can be good for your country. The state and the country should strive to educate the population. "


1. Ginsburg V.L. Demagogi And Ignorance Against Scientific Expertise//Literary Newspaper. - October 16 - October 22, 2002. – № 42

2. Zholud R.V. Topical Problems Of The Theory Of Journalism//Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2002. — 192 pp.

3. Kreichik L.E. Topical problems of the theory of journalism (Russian edition )//Annual Collection Of Scientific Articles: Based On The Materials Of The Annual Scientific Seminar - 2007. - P. 60-79

4. Fedosyuk M. Yu. From the scientific editor/M. Yu. Fedosyuk//Text in the Focus Of Literary Criticism, Linguistics And Cultural Studies. -Jaroslavl, 2002. -P. 4.

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