How To Use The Tunes In Questions - Студенческий научный форум

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How To Use The Tunes In Questions

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Intonation is an increase or decrease in the voice in any specific parts of the sentence, that helps speaker express emotions, feelings and attitude. intonation is needed mainly to denote the semantic content of the text or the mood of the speaker. We can say the word group with any emotion because of intonation. In this report we will examine intonation of questions using examples from TV series called “Downtown Abbey”.

A question is an utterance which typically functions as a request for information, which is expected to be provided in the form of an answer. 

Questions are divided into several groups according to the semantic classification:

Yes- No Questions/ General Questions

Alternative Questions


Special Questions/ Wh-Questions.

In this report we will consider only two types of questions. They are Special questions and General Questions.

To express business-like, neutral attitude Descending scale+ LF tune shape should be used.

Example: Who’d have thought of it? (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 5, 30:05)

This line sounds very cold and business-like.However, given the relationship between Lady Mary and Sir Richard Carlisle, this phrase sounds hostile towards Lady Mary.

To express interest in the subject Descending Scale+ HF tune shape should be used

Example: What happened? (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 5, 2:47)

In this case Dowager Countess said the line with sincere attitude. She was really interested in the subject, because her granddaughter suddenly felt bad.

To express interest in the other person as well as in the subject (for one-word questions) Descending Scale+ LR should be used

Example:And how did he come by them? (Downtown Abbey season2, episode 7, 30:26)

This line represents interest in the subject and in the person but with a touch of irony. It sounds like Ms. Patmore doesn’t believe to the people she’s talking to. She’s interested in the fact how exactly this person managed to do what was said by him.

To express repetition LR tune shape should be used.

Example: (But another time, please ask me before you agree to host a wedding.) – What? (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 7, 29:25)

In this case the short reply “What” was said with the slightest tone of irritation. It sounded as if Lord Grantham was offended by the previous line. It wasn’t that he didn’t hear what was said to him, on the contrary, he understood it and took it personally.

For short questions used as responses LRtune shape is used

Example: Isn’t it what you said? Did I? (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 9, 19:33)

This line told by Lady Mary expresses a real surprise.

For short questions with mild surprise, sarcasmLF tune shape is used

Example: Were they? (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 9, 25:41)

Mrs Patmore says this line with a touch of irony but without any intention to hurt the feelings of Daisy.

For all other Yes-No questions LR is used

Example: Is Mr. Bates the one Lady Rosamund told me about? -The murderer. (Downtown Abbey, season 2, episode 9, 3:02)

This line sounded as if it was a real interest in the personality of Mr. Bates but the Lady Rosamund’s servant had already known the answer. Knowing that the whole line sounds as a mockery.

Takingintoconsideration all what is written in the article the most spread tune shapes in English questions are LF and LR. They express variety of emotions and attitudes. Using these intonation patterns help the speaker sound more natural.


Практическая фонетика английского языка: продвинутый уровень: учебно-методическое пособие / С. П, Хорошилова ; Мин-во науки и образования РФ, Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. – Новосибирск : Изд-во НГПУ, 2015. – 300 с.

Фонетика английского языка: введение : учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине "Практическая фонетика английского языка" для 1 курса фак. иностр. яз. : доп. УМО вузов РФ / С. П. Хорошилова, Т. Л. Бородина ; Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Новосибирск : НГПУ, 2014. - 146 с. - Библиогр.: с. 143.

Downton Abbey : TV-series / Michael Engler, Julian Fellowes; - United Kingdom: Carnival Film & Television, 2019.

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