HOW TO USE THE TUNES IN STATEMENTS - Студенческий научный форум

XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


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Intonation is the way of using the tunes when the words do not change their meaning but the tune we use adds something to the words, and what it adds is the speaker’s feelings at that moment. Intonation is a complex unity of speech melody (pitch), sentence-stress, voice quality (timbre), speech tempo, rhythm. [2] In this report we will examine some cases of using the tunes in the English language – in statements – using examples from Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey is a British historical drama television series set in the early 20th century, created and co-written by Julian Fellowes.Downton Abbey has received acclaim from television critics and won numerous accolades.

Statements are sentences that express a fact, idea or opinion. Statements do not ask questions, make requests or give commands. They are also not exclamations.

Tunes of Statements could be divided into several groups by the attitude which they express [1] :

Cool, calm, absence of interest;

Considered, weighty, business-like;

Personal participation;

Soothing, reassuring, encouraging;

Anger, indignation, irritation;


If the statement is not complete but leading to a following word group it implies continuation;

If the statement has two parts of which the first is more important than the second;

If the statement is intended as a question;

For statements which show reservations on the part of the speaker and which might be followed by “but” or by “You must admit” or “I must admit”;

Correction, contradiction;


A wide range of emotions from being self-satisfied, smug, complacent to real enthusiasm;


We will consider the first nine tunes and provide examples from Downton Abbey.

To express cool, calm, absence of interest attitude, Low Level Head + Low-Falling tune shape or just Low-Falling tune shape should be used.

Example: Sounds more like a hotel (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 6, 1:52).

To expressconsidered, weighty, business-like attitude, Descending Scale + Law-Falling tune shape should be used.

Example:Mr. Bates said you wanted to see me, Sir (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 6, 6:41).

To expresspersonal participation, Descending Scale + High-Falling tune shape should be used.

Example: How sad. But how true (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 7, 4:49).

To expresssoothing, reassuring, encouraging attitude, Descending Scale + Low-Rising tune shape should be used.

Example:By heaven, if anything happens to her, it won’t be your fault, Miss O’Brien. (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 8, 32:42).

To expressanger, indignation, irritation, Ascending Scale + High-Falling tune shape should be used.

Example: I won’t allow it! I will not allow my daughter to throw away her life (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 8, 6:17).

To expressgrumble, Low Level Head + Low-Rising tune shape should be used.

Example: I'll stick to the chaise longue. (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 7, 10:00).

If the statement is not complete but leading to a following word group, it implies continuation, Descending Scale + Falling-Rising (Low-Rising) tune shape or just Falling-Rising tune shape should be used.

Example: And if I can help her… Then I must. (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 7, 13:03).

If the statement has two parts of which the first is more important than the second, Falling-Rising tune shape is spread over the whole sentence.

Example: I feel so flat after the rush and bustle of the last two years (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 7, 11:34).

If the statement is intended as a question, Descending Scale + Law-Rising tune shape should be used.

Example: To live with him? Unmarried? (Downton Abbey, Season 2, Episode 8, 6:02).

In our project we have considered the notion “Intonation”, have given the classification of the tunes used in Statements according to the attitude and also have given examples of every tune shape based on British TV series “Downton Abbey”.

Библиографический список

Практическая фонетика английского языка: продвинутый уровень: учебно-методическое пособие / С. П, Хорошилова ; Мин-во науки и образования РФ, Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. – Новосибирск : Изд-во НГПУ, 2015. – 300 с.

Фонетика английского языка : введение : учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине "Практическая фонетика английского языка" для 1 курса фак. иностр. яз. : доп. УМО вузов РФ / С. П. Хорошилова, Т. Л. Бородина ; Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. - 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. - Новосибирск : НГПУ, 2014. - 146 с. - Библиогр.: с. 143.

Downton Abbey : TV-series / Michael Engler, Julian Fellowes; - United Kingdom: Carnival Film & Television, 2019.

Просмотров работы: 20