Обсуждение работы Principal component analysis applied to satellite imagery for volcanic plume detection over Kuril and Kamchatka region - Студенческий научный форум

XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022

Обсуждение работы Principal component analysis applied to satellite imagery for volcanic plume detection over Kuril and Kamchatka region

  • Никитина Виктория Сергеевна 12.02.22 в 19:32 #
    Hello! Is it always advisable to use PCA and Ash-RGB models together? Are there cases where it can be limited by only one of them? Thank you!
    • Львов Александр Львович 18.02.22 в 11:47 #
      Hello! Thank you for the interest in the article. The application of either PCA or Ash-RGB depends on each particular case. It was revealed that usage of PCA shows more details in ash cloud composition, while Ash-RGB technique is appropriate for more rough ash spatial distribution estimation, especially in case of massive eruptions. There is no strict rule as there are plenty of detection methods beside described in the discussed article, so each method is chosen according to desireable results.

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