The New Democrats, also known as Moderate Democrats, Centrist Democrats and Clinton Democrats— are a moderate faction within the US Democratic Party that emerged in the late 1980s after the Democrats' third consecutive defeat in the presidential election. As a faction of the "Third Way", the New Democrats support cultural and social liberalism, adhere to pluralistic positions, while at the same time taking moderate or conservative positions financially.
The New Democrats dominated the party from the late 1980s to the mid-2010s. Bill Clinton, running as a "new Democrat," won the presidential election twice, in 1992 and 1996.The leading organizations are the New Democratic Network, the New Democratic Coalition and NewDEAL.
The New Democrats consider themselves the ideological successors of Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of John F. Kennedy, calling the failed president "a harbinger of modern liberalism and progressivism."Former US President Bill Clinton wrote in his book My Life that Bobby Kennedy became the first "new Democrat" in the 1968 Indiana primaries.
According to Democratic speechwriter and strategist Dylan Lowe, the "new Democrats" tend to identify themselves as fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Columnist Michael Lind argued that neoliberalism for the New Democrats was the "highest stage" of left-wing liberalism. The countercultural youth of the 1960s in the 1970s and 1980s became more financially conservative, while retaining their cultural liberalism. Many leading "new Democrats", including Bill Clinton, started as supporters of George McGovern and gradually shifted to the right on economic and military issues.According to historian Walter Scheidel, both major political parties moved to promote free market capitalism in the 1970s, with Republicans moving further to the right than Democrats moved to the left. He noted that Democrats played a significant role in the financial deregulation of the 1990s.Anthropologist Jason Hickel argued that the neoliberal economic policies of the Reagan era were largely continued by the Clinton administration, forming a new economic consensus crossing party lines.
The New Democrats have faced criticism from the left, including the liberal wing of the party. In a 2017 BBC interview, Noam Chomsky said that "Democrats abandoned the working class forty years ago."Political analyst Thomas Frank argued that the Democratic Party has come to represent the middle class.
Barack Obama, who was eventually elected president, was not a new Democrat at the time of the election. In the summer of 2003, Obama, then an Illinois senator, asked the Democratic Leadership Council to remove his name from the list of "new Democrats", saying that he had never joined the Council.In March 2009, Barack Obama, speaking at the White House to 65 members of the New Democrat Coalition, declared that he was a "new Democrat" and a "pro-growth Democrat", that he "supports free and fair trade" and was "very concerned about the return to protectionism."
Both of Obama's presidential terms, his administration adhered to the position of "free and fair trade," including in the 2015 trade report, The Economic Benefits of U.S. Trade, which noted that free trade helps developing countries lift people out of poverty and open markets for exports of goods from the United States.
List of literature
1. Internet resource:
2. Internet resource :
3.From Jefferson to Clinton. The Democratic Party of the USA in the struggle for the voter | Printnov Vladimir Olegovich