XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


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In today’s world, the Internet covers up all the spheres of human activity and holds all the information, that makes the process of studying quicker and easier yet complicated at the fact that students put less effort into their own educational development. That is where the problem of motivation shows up. Instead of working with the material, given in the school or university programme, to create something unique, students nowadays are tend to search for already existing data to decrease the time they spend on doing their own research or any kind of project works.

The problem of stimulating learning activities is one of the essential states in the psychology of learning. Motivation is a compulsory component of any activity. Educational motivation is defined as the specific motivation that is included within the course of training, the learning activity. The educational system and educational institution are determined by several factors:  the educational system, the educating institutions holding training activity; student's characteristics (gender, age, intellectual development, skills). Personal features of the development of a motivational sphere in a student's personality depend on the recognition of the images, worldview, image of the course, self-esteem and thought. The ability to see/hear and understand the motivational sphere is essential for success and directing the development of a student's personality in a positive direction.

As practice shows, if special work is not carried out to educate internal motivation, then students with an unstable attitude to learning develop indifference in terms of work. Such attitude generates performers of ready-made products, devoid of the desire to search.

The younger school age is favourable in order to lay the foundation of the ability, the desire to study, which then undoubtedly affects the period of higher education.Children perceive new information in different ways: visually or by ear. Depending on this, it is preferable for one student to read a textbook in order to learn a lesson, and for another - to listen to the teacher's explanations and repeat the task aloud at home. Some of them have a penchant for exact sciences, others are pronounced humanities, others are bored to study, because they grasp everything on the fly, and someone needs more time and effort to understand new material. The general education school programme is designed for the average student and does not take these nuances into account. That is the main reason why teachers and students themselves should cooperate to develop motivation to study. Motivation has the greatest impact on the productivity of the educational process and determines the success of students in the future.

There is no need to deny lots of factors forming the “motivation circle”. The general way of formation of educational motive is to promote the transformation from broad motives of students into a matured motivational sphere with a stronger structure and dominance of individual motives. An important part in the development of student's interest is the general psychological atmosphere, the positive attitude to learning, professional knowledge; the involvement of students in joint educational activities in the collective of the study group (through paired, group, team forms of work). Many psychologists believe that targeted teamwork helps participants not only develop communication skills and resistance to stress, but also establish a desire to show their own "I", develop hidden talents and resistance to stressful situations. Such motivation is more suitable for students with tendencies to extroversion, since it is known that in society this type of people is fully able to reveal their inner potential. Building a teacher-student relationship not by the type of intrusion, but on the basis of advice and support, creating situations of success, using various methods of stimulation can produce huge progress in educational motivation. Emotional, as well as material, reward is the driving mechanism, the most powerful motivator to action. Receiving a reward leads to satisfaction, understanding that everything done was not in vain. In addition, the more work is spent, the sweeter the success. Thus, the positive result of hard work is fixed in the mind. Positive emotions will spur further work, and it will not be a pity to spend more time and effort on the next goal.

To form a full-fledged motivation of teaching students, it is important to provide the following conditions: enrich the content with personally oriented interesting material; satisfy the cognitive needs of students; organize interesting communication between students; encourage the performance of tasks of increased difficulty; affirm humane attitude to all students - capable, lagging, indifferent; maintain an even style of relations between all students; form an active self-assessment of their capabilities; affirm the desire for self-development, self-improvement; use effective support for students’ initiatives, encourage students when they have difficulties; foster responsible attitude to academic work, operate a variety of teaching methods and techniques.

However, the development of motivation does not always depend on teachers. The most rational way to motivate is the joint work of the teaching staff and students.

For this paper, we conducted a small study regarding students' self-motivation. A survey was conducted among the groups of the Humanities Institute of the VLSU. Students answered the question "What allows you to remain interested in doing homework and scientific work at home?".

The main response was to maintain energy in the body. This was mentioned by 83% of respondents. To maintain concentration and desire to do something, it is important to get rid of some "compromisers" of energy. Reducing your caffeine intake and correcting your sleep schedule is the main thing in saving energy. According to the students, it is also extremely important to avoid procrastination and inactive rest. After all, the more energy we spend, the more it enters the body. Procrastination, as has already been proven by psychological scientists, causes people to feel guilty and unfinished with business. Moreover, in the case of students, it discourages all desire to continue working.

The second important aspect on the way to maintaining motivation, students highlighted the creation of a study matrix. 46% noted that the development of a plan or mind map helps them figure out which point in the work should start. In addition, the development of systematic instructions does not allow students to abandon what they started, because the first steps towards achieving the goal have already been taken.

31% of respondents noted that it is extremely necessary to get rid of distractions. One of the useful ways is to record everything that the student is distracted by during work as soon as it happened. Returning to them is available only during a break.

20% said that studying should be interval, especially at home. There is a long-established system of interval training. Applications have been developed that enable users to customize work and rest hours. Therefore, according to scientists, the best option for the average student is 25-30 minutes of work and 5-10 minutes of rest.

Analyzing the study, we can conclude that it is extremely important for a student to structure the education process outside the walls of an educational institution. Chaos leads to failure, and only a well-thought-out plan that meets the requirements and individual parameters of the will lead to success.

So, in order to form students' educational motivation, it’s necessary to use different means, methods and techniques of stimulation. When forming positive motivation, the teacher develops not only responsible attitude and genuine interest in learning, but also contributes to the formation of the desire of students to achieve high results and feel like successful individuals. This, in turn, contributes, firstly, to the increase in the level of cognitive activity of students, and secondly, to the corresponding qualities of personality.

Список литературы

Ilyin P. Motivation and motives, Saint Petersburg: Peter, 2006, 502 p.

Verbitsky A.A. Development of motivation of students in contextual training, Moscow: Research Center of training quality problems, 2000, 200

Archer J. (1994) Achievement Goals as a Measure of Motivation in University Students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 438.

Dweck C. (1986) Motivational Processes Affecting Learning. American Psychologist, vol. 41, no 10, pp. 1040–1043.

Просмотров работы: 6