XIV Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2022


Королева А.В. 1
1ВлГУ им. А. Г. и Н. Г. Столетовых
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You can register your marriage in England in special offices, but still most couples prefer to follow the traditions and customs, so hold an English wedding in the church. Although, in recent years, it is becoming popular to have offsite ceremonies as well, especially if the bride and groom want to organize a themed wedding, which is also not alien to the conservative British.On the wedding day, the young people are apart, because it is bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. The groom stays first and waits for the bride at the altar. The bride arrives at the ceremony site, and everything begins. As she walks down the aisle with her father or other close male relative, live music is sure to play, and the girls walk ahead and throw rose petals, so that her road to married life will be safe. No ceremony is complete without a touching recitation of the vows of fidelity, which the newlyweds write for each other in advance.After the ceremony, the newlyweds are sprinkled with painted rice and confetti for good luck. The newlyweds approach the car. Clogs may be tied to its bumper - a tribute to an old tradition, when the newlyweds, driving away, threw out of the window an old shoe. And whoever catches it will be happy all year long.The English breakfast-so the English call the wedding banquet. This is due to the fact that previously the law required the marriage ceremony to be held in the church strictly from eight in the morning until noon. Therefore, the newlyweds and guests really went to breakfast after it. By the way, noon is still considered the most favorable time for the wedding.The wedding breakfast in England always begins with a toast by the best man, followed by several more key moments of the traditional celebration.Throwing the garter wedding traditions in England do not provide, it is an American custom. No competitions are usually held at the celebration, only toasts and dancing to the music and songs of the invited musical group.The newlyweds cut the cake together. It has always been customary at an English wedding to have two cakes, one for the bride and one for the groom. They used to be marzipan and nut cakes, but today they are more standard sponge cakes. The top of one of the cakes is sure to be frozen and preserved until the first anniversary or the birth of a child. And then it is already eaten with close friends. From the banquet, the newlyweds reflect on their wedding journey. They may even do this in the middle of the celebration, which is absolutely normal for the European style of wedding. Slavic guests, on the other hand, would not appreciate such an act.

The traditions and customs of the English people in food

Picnics are another British tradition that is also treated rather reverently; they prepare everything for a picnic beautifully and practically. More often than not, Britons picnic in city parks or close to home. And some university students also picnic in between classes.The British also have several traditions when it comes to meals. First of all the most important meal is breakfast. Usually it consists of fried eggs with bacon, toast and a cup of tea or coffee and they can have it almost every morning. For lunch, the meal of the day, the British prefer vegetables and meat or fish dishes. The British dinner is quite similar to the lunch, it usually consists of light snacks. For dessert in Britain they prefer apple pie or hot milk pudding. Traditional British dishes are a must at the family table: lamb tenderloin, vegetables and pudding. Many British families still retain the tradition of Sunday lunch, as the British are reverent about the culture of family. They value time spent with family, because life in today's world is very dynamic, and people have little time to spend with their families. The custom of having tea between the hours of 16 and 18 is rigorously practiced by the British. In addition to tea, small sandwiches, cookies and biscuits are served to the table. During this time, the British don't rush anywhere, put off everything and enjoy the taste of a wonderful drink. Tea is so worshipped by the people of this country that practically every home will offer its guests several varieties to choose from. It is not for nothing that British tea artisans are recognized all over the world as professionals of the highest caliber, and British tea brands are in highdemand. A tea table is placed next to the flooded fireplace. The British can spend more than an hour with a leisurely conversation and enjoying the taste of the drink. During this time, all problems are pushed to the background, traditionally they talk about the weather or the news of politics.In the organization of the English tea party there are no trifles. For example, the tablecloth should be monochrome - blue or white. In front of each guest is placed a pair of tea and a dessert plate with a knife, fork and teaspoon. In addition to the teapot, there is a milk jug and a jug of boiling water on the table. Sugar lumps are served in a porcelain sugar bowl with tongs. Another essential attribute of the tea table is the tea strainer with a stand. English customs and traditions mean that all things to be served in a single style, with a preference for the classics. In contrast to the Russian tea table, which implies mostly sweet pastries, the English fave-o-clock implies a serving of bread, butter, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggs. These components are used to make sandwiches for guests or homeowners beforehand. Today the name of the puff sandwich is known to everyone, and when it was invented by Lord John Sandwich, who combined bread and ham with jam or chocolate in the middle.


1. Свадебные традиции в Англии.https://svadebka.ws/article/angliiskaya-svadba

2. Воевода, Е. В. Great Britain: Culture Across History / Великобритания. История и культура. Учебное пособие / Е.В. Воевода. - М.: Аспект пресс, 2015. - 224 c.

3.Традиции празднования Пасхи.https://rukivnogi.com/great-britain/pasha-v-velikobritanii

4.Наиболее известные английские традиции и обычаи. https://www.englishpatient.org

5.Британская культура – традиции и обычаи. https://simplenglish.ru/traditsii-velikobritanii

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