Due to the globalization and other types of modern changes in the world new methods of learning have become one of the inseparable parts of educational process. Network has transformed not only way of living of mankind, but also it brought new perspective changes nowadays. As well as internet is widely spread all over the globe most of the people have opportunities to develop their abilities, knowledge, perception, and etc. According to D.W. Stoten’s research related to online courses can help to teach students how to analyze any type of information by themselves, which means learners will become more confident in the process of studying online courses [1, 58-62].Online lessons have beneficial impacts on students’ thinking, abilities, and also with the help of proper online programs students can achieve their goals.
Literature review
Students’ perception varies in accordance with their characters, interests, preference in learning and also due to the programs. Online courses should be lined up with the requirements of students along with their abilities.
Furthermore, S.K. Basak, M.Wotto and P. Belanger have stated that online courses will lead to expand student’s academic and professional competence by giving them chance for further development of their future career. Online courses present not only lessons or courses itself, but also professional knowledge about various aspects of education which includes creating e-portfolios, work with online platforms, communication across the globe, possibilities with expanding self-consciousness [2, 191-216].
J. Mahoney and C. Hall’s investigation about online and e-learning has proved the effectiveness of online courses. Online sources have plethora of advantages and they are as following:
- Online courses are available in any part of the world which means every student can have a free access if he wants to develop his knowledge;
- Tremendous rate of the internet will give both teachers and students to develop their professional skills which can be beneficial for their future career;
- Access to the network will facilitate receiving and sending tasks or any type of written activities of students on time;
- Students can check their understanding after online lessons immediately, and results will demonstrate their strong sides and weaknesses;
- Students who need extra help from teachers can have opportunities due to the availability of online courses;
- Online lessons will develop student’s perception about science, language, analysis, synthesis which are parts of critical and creative thinking [3, 291-303].
Except the educational advantages of online courses one of the privileges of such programs is that it is really helpful to decrease economical effectiveness with the high amount of money consumption. Because of the online learning students do not need to consume much money as well as learning process will be proceeded at home. Therefore, some students who have financial problems can choose the study as online courses [4, 107-127].
As well as globalism is changing mankind’s lifestyle, most people face with financial and material problems. In order to decrease such issues online type of learning can be solution. In the process of the modern changes online learning also has been transformed.
Most of the scientists have proved the fact that online courses do not differ from traditional lessons where lector leads the lessons, and students listen to him by writing notes. Nowadays, due to the modern technologies students have opportunities to take online lessons by saving their money for future development [5, 444-448]. It is known that the 21st century requires from mankind more skills and knowledge students should not stay at one level or in other words they should not stop with only one specialty taken from university.
Students’ thinking varies from each other due to the following factors:
- Level of acquiring knowledge. Students have various levels of studying any type of subject. Some of the students have high IQ, and can easily solve issues related to the study, whereas some of the learners perceive information slowly, and demonstrate their knowledge after several practices;
- Interests. As well as each student is unique, their interests will vary due to their personality. Most of the learners are close to education, therefore online courses will be appropriate to them to choose their preference;
- Characters. In accordance with psychological researches there are 2 types of characters: extroverts and introverts. Both characters appear in our society, and students also one of the parts of the society. Online courses are helpful for both characters, and each individuality can choose the program related to their characters and develop their knowledge;
- Abilities. It is known fact that each person has unique ability, and it is up to the tutor to give online course related to the students’ skills and abilities. For students who are good at mathematic and analytical solutions online lessons which contain such content will be interesting rather than other programs. So, this is similar to the students who are close to humanitarian sciences;
- Preference. One of the features of online courses is that they give plethora of choices to learners related to lessons. For instance, student who wants to learn foreign language can choose linguistic profile of online lessons, watch various courses with explanations, do some activities after theory, and other type of operations [6, 763-772].
E-learning is also connected with online courses, and as well as both of the educational programs are proceeded with the help of the network they have some common characteristics:
- E-learning and online courses have same goals;
- Both of the educational programs are regarded as modern method of teaching process;
- Each of the learning courses suggest open access for students;
- Despite the fact that e-learning was developed before the online courses, students can achieve their goals with both programs;
- Lastly, each of the online resources matches to students’ requirements [7, 36].
One of the aspects of online learning is closely connected with distance learning, and due to the pandemic situation the significance of such learning has become visible and topical. In pandemic situation students have to study online by using distance learning.
Distance learning is regarded as one of the modern trends in high educational system, because traditional teaching has been established before the new methods of education [8, 131-139].
One of the basic aspects of implementing online courses is related to their qualities, not quantities. As we know there are plethora of online lessons, but not most of them match to the special requirements. That is why before attending any online courses students should be aware of following characteristics:
1) Quality of knowledge. Online courses vary with their qualities of educational purposes and contents. Knowledge is one of the significant parts of any learning process, and well-established platforms can help the students to improve their basic knowledge;
2) Quality of the content. As well as without content of the teaching process any type of online lessons cannot guarantee the success in fulfilling the students’ goals. So, students should firstly get acquainted with the content of the course, and then if this or that course matches to the students’ requirements, learner can start it immediately;
3) Quality of the learning material. Online courses contain various amount of information, and it is up to the students to make choice of the online platform. In this case, learners should thoroughly check the online course’s system related to its teaching material;
4) Student’s desire should not be differentiated with the quality of the course’s ratings. This means that some online resources just attract the audience with their design. Therefore, teachers should check whether this or that course can be appropriate in learning one exact subject or course;
5) Finally, quality of the program which can be modified as appropriate design and learning opportunities which includes access to that course plays important role in learning online. Because, without proper access to the online resource students cannot complete the tasks and achieve the results [9, 49-52].
According to mixed methods study online courses will develop not only student’s perception about education itself, but also it expands wide variety of knowledge which will encompass other fields, too. Nowadays, it is significant to be jack of all trades [10, 68-73].
Planning of online courses has become one of the methodical aspects of education. Perception of students related to online courses will vary as well as students have different abilities of receiving information. Students’ perception can be are as following:
- Visual learners who receive information through written materials and illutrations will find easy to study in online courses, because most of the online courses contain texts in written formats. That is why visual learners do not face challenges with online learning;
- Audials who percieve information with the help of ears find written texts or any type of materials because of this ability. However, nowadays along with written formats online courses present audio and video materials such as CD, video conferences, listening tasks, and so on. In order to develop audials’ visual perception some online courses make use of texts;
- Learners who have both type of perception or in other words audio-visuals can easily get into the process of online learning. In order to develop their skills there are some specific tasks which are connected with both types of perception [11, 55-68].
As well as online courses are provided in distance learning format students should have self-discipline which means they should control themselves in the process of learning. It is significant to have self-discipline, because it will help person to achieve personal and professional goals along with the dramatic changes.
In order to keep balance in online learning courses implement mixed method studies which means online courses not only helps the students to expand their knowledge, but also motivation which is needed for each students are also provided in the process of distance learning. Mixed method includes various approaches such as qualitiative and quantitaive analysis of work. Except the motivation which is given by teachers in the process of online learning students will transform such as professional characters:
- Purposefulness;
- Hard working;
- Intellegince;
- Thinking out of box;
- Critical and creative skills;
- Problem- solving skill [12, 14-18].
Developing above mentioned characters students will be ready for their future career, and the student who has such characters will catch other people’s attention. Because of the high quality of online courses students will develop their personality along with their knowledge.
Students’ perception will be improved after implementing online resources in practice. So, this means it is significant to make use of learnt theoretical materials in daily life . While using gained knowledge in practice young learners will have opportunity to become more responsible, intelligent, motivated person who has strong willingness and hard-working individuality.
To sum up main points we can affirm that modern technologies which have been developing throughout the several years have become one of the significant parts of the society. Network provides vast amount of opportunities for young generation. As well as, internet is widely spread across the world, access to online resources also become one of the parts of the education. Online resources will help people in any situation, and the quality of the education will not vary from tradition teaching methods. On the contrary, online courses provide all possible advantages for young learners without consuming vast amount of efforts. Online courses will be helpful for students in their future professional development. Due to the wide variety of online resources students are able to choose the program which matches to their requirements. Online courses will not stay at one stage, because the process of globalization will transform previous systems of education, and future generation will have more opportunities to horizon their knowledge.
1. Stoten D.W. Learning and assessment in a business school. London. 2016. 58-62 pp.
2. Basak S.K., Wotto M., Belanger P. E-learning, m-learning and d-learning: Conceptual definition and comparative analysis. Volume 5. 2018. 191-216 pp.
3. Mahoney J., Hall C. Using technologies to differentiate and accommodate students with disabilities. 2017. Volume 4. 291-303 pp.
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