Introduction. The development of cognitive activity over a long time has been and remains a necessary and important element for the full development of the child. Authors such as: G. I. Schukina, O.A. Kholodova, O. L. Matyushkina, A. I. Savenkov, N. U.Sadykova, E. A. Morozova, with his multiple research on patterns and features of cognitive activity of children, pose a problem of cognitive development to a priority place.
Relevance of development cognitive children activity on socially at the pedagogical level, it is stated that the social order of the state in education aims to develop an active, proactive and intellectually developed personality a child, striving to learn the phenomena of the world and master in ways activities to achieve results.
The main one the goal of a preschool educational institution is preservation and strengthening physical mental health of the pupils them creative and intellectual development, providing conditions for personal growth. Successful implementation of this task is impossible in isolation from the family, because parents the first and main educators of their child from the moment of birth and for life. At according to Art. 44 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", parents are first teachers, they are required to lay physical, moral basics intellectual personality development of a child in preschool age. In this regard changes, and the position of the preschool organization in working with the family.
The interaction of a preschool educational institution and family is at the heart of then joint determination of the objectives of the activity, there is cooperation, joint distribution of forces, means, subject of activity in time at compliance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of the results of work, a then forecasting new goals, objectives and results. With the introduction of the Federal State Standard DO a lot of attention given interaction with parents of pupils. GEF preschool education developed for the first time in Russian history with requirements B compliance Federal Law on the Education of the Russian Federation. In this document it talks about interaction with parents, about their involvement in the educational process of DOO [9].
The purpose of the study: theoretically study and consider the influence of a psychologist pedagogical conditions of interaction between kindergarten and family for development with them cognitive activity.
Material and research methods. The study used the methods:
1. The Magic House technique;
2. Methodology "Questioner" (Methodology M. B. Shumakova);
3. Application of parents (Davydova O.I., Theologian L.G.Mayer A.A.);
4. Questionnaire “Work of the DOU with the family” (Deshulina R.P.Kozlova A.AT.) [6].
After analyzing the results of the primary diagnosis of the level of cognitive the activity of children and the interaction of DOU with the families of the pupils, were revealed:
1. According to the results of the diagnosis of the level of cognitive activity of children, it is possible say that in the experimental group below average, a in control group average level.
2. Based on the results of the questionnaire of the parents of the pupils of the preschool educational institution, we can say that all parents who participated in the survey are not sufficiently informed about the forms interactions between DOU and families and do not always take part in events held DOU. Not all parents can formulate their problems in raising and developing children.
3. The results of the survey of teachers of the preschool educational institution showed that all interviewed teachers have an insufficient level of development of communicative abilities. As can be seen from questionnaire responses, educators low rate the pedagogical competence of parents but highly appreciate their own professionalism. Educators do not expect specific help from parents. Own goals for working with parents are vague. Its own teachers see help to parents mainly in conducting open classes conducting conversations, consultations.
Let us consider the proposed implementation of pedagogical conditions for development cognitive activity of children in the process of interaction between kindergarten and family:
1. To increase the pedagogical culture of parents on cognitive issues activity of preschool children;
2. Use methods and forms for the development of cognitive activity of children preschool age in kindergarten;
3. Organize kindergarten interaction and families in matters of creation subject-developing environment in the process of cognitive activity of preschool children age.
In order to develop the cognitive activity of senior preschoolers in the process interaction between kindergarten and family, we have developed a thematic work plan with parents. Work plan with parents on the cognitive development of children middle preschool age (Table 1).
Table 1
Event names |
Purpose of event |
Events names |
Pedagogical conversations |
Exchange of views on child development, discussion the nature, extent and possible causes of the problems, with by which collide parents Teachers the process of his upbringing and training. According to the results conversations the teacher outlines ways of further development child |
“Origins baby curiosity" “Development baby initiative independence" |
Workshops |
Development parents have pedagogical skills by Education children, effective the expansion of emerging pedagogical situations |
"How children answer questions” "Methods, that activity of preschool children" |
Trainings |
Involvement of parents in specially designed ones teacher- Psychologist situations, allowing be aware of your personal resources |
"Learn by playing." "Developing forms interaction" |
Days are open doors |
Familiarization parents content, organizational forms methods cognitive development of children |
"Lumberjack knowledge ", "Journey to the country of knowledge." |
Parental meetings |
Mutual communication parents development teachers by urgent issues children, cognitive expansion pedagogical horizons parents |
“What should a child 4-5 know years?" "How to develop informative abilities?" |
Master - classes |
Mastery practical skills joint partnership activities of an adult and a child |
"Workshop cognitive communication" "TRIZ in kindergarten and at home." |
Project activity |
Involvement of parents in a joint cognitive activity. Mastering the methods of collective thought activity; mastering the algorithm creatures project based on the needs of the child; Achievement positive openness towards to parents |
"Workshop places our village" "My land is native." "Underwater the world" "Fun astronomy." "Seasons" |
Conferences (including online conferences) |
Pedagogical education, exchange of experience in family education. Attracting parents to active reflection problems of cognitive development of children in the family on based on their individual needs |
“Actual problems preschool education" “Organization of joint work garden, Family by formation readiness child to school.” |
One of the main forms of work on pedagogical education of the family will be parent meeting. The teachers of our DOE carried out the following parental principle meetings: “What a child should know for 5-6 years?"," How to develop cognitive abilities?”.
But it should be noted that the parent meeting does not take place in their traditional in the form, in the form of “playing at one gate”, the teacher’s head Introduces the parents to some information, and parents passive listeners. After a little accession goes to discussion, use moments from life as examples groups include staging fragments from parenting practices, include practical tasks, games, musical design.
Joint squatting is based on maintaining a children's initiative and research activity. In some cases, offer parents a joint one activity with children, and then move on to the dinner of the problem without children. To educators prepare their gatherings with children, make special postcards - invitations, prepare a show of any dough activity, should be noted the value of feedback received from parents: "It is very important that you said this". Attracting parents to their allies will help informal attitude ordinary forms of interaction. Given the high workload of parents at home business, work, fatigue accumulated by the end of the day, we recommend that they arrange games: on - “What a vegetable?"," Admire, look what form..."," What does it look like?», in the bathroom kitchen room - experiments with water, soap, etc.
The main forms of organization of cognitive activity of children are didactic and plot didactic games. Working with children excludes on purpose organized classes. The activity of children can be caused by the educator, who involves them cognitive-game activity, demonstrating your own enthusiasm for her. Within the framework of the organization of independent cognitive activity the creative activity of children will develop, free experimentation with various materials. The child gets the opportunity of self-realization. Within the free independent activity children master the ability to act in a group of peers cooperate with them, enter into an adversarial relationship, implement elements specific children's subculture, which necessary for prosperous the existence of a child in the children's community.
The function of the educator - create a multi-base game environment that provides a child of cognitive activity that is in his interests and has developing character. The environment should also provide children with the opportunity to act individual or together with peers, without knocking on a mandatory joint activities.
Our children are developing post - cognitive activity - they communicate to educational work, part of the red, love to draw, construct and sculpt, confidently communicate with peers and adults, actively engage in physical exercises are attached to a healthy lifestyle.
Parents should be active participants in the educational process, everyone projects, no matter what activity dominates them, and not just third-party ones observers. The task of teachers is to build effective interaction with the family. Recognizing himself, his abilities, skills, the child learns to analyze and draw conclusions about their capabilities; material on the subject world makes the child think about many things: about the origin of objects, about the strength of the human mind, about the properties, assigned qualities of objects, etc.
Kindergarten is quite interesting for a child microenvironment, which should draw up the first moments of his acquaintance with the world. In kindergarten, we strive to create conditions by which each child will satisfy his requests and striving for a kindergarten to become a warm, cozy, home open for him, his friends, educators and parents, where he can get satisfaction their needs for motor game, cognitive activity.
In DOO, this house presents a subject-developing environment that provides psychological protection of every child with whose help knowledge is formed full development of personality, will develop skills necessary for individuality of children.
At parent meetings, we attached great importance to the subject-developing DOO environment. Revealed her opportunities and significance in the life of preschool children. Educators invited parents to be direct participants creating a subject-bearing environment, explaining the purpose of development zones, revealing their goals and patches, we directly involved parents in this process. Individual and differentiated approaches are most effective.
We understood that the toy made by the hands of our parents at the immediate helping a child is priceless. Once made with love a crib for a doll to a daughter, passes into families from generation to generation, parents say to their children: “in this one the doll and your grandmother laid the crib”, And the boy was drunk with a plywood horse making a board for playing chess, dads passed on their experience. And from these toys comes because they were made with love, with the desire to deliver to the child joy.
Therefore, it was decided together with parents to organize an online workshop where parents, together with children and teachers, made attributes to the corners. In the free parents with educators and children draw, sew, knit, come up with interesting ones games, non-standard equipment for the group. Joint work turned out to be very varied, interesting, creative. Many crafts and benefits are preschoolers used for design and game activities.
Parents do not always immediately respond to the drink calls. Therefore, teachers and DOO employees try to personally participate in such events, by their example captivate parents. Every year at the beginning of the new school year, our DOO is held “Watch a competition for the refinement of the subject-developing environment”, where they act as the jury, not only the underpants, but the parents themselves.
With insufficient funding, involving in various events in kindergarten of parents of preschool children, we were able to realize the opportunity to organize subject-developing environment.
Supporting the initiative and aspiration of parents, together were, created books, which supplemented and expanded development zones:
- center for art and creativity ;
-construction center;
- center of cooking ;
- a corner of nature;
- a corner of duty.
A new element of a developing subject environment has been created laboratory. It created by parents for the development of cognitive activity, interest, interest in the research activities that contribute to the formation of a scientific worldview - this is the basis for the specific game activity of the child at the same time, the laboratory (work in the laboratory involves turning children into “scientists” who conduct experiments, experiments, observations).
The result of the work showed that joint creativity is enriching subject-developing environment, unites the team of kindergarten and the family of pupils in matters of solving common problems in the upbringing and development of children. Therefore, pedagogical the team continues to search for various forms of cooperation with our parents educators, wants the toy to become not only a source today game lethality of children, but also opened up opportunities for adult education. After all before bringing their craft or toy to kindergarten, they are the whole family they beat, interest the child in playing, discuss what games this will play toy with comrades, agree that at that time most parents, by for various reasons, a little free time to communicate with your daughters. And in the process of joint play is the rapprochement of the adult and the child, knowing each other, the formation of a child as a person. Since through the game you can form in a child character, strong-willed quality, to push moral basics, a also development cognitive activity.
Finding. Developed work complex on the development of cognitive activity of children in the process of interaction of teachers of preschool educational organizations with family showed their success. This is confirmed by the results of the second diagnostics:
1) the level of cognitive activity of children in the experimental group increased;
2) the level of professional competence of teachers in matters has increased interaction with families of pupils;
3) increased psychological and pedagogical education of parents in order to increase teacher education and inclusion of parents in the educational process;
4) the educational skills of parents have intensified;
5) various forms of interaction with parents were used involving them in joint creative, socially significant activities with focused on increasing their authority.
Thus, when working with parents, it is important to take into account pedagogical conditions for the development of cognitive activity of children in the process of interaction between kindergarten and family:
1. To increase the pedagogical culture of parents on cognitive issues activity of preschool children;
2. Use methods and forms for the development of cognitive activity of children of preschool age in kindergarten conditions;
3. Organize the interaction of kindergarten and family in matters of creation subject developing environment in the process of cognitive activity of preschool children age.
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