The main argument for distance education is its ability to offer instruction to students who do not have access to conventional learning opportunities or specialized courses because of distance, time, or financial constraints (Davis, 1988). In order to provide equal access to an educational opportunity for schools, especially rural ones, which have a limited curriculum and staff, distance learning courses have been developed. The goal is to provide schools with courses in foreign languages where it would not otherwise be feasible for learners to study them. Distance technology is particularly strengthened by the ability to provide instruction in the less widely taught languages. The guiding principle in many instances is that distance learning courses do not become permanent but serve as a step towards recruiting a regular teacher in the classroom by laying the groundwork for a viable language program, especially in the less commonly taught languages [1, p. 139].
The biggest benefit of distance learning is that students can study anywhere they want, whenever they want. As a consequence, the most significant value of distance learning is versatility. The following are some additional benefits of distance learning:
• Students may have course materials shipped to their home or office, which is quite convenient.
• Students can learn transferable skills like planning and analysis.
• Students can easily provide reviews.
• Travel is not a waste of time.
• Keeping in touch with students who don't have access to face-to-face learning opportunities.
• Just-in-time learning is possible with distance learning.
• Other than face-to-face learning, distance learning is correlated with technology.
While distance learning has many advantages, it also has some drawbacks, which are described below:
• There isn't enough eye contact between the lecturers and the students.
• There could be occasions when your Internet provider is inaccessible.
• Students must be more interested in the classroom.
• Designing course materials is too costly, and more time is taken to prepare course materials.
• Educational technology is used in an unconscious way.
Teaching a foreign language in schools has several problems that slow down the process of quality language proficiency. The problems are low mastery and use of the speech of the target language in the classroom, insufficient basic skills, long intervals in training during vacation time, limited practice of using spoken and written speech in the language, the presence of complex grammatical structures, lack of correspondence with the native language. The frequency of classes also plays a significant role in teaching a foreign language. The small volume of classes is a consequence of the rapid loss of information from the long-term memory of students. Often, vocabulary is learned by students in order to get a high mark from the teacher, and later the memorized material is very quickly forgotten. The task of the teacher is to work out the material learned by the students in practice, to teach them to apply already familiar vocabulary in speech. Unfortunately, nothing will work out without the interest of the students, without their motivation. What is the same incentive for students? Students throughout the entire period of schooling are children, and children always love something bright and memorable. In the modern world, this is the brightest in the lesson allow you to create information technology [2, p.33].
Digital educational technologies are used everywhere to intensify the process of teaching foreign languages, increasing the information content, interactivity and effectiveness of teaching. However, their complex use requires an innovative approach to the organization of the educational process in compliance with the necessary pedagogical conditions.
Observing information and communication technologies in the learning process is no longer a wonder. Until now, this technology is spreading incredibly rapidly in education. The use of Internet technologies in foreign language classes is an effective motivation for students. Students certainly enjoy working with a computer. Classes are held in a non-standard form. In the lesson, you can read a letter sent by e-mail by a foreign friend, translate it, disassemble it in structure and grammar, derive a formula for writing a letter in a foreign language, then write the answer together with the whole group, in pairs, individually.
The question of the use of information technology in schools is now being raised more and more often. The formation and development of a culture of communication among students, teaching the application of knowledge of a foreign language in practice is put at the head of teaching foreign languages. The teacher is tasked with creating conditions for such a practice of mastering the language separately for each student, so that the chosen teaching methods contribute to the manifestation of activity and creativity for each student [3, p.367].
In recent years, the computer, computer programs, online applications have become an integral part of the education of student. Working with computer training programs in foreign language lessons has several sections: learning vocabulary; practicing pronunciation; teaching dialogical and monologic speech; teaching writing; working out grammatical structures. Using the Internet allows you to get any information necessary for students and teachers. Thanks to the Internet in English lessons, important didactic problems are solved.
The possibilities of information technology are aimed at expanding the horizons of student. Students can take part in various kinds of competitions, olympiads held on the Internet, correspond with students from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferences, etc. For example, the use of Word and Point programs enable student to express themselves creatively, and the teacher to prepare a lesson that is interesting and memorable. In these programs, you can create cards for practicing vocabulary, information presentations, presentation simulators. Learning apps that students install on their smartphones and other gadgets are increasingly popular. These applications are in greater demand than conventional games. A frequent picture when a certain group of students try to solve a riddle, add a word or a sentence, which is a kind of training of memory, attention and the practice of using already studied structures. In such applications, students practice vocabulary, supplement sentences with grammatical structures, sing songs, and watch videos of a regional nature. In addition to the cognitive nature, computer applications also have a game orientation, which is so necessary for students [4, p.69].
On the Internet there is a huge number of multimedia files in English containing educational, methodological, and scientific information, which allows you to organize prompt consulting assistance. When preparing for a lesson, English teachers can use materials from various educational sites. Among them, teachers choose online dictionaries, blogs, and virtual learning environments. Also, on different sites, the teacher can find the necessary video material for the lesson, use it in full in the lesson, or divide it into parts, or even cut out a specific passage. For this, there are special programs for video editing. The teacher is trying on a new role in preparing for the lesson, the role of the editor. Moving board games into electronic format, remaking them into quest games is becoming relevant. For example, a snake, a ladder, and schoolchildren are displayed on an interactive board, in order to earn a point for their team they do not just answer a question but must find a card with a question in the office and their actions are limited by time. On the Internet, there are also special programs for muting the voice in songs. Such programs help in cases when a musical composition has been selected, but it is impossible to find only a melody without words. In this case, you can resort to these programs and retouch the voices, then only the melody remains. Similar situations can be traced in extracurricular activities, when there is preparation with younger students for performances at song competitions and festivals.
The vastness of the Internet is a huge information platform where it is possible to participate in various conferences, seminars, webinars, to create, together with a teacher or groups of students, their websites and platforms for learning. Moreover, it is possible to exchange information or educational product between teachers from different countries. Active and correct use of social networks gives space for projects and scientific research. Work on the creation of Internet resources occupies a leading position among the interests of students for its novelty, creativity, and uniqueness. Cognitive activity is structured in such a way that each child can show his own activity, be it small groups or individual activity. Of course, information technology is not the main incentive for motivation in the process of learning a foreign language. Achieve high results will allow the entire diverse range of innovative technologies. The task of developing, improving, optimizing methods of teaching a foreign language has always been one of the pressing problems of education. Having studied the research of pedagogical work in this area, it is worth noting that teaching foreign languages at school today is impossible without an innovative component. Within the framework of modern requirements for the goals of teaching a foreign language, the direction is changing towards the technology of student-centered learning in close cooperation between teacher and student. This is confirmed by modern applications for distance learning, when a student is limited in opportunities for a personal meeting with a teacher [5, p.3].
Working on the Internet cannot replace a teacher. Using the information resources of the network, one should not only familiarize oneself with the necessary information, but clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the students' use of this information, the ways of their independent educational activities with this information. It is important, didactically and methodically competently structure the entire independence of students in the search for information on the Internet in accordance with the goals and objectives set, to anticipate the possible results of their activities (individual or joint).
The main goal of teaching a foreign language to high school students is to educate a person who is willing and able to enter into intercultural communication. Internet resources can undoubtedly be present at all stages of learning a foreign language.
In conclusion, modernity makes ever higher demands on learning and practical knowledge of English in everyday communication. The volumes of information are growing, and often the standard ways of transmitting, storing and processing it are ineffective. The use of information technology reveals the enormous potential of the computer as a learning tool.
Moreover, multimedia programs do not exclude traditional teaching methods, but are harmoniously combined with them at all stages of learning. The use of information technologies in the classroom makes it possible not only to significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching, but also to motivate students to further independent study of the English language, thereby solving one of the problems in teaching a foreign language.
List of used literature
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