The Storytelling method lies in the non-standard nature of its implementation, it is an example of an informational - game project (practical skills are formed). It is no secret that the same type of lessons reduces learning activity and dulls attention. The non-standard form of the method involves one of the forms of group learning, which contributes to the implementation of complex goals, the assimilation of the knowledge base; forms the skills of self-control, the ability to express personal opinions and take into account the opinions of others, a sense of duty and responsibility for results. A student, applying the Storytelling Method, not only perceives information, but actively participates in its assimilation, mastering the ways of their independent replenishment and expansion.
The goal of the Storytelling method is to create a comfortable learning environment in which each student will feel successful, intellectually competent, and independent.
Learning goal: to summarize and systematize basic information on language and literature; form an integral system of personal knowledge, structure the studied theoretical material; improve punctuation skills and habits; improve creative skills.
Developing goal: to develop speech communication skills; develop creative skills to independently solve new cognitive tasks; improve mental actions to analyze, compare, systematize and generalize, prove and justify; with the help of communicative-speech didactic material, develop observation, attentiveness, intelligence as important elements of a person's mental activity.
Educational goal: to educate students in independence, justice, benevolence, humanity, diligence, perseverance, desire to work creatively.
Storytelling is a technology for creating a story and transmitting the necessary information with its help in order to influence the emotional, motivational, and cognitive spheres of the listener.
The method of storytelling, or storytelling, was invented and successfully tested on personal experience by David Armstrong, head of the international company Armstrong International. In developing his method, David Armstrong took into account a well-known psychological factor: stories are more expressive, exciting, interesting, and more easily associated with personal experience than rules or directives. They are better remembered, they are given more importance, and their influence on people's behavior is stronger.
I am convinced that you will agree: the ability to speak, to formulate your own thoughts are essential life skills for every person. Today, the possession of information, its processing, the ability to clearly convey feelings, to argue their position are the main tasks facing education.
Speech is a complex psychological process that cannot be evaluated or developed separately from thinking or perception. Storytelling is an emotional, engaging and memorable process. So, storytelling as a fiction of fairy tales, stories is well suited for the formation of oral speech of students.
Both educators and psychologists all over the world are interested in storytelling, since explaining material in the form of storytelling develops students' imagination, logic and increases the level of cultural education. Stories tell the story of how decisions are made and relationships are built. Through the exchange of stories, building emotional connections, students and teachers create better and better relationships.
The storytelling method can be presented in the following classification:
1. Non-commercial types of storytelling:
- Cultural - talks about the values, morality and beliefs of people.
Society is interested in passing on to the future generation with the help of stories all the hardships and hardships of their religious beliefs, so that the younger generation understands through what difficulties, struggles or miracles the faith went through.
With the help of stories, you can tell children about the rules of behavior in society, why it is so important to follow safety rules, and so on.
As an example, this type of storytelling is useful when studying the topic "Old Russian Literature".
- Social - people tell about each other. The rumors are about social storytelling. People share news about everything and everyone, from acquaintances to outstanding people. This form of storytelling is popular with people, understandable and convenient, and brings people together in interest groups. It is calming. Telling what they hear about others, people forget about their problems for a while. Sometimes it can give you an idea of how to improve your own life.
In school, storytelling about famous people can inspire students and become an example for building their lives. These can be interesting stories about the life of prominent artists, scientists, artists, politicians.
-Myths, legends.
Myths are stories that tell about what is possible in true events, but this cannot be confirmed, since no one knows exactly where this myth originally came from. Myths, like fairy tales, reflect the culture of the people and remind us of what to watch out for in life in order to become happy.
- Jump story - many people like to listen to stories about mystical entities, ghosts, UFOs, etc. Such stories are jokingly called "jump stories" (from the English "jump story"), when an unexpected ending makes us jump from fear in a chair. These stories help us overcome our own fears of the unknown.
- Family - family legends tell the life of their ancestors. These stories are passed down from generation to generation and help us remember our ancestors and know the motives, for example, why the family moved, or why some family members live separately, or left the country. Such stories can be both funny and sad, but it is always interesting to know who and what our distant ancestors were.
- Friendly - These stories bring friends together as they remember certain experiences they had together.
- Personal - personal stories tell about their own experiences and experiences. This is an important type of storytelling because stories like these help us understand ourselves, define who we really are, and can give us a push to start developing. Personal stories can tell us in which direction to move, understand how to act through the prism of past mistakes and discoveries.
2. Commercial storytelling, that is, stories that are used to create their own brand, to promote a brand, product, idea, to attract people. Commercial storytelling is similar to social storytelling, where you can tell the story of the first 10 cents Rockefeller once earned; and who is not interested in a commercial for the Coca - Cola brand with an interesting story.
Basic storytelling features
This method can be used to develop a range of competencies in students that will allow school graduates to be competitive in the modern world, because this method performs certain functions, namely:
1. Motivational function. It is a way of persuading students to inspire them to take initiative in the learning process.
2. Unifying function. Stories are a tool for the development of friendships, collective and interpersonal relationships in the classroom, group.
3. Communicative function. Stories can improve communication at different levels.
4. Tool of influence. Allows you to non-directive influence on students and form their socially useful beliefs.
5. Utility function. One of the easiest ways to communicate the content of a task or project to others.
In conclusion, we can say that storytelling is a creative story, unlike the actual story (retelling, description from memory), which is based on the work of perception, memory, reproductive imagination, creative stories are based on the work of creative imagination. The obligatory components of such a story should be new images, situations, actions independently created by the child. At the same time, students use their acquired experience, knowledge, but combine them in a new way. The younger generation of today communicates mainly in the virtual world. Therefore, real communication becomes an art that needs to be taught again. The storytelling method is perfect for this.
List of used literature: