How to use creative exercises in teaching translation - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

How to use creative exercises in teaching translation

Суханова О.В. 1, Кокоев И.Т. 1
1Военный учебно-научный центр Военно-воздушных сил #Военно-воздушная академия им. проф. Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина#
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To meet the diverse demands that future officers will face military higher educational institutions must provide training that will allow to prepare officers with wide scientific worldview, possessing creative and innovative thinking, capable of ingesting an array of information, solving complicated and multifaceted tasks in their work and eager to perfect their professional skills.

The system of supplementary vocational education, and, in our case, professionally oriented translation, is an effective tool in training a future officer. Content of the curriculum, teaching materials and ways of giving knowledge that keep up with the times are very important.

The problem how to acquire the techniques, skills and strategies necessary to learn to translate is looked at by such well known researchers as I.S. Alexeeva, A.A. Zaichenko, L.L. Nelyubin, V.A. Samoilenko, M.Ya. Zwilling, V.N. Komissarov and others. The system of exercise used in teaching translation and, in particular, translation in the military sphere includes the following types of exercise:

exercise designed to develop the necessary abilities and skills in written translation and interpreting;

exercise aimed at developing skills of pre-translation analysis;

pre-translation and proper translation exercise;

drills and special exercise [1, 2, 3].

Translation is an act of creation, difficult but inspirational work and according to K.I. Chukovsky, a translator “before everything else is a gifted person.” “Even an average translator must have talent, felicity and so much knowledge that only a man of little culture can look down on him” [5, 242-243]. In view of this, developing creativity must become an intrinsic part of a translation course. That will provide a basis for military translator’s expertise and competitive performance in the future.

It would be a good idea to elaborate the existing systems of exercise with a creative type of exercise. Such type of exercise means adding new elements, for example, transformation, or semantic processing. Here are some examples of such exercises.

Example 1

Type of translation

Oral translation


15 – 20 min.


Developing cadet’s creativity. Selection of clichés necessary for producing a text of a certain genre and style. Producing an official report.


Pairs, minigroups, groups


Prepare newspapers, magazines in English and Russian; video with news items.


1. Cadets choose newspapers, magazines, analyze the news items; make up a list of clichés typical of the written speech.

2. Pairs and minigroups discuss the results they got.

3. The whole group watches 2-3 videos, puts down the phrases typical of verbal news items.

4. Cadets get topics, widely discussed by the mass media. Cadets make up news reports in English / Russian using some of the clichés (5-7 sentences). It would be a good idea to record their speech.

5. Cadets’ assignment involves writing official reports using some of the clichés.

Possible topics for reports

1. NATO boosts Black Sea presence

2. US mulls returning to Open Skies Treaty

3. Операции боевой авиации РФ в Сирии

4. Сирийские боевики пытались атаковать авиабазу Хмеймим

Example 2

Type of translation

Written translation by ear of the text from English into Russian


25-30 min.


Developing creativity, listening skills, synchronization with writing.


Must be done in class.


A text according to the curriculum and commensurate with cadets’ ability.


1. Cadets write the translation of the text read only once by the teacher.

2. Then cadets are asked to add to their translation 5-10 appropriate in meaning adjectives, previously studied terms, or they can be asked to use synonyms.

3. Finally the translation is checked and the best translation is selected.


Text: The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on 2 August1990 evoked a response from the United States. …

Translation: Вторжение Ирака в Кувейт вызвало реакцию Соединённых Штатов. …

Translation (whenthetaskisdone): Вторжение Ирака в Кувейт вызвало бурную / незамедлительную реакцию Соединённых Штатов. …

In conclusion it should be said that this article was written with the view to giving some examples of creative exercise that can be used in the classroom. The given creative exercises will inspire creative abilities of cadets and contribute to skills development.

List of literature

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Нелюбин Л.Л. Переводческая лингводидактика: учеб.-метод. пособ. - М.: Издательство «Флинта: Наука», 2009. 320 с.

Цвиллинг М.Я. О переводе и переводчиках: сб. науч. Статей – М.: Вост. кн., 2009. 288с.

Самойленко В.А. Методика обучения устному переводу: дис. ...канд. пед. наук – Липецк. 1998.

Чуковский К.И. Высокое искусство. Собрание сочинений: в 6 т. – М.: Художественная литература, 1966. Т. 3. 630с.

Вербицкая М.В. Устный перевод: Английский язык: учеб. пособ. – М.: Глосса Пресс, 2008. 384с.

Воробьёва М.В.., Андронкина Н.М. Система упражнений для формирования творческих речевых умений иноязычного межкультурного общения на основе перевода // Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2013. № 5. С. 111–114.

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