The goal of field-specific teaching of foreign languages is to increase the level of proficiency in a foreign language within the framework of a non-philological profile "at least to a functional (working) one, assuming linguistic correctness and functional adequacy to situations of profile-oriented foreign language communication.
A new approach to the content of education is determined, first of all, by taking into account the specific needs of learners in the use of a foreign language, in focusing on the learner's personality, the level of his abilities and language training.
According to S. Krashen's theory, students of a foreign language have two ways of comprehending it: 1) mastery - a subconscious and intuitive process of building a language system, similar to the process of acquiring speech by children; 2) the process of its conscious study, when students follow the form, comprehend the rules and are aware of everything that happens to them. The goal of learning the language S. Krashen saw in the optimal use by students of the so-called "monitor", a mechanism for consciously tracking the use of the language, making changes and corrections to improve formal correctness. An important condition for mastering the language, he considered the complication of one order of magnitude of the material perceived by ear or when reading, in comparison with the level of the student's current competence.
One of the most interesting models of profession-oriented foreign language learning is presented in the book: Hutchinson, T., Waters, A. English for Specific Purposes: A learning-centered approach. This model is based on the following ideas:
1. Single knowledge in itself is of little significance. They acquire meaning and are used when they are included in the system of existing knowledge. 2. It is this system that makes it possible to establish new connections. 3. Units of knowledge are not equal in importance. Some of them are difficult to learn, but they can provide ample opportunities for further learning. 4. The student does better by developing strategies for solving problems that arise in the learning process. 5. Language is a system. If this is just a random set for a student, teaching will be difficult, if at all possible. 6. The need to acquire knowledge is a necessary factor in learning, but equally important is the need to get pleasure from this process.
For teachers of a foreign language for special purposes, it seems advisable to adopt some kind of eclectic approach, which, on the one hand, would include what is useful from different theories, and on the other, would be based on ideas and personal teaching experience. A distinctive feature of profession-oriented teaching of a foreign language is the awareness of the needs of its study by students. When designing a foreign language course for specific purposes, understanding why students need to learn it has an impact on what can be accepted as acceptable content and what potential can be used.
Thus, teaching a foreign language has a differentiated multilevel character depending on the specific needs and the initial level of the student's foreign language proficiency.
List of references
1. Ershova P.M., Ershova A.P., Bukatov V.M. Communication in the classroom, or directing the teacher's behavior - M., 1998.
2. Office of a foreign language. Ed. E.S. Pilate. - M., 2003.
3. Kolesnikova I., Dolgina O. English-Russian terminological reference book on methods of teaching foreign languages. OUP, 2001.