XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021


Колмыкова В.С. 1, Романчук М.Г. 1
1ФГБОУ ВО «Воронежский государственный университет», г. Воронеж, Россия
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The current climate in the field of modern higher education is due to the characteristic prerequisites for a fundamental increase in the level of student learning, constant excellence of the teaching staff and the increasingly obvious digital integration of educational technologies.

It is hard to deny that the educational environment is part of a single sociocultural space, a significant part of which is intertwined with information and communication technologies. We believe that in the aspect of the educational environment, the concept of digitalization often has negative connotations, however, in our opinion, such a unipolar consideration of the issue is neither correct nor promising, because it is important to consider each problem as an opportunity, as a potential springboard for new achievements and conquering the heights of science.

The national project "Education" aims to create a modern and safe digital educational environment, ensuring high quality and accessibility of education of all types and levels by 2024. We consider educational cyberspace as a multifunctional toolkit for searching and obtaining information from various sources, as an environment for professional communication in the educational sphere.

The significant transformations taking place in the educational space stimulate the formation of new mechanisms of personal growth in the professional environment, the formation of new ideals, vectors for self-development and overcoming individual and collective stereotypes. As a result, the education system faces the task of organizing such forms of social interaction and management of the information component so that each future specialist is able to independently make decisions in professional activities, assess his strengths and weaknesses, quickly and competently solve problems in non-standard situations, and also bear responsibility for the decisions taken.

Science has proven that foreign language education has special opportunities to influence the formation of the personality of a future specialist, since through the prism of knowledge of a foreign language culture, a qualitatively new awareness of oneself as a subject of native culture occurs. Such a process is inextricably linked with the constant co-creation of a teacher and a student, since in this case the educational continuum is a dynamic chain of competently verified pedagogical actions and events aimed at the development of the student's personality and professional competence. In addition, referring to the modern normative framework of higher education, and in particular to the Universal Competence of UK-4, we find that a graduate of a higher school must know the types and characteristics of written texts, the most common vocabulary of the common language and the basic terminology of their professional field, which gives we have the right to assert the need to organize a high-quality digital educational environment based on pedagogical principles of continuity and practical focus.

Of course, the concept of lifelong learning in the classics of pedagogical science is not innovative. Back in the 30s of the 19th century, Adolf Disterweg correlates the concepts of continuous education and educational activities of students. However, the modern concept of educational continuity implies such an organization of the educational process in higher education, where each previous stage prepares and stimulates a smooth transition to the next. It should be noted that in the report of the Minister of Education and Science to the Government of the Russian Federation in 2004, there are words that are so relevant today about the need to put the continuity of education in the foreground. That is why we consider the pedagogical principle of continuity as one of the key ones in the process of organizing a high-quality digital educational environment. Building a strategy for the continuity of learning a foreign language in a professional aspect involves a complex compilation of various forms, methods, means in the educational process, considers them in combination with creative work, while integrating all the possibilities of digital technologies. This understanding of the general didactic digital educational foreign language environment is the key to effective organization of the educational process, revealing the internal reserves of the young generation of future specialists.

The focus on results, the point and systemic application of the baggage of acquired knowledge and skills, professional motivation, the disclosure of the internal potencies and intellectual reserves of a student of higher education do not seem to us to be realized without a practice-oriented vector of educational activity. The implementation of the principle of practical orientation in a digital educational environment allows you to maximize the full potential of the educational process by modeling certain aspects of the professional activity of a future specialist. Such an approximation of the educational environment to the real professional sphere, without simplifications and indulgences, with the coverage of previous historical experience and current trends, as well as flexible integration of theory and practice, ensure the achievement of the key pedagogical goal - the formation of the foundations of professional competence.

It is the transition from theoretical foundations to practical application that is the seed of knowledge and personality development. We believe that the digital educational environment has special opportunities for transforming theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge in a shorter time without compromising the quality of education, thus cyberspace wins the modern quality race with the richness of vivid visualization of the material, competent distribution and organization of valuable teaching time, constant monitoring of student progress and feedback. communication at absolutely every stage of the educational process.

Thus, the methodological regulation of the formation of a high-quality digital educational environment in the process of foreign language education in higher education is a dynamically developing integrative complex of literate pedagogical actions, which is based on the continuity of the educational process at all stages of education, the practical orientation of the application of the knowledge gained and the special capabilities of digital technologies. stimulating interest, motivation and intellectual and creative development of the personality of the future specialist.


1. The concept of introducing electronic distance learning systems into the activities of educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Electronic resource. Access mode:

2. National project "Education" / // date of treatment 12/7/2020.

3. Tretyakova N.V. Preparation of a competitive specialist in the context of the implementation of the competence-based approach: thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences / Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, 2010.- P. 24.

Просмотров работы: 5