The development of critical thinking skills of teenagers in English lessons during distance learning - Студенческий научный форум

XIII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2021

The development of critical thinking skills of teenagers in English lessons during distance learning

Суярова А.Б. 1, Жусупова Роза Флюровна 2
1Евразийский Национальный Университет имени Л.Н.Гумилёва
2Евразийский Национальный университет им. Л.Н.Гумилёва
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The Kazakhstani educational system should be aimed at training a creative, proactive, competitive, mobile personality, ready to live and work in a dynamically changing world, to learn throughout life. At present, it is very important that people know how to think critically, however, the participation of Kazakhstani schoolchildren in international studies shows that only 25% of students have necessary skills for logical thinking. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the results of the participation of Kazakhstani schoolchildren in international studies PISA, TIMSS demonstrate that students answer well the questions of the level of knowledge and understanding on Bloom's taxonomy, but at the same time find it difficult to answer questions of a higher level - analysis, synthesis and evaluation [1,2]. It is the last three criteria that are aspects of a well-developed critical thinking skill.

The criticality of the mind is the ability of a person to objectively evaluate his own and other people's thoughts, carefully and comprehensively check all the proposed positions and conclusions. Critical thinking helps a person to determine his own priorities in his personal and professional life, assumes taking individual responsibility for the choice made, increases the level of the individual culture of working with information, forms the ability to analyze and draw independent conclusions, predict the consequences of his decisions and be responsible for them, allows to develop a culture of dialogue in joint activities. In the context of distance learning, each teacher needs to pay special attention to the development of critical thinking of students.

The problem of the formation of critical thinking has become the most urgent in the last 15-20 years and is considered in the works of such researchers as B. Beyer, Judy A. Braus, D. Halpern, C. Temple, D. Cluster. By critical thinking, American authors understand the manifestation of children's curiosity, the development of their own point of view on a particular issue, the ability to defend it with logical arguments, the use of research methods.

In the mid-90s of the XX century. American educators (J. Steele, K. Meredith, C. Temple) developed and proposed a new teaching methodology and an international educational program "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing", which is based on the provisions and ideas of constructivism (J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky and others); metacognitive teaching (E.L. Brown, I. Beck and others), etc. Technology named "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" is a modern "supra-subject" technology that solves the following tasks: educational motivation: increasing interest in the learning process and active perception of educational material; culture of writing: the formation of skills in writing texts of various genres; information literacy: development of the ability for independent analytical and evaluative work with information of any complexity; social competence: the formation of communication skills and responsibility for knowledge. It is necessary to develop in students the skills and abilities to cooperate, work as equals and lead, respect people of different backgrounds, show personal initiative, implement their principles and skillfully link fundamental, “eternal” values with rapidly changing situations.

The meaning of the concept of "criticality" has been repeatedly emphasized in the studies of Russian scientists L.V. Vygotsky, O.N. Menchinskaya, S.L. Rubinstein, A.A. Smirnova, B.M. Teplova, I.I. Kozhukhovsky.

Investigations about critical thinking have been and are being dealt with by P.P. Blonsky, A.S. Bayramov, A.I. Lipkina, L.A. Rybak, V.M. Sinelnikov, D.M. Shakirova, L.I. Shragina, V.A. Korzhuev, G.B. Sorina, S. I. Zair-Bek, I. V. Mushtavinskaya, V. A. Popkov, E.A. Hodos, A.V. Butenko, Yu.N. Kuljutkina, J. Vilkeeva and others. As the main criterion of critical thinking, the authors singled out the person's knowledge of the essence of contradiction and the ability to identify it.

Since 1996, the international educational program "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" has been distributed jointly by the Open Society Institute, the International Readers' Association and the Consortium of Humane Pedagogy. This program has been tested in schools in America, Asia, 12 countries of Eastern, Central Europe and the CIS. It has been implemented in Russia since 1997. Centers for critical thinking operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk.

Since 1998, the project "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" has been working in Kazakhstan, which is being implemented through the Center for Democratic Education "Soros-Kazakhstan" with the support of the international fund USAID. The project is headed by S. Mirseitova.

Issues of critical thinking in Kazakhstan are dealt with by A.Rysbaeva, B. Turganbaeva, A. Alimov, AK Mynbaeva, Z.M. Sadvakasova, N.T. Ospanova.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, at present, within the framework of the designated priority areas for the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a huge work is underway to update the content of education.

One of the mechanisms for updating is the definition of new methodological approaches to the selection of content, its standardization. The standard is a framework document and is a tool for the implementation of state policy in the field of education.

At present, considering the experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, a state compulsory education standard is being developed. In modern conditions, the school must educate, train and develop a highly moral, creative, critically thinking personality, capable of continuously raising its own level of education and culture, bringing benefits to itself and society, and being successful in a constantly changing world. The main goal of training in critical thinking is to expand mental competencies for the effective solution of social, scientific and practical problems, as well as in stimulating the advancement of new ideas and innovations. Critical thinking is the ability to think thoughtfully about the surrounding reality, find and objectively evaluate the information received, compare and analyze different points of view, understand the complexity and contradictions of social phenomena.

A critically thinking person must independently solve problems, support these decisions with reasonable and well-founded arguments. The most important indicators of the development of critical thinking are its effectiveness and independence, a person's ability to think logically and consistently, about the ability to solve assigned tasks quickly and creatively, make correct comparisons, formulate informed conclusions, make informed decisions.

Within the framework of the system-adaptive translation of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools experience into secondary schools of the republic in the context of updating the content of education, the goals of secondary education are determined through a system of values. Values ​​are educational guidelines that dictate the selection of all content. The competence-based approach assumes the formation of a wide range of skills, which include critical thinking skills, the ability to work with information and use ICT, teamwork skills and communication skills. A wide range of skills form the basis of the functional literacy of students, which is necessary for their successful socialization in the future [3].

There are four stages in the formation of critical thinking in the context of psychological and pedagogical interpretation:

actualization of knowledge, awakening interest, inquisitive attitude to the topic, determining the goals of studying the material;

comprehension of new information, critical reading and writing;

reflection or reflection, the formation of personal opinion and attitude to the material;

generalization and assessment of information, problems, ways of solving it and the manifestation of their own capabilities.

Determining the level of development of criticality is an important condition for the choice of pedagogical technologies, methods for the formation and development of students' thinking. Mostly there are three levels of demonstration of critical thinking:

emerging criticality: the subject notices that mistakes and inconsistencies have been made in the image of the object of knowledge, but he is not yet able to comprehend and explain them;

ascertaining criticality, when the subjects find inconsistencies and mistakes made in the object of knowledge, but do not seek to reveal the source of their occurrence (typical for students of the first and second grades);

corrective criticality - the subjects not only reflect the parts, details of the object of knowledge in the interdependence relationship and reveal the mistakes and absurdities made in them, but reveal the reasons for their occurrence, and also indicate the ways and means of their elimination.

So, the process of developing critical thinking suggests building a lesson according to the challenge - comprehension - reflection scheme and offers a set of techniques and strategies. We present a description of the main most commonly used strategies and techniques used in English lessons.

Technique "Presentation of information in clusters"

Clusters (blocks of ideas) are a graphical way to organize teaching material. Making some notes, sketches for memory, we, often intuitively, distribute them in a special way, arrange them into categories. Bunches are a graphical technique for organizing material. The cluster system encompasses more information than you would normally get in writing. This technique can be applied at the stage of the challenge, when we organize information before acquaintance with the main source (text) in the form of questions or headings of semantic blocks.

Technique "True or False Statements"

At the beginning of the lesson, certain statements may be offered on a topic. The students are then asked to determine if the statements are correct by justifying their answer. After getting acquainted with the basic information (the text of the paragraph, the lecture on this topic), we return to these statements and ask the students to evaluate their reliability using the information received in the lesson.

To stimulate more attentive reading, you can use the INSERT technique (Vaughan and Estes, modified by Meredith and Steele)

I interactive

N noting

S system

E effective

R reading

T thinking

The great importance in the technology for the development of critical thinking is given to techniques that form the ability to deal with the questions. While traditional teaching is based on ready-made “answers” that are presented to students, the technology of critical thinking focuses on questions as the main driving force of thinking.

The table of "Thick" and "Thin" questions can be used in any of the three phases of the lesson: at the stage of challenge - these are questions before studying the topic, at the stage of comprehension - a way of actively fixing questions during reading, listening, while thinking - demonstrating understanding of the passed material.

Table 1.



How did…?

What if…?

What would happen if…?

what might…?

How would you feel if…?





How many?

As you work with the table, the first column contains questions that require a monosyllabic simple answer. The left column contains questions requiring detailed answers.

Problem solving strategy "Ideal" The development of critical thinking implies the formation of the ability to solve problems. The ability to solve a problem is the ability to see it, analyze it from different points of view, highlight its aspects, consider the problem as a whole, evaluate various solutions (both your own and others'), and choose the most optimal way. It is easier to solve a problem if it is real, that is, it relates to one's own life experience.

James Bransford has developed a problem-solving strategy that can be applied to the first two types of situations, that is, when working with texts and when analyzing situations. This strategy is called IDEAL (this version of the strategy is presented in the interpretation of S.I. Zair-Bek).

I - Identify

D - Define

E - Explore

A - Act

L - Look

The famous Polish didact V. Okun wrote: “An essential characteristic of problem teaching is the student's research activity, which appears in a certain situation and makes him ask himself questions - problems, formulate hypotheses and test them during mental and practical operations. This activity is most often directed towards reality and, when it comes to solving practical problems, even leads to its transformation ... " [5].

In English lessons, the Cinquain technique is widely used, which is useful as a tool for synthesizing information, as a cut of the assessment of conceptual and vocabulary baggage. Cinquains help to analyze lexical wealth or poverty and draw conclusions for both teacher and student. With the outward simplicity of the form, cinquain is a quick but powerful tool for reflection (it is not so easy to summarize information, express ideas, feelings, and ideas in a few words).

Messy, spicy

Slurping, sliding, falling

Between my plate and mouth

(by Cindy Barden)

An integral part of the problematic approach in teaching for the formation of critical thinking is the joint activity of students. In the process of exchanging opinions, the methods that seemed to be the only correct one can be subjected to critical analysis and, as a result, corrected. On the other hand, it often happens that the best option is not accepted by the audience, because sufficient arguments have not been found to defend it. The ability to defend one's point of view on a particular issue is the most important quality that characterizes a critically thinking person. Equally important is another quality - the ability to abandon your point of view, listening to the arguments of the other side.

When studying such topics, when it is necessary to conduct a discussion, effective using of “pros and cons” strategy, which helps in the proposed situations to form their ideas, assessments and beliefs, independently of others, and to argue for them, develops independence in solving problems. The discussion begins by recording positive and negative arguments on the proposed topic. Then, with the help of written theses, statements, the thesis "for" is expressed, then a refutation is heard and the thesis "against" is expressed. You can change the order in which the arguments are pronounced by asking students to first pass the arguments of one side, for example, "for", and then, the other. After all the arguments have been voiced, the students draw conclusions, summing up the results of the discussion. An example of this technique can be the assimilation of the topic "Computer in our life."

For(за)                                                                        Against

spendfreetime harmfulforeyes

have a rest                                        bad information

information computer addiction


"Pivot table" and "Conceptual table" is commonly used for developing students' critical thinking in English lessons. The concept table technique is especially useful when comparing three or more objects. The table is built like this: horizontally is what is to be compared, and vertically there are various features and properties by which this comparison takes place. It is relevant to use this table when comparing Kazakhstan with the countries of the target language, national traditions and customs, etc. An example is the text describing England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, according to which the table is created. Everyone works with their own piece of text in one of the countries, selects facts for the table, prepares for the statement. Students complete the table.
















Northern Ireland


Thus, when teaching a foreign language, we can solve the problem of not only the formation of communicative competence, but also develop critical thinking of students through a foreign language. The use of strategies and techniques of critical thinking in English classes contributes to the formation of students' thinking and language skills, the development of their creative abilities, the ability to operate with language categories, clearly and logically build oral and written statements according to the purpose and specific situation of communication.


OECD Materials «Review of National Policies for Education: Secondary Education in Kazakhstan». - Astana, 2014 . - 312 p.

Основные результаты международного исследования образовательных достижений

15-летних обучающихся PISA-2012. А. Култуманова, Г. Бердибаева, Б. Картпаев, И. Иманбек, К. Шарбанова, М. Рахимова, Ж. Жумабаева, З. Пирнепесова, Б. Окенова, А. Увалиева. Астана: НЦОСО, 2013 - 283 стр.

Результаты международного исследования TIMSS-2011: Национальный отчет. – Астана: НЦОСО, 2013. – 237 с.

Diane F. Halpern «Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking» – St. Petersburg, 2000. – 512 p.

Zаgаshev I.О., Zair-Bek S.I. (2003) «Critical thinking: technology of development. Prospects for higher education». - St. Petersburg: SkifiyaPubl.

Просмотров работы: 57